UFO:Alien Invasion
Development => Coding => Topic started by: TrashMan on August 20, 2008, 11:09:46 am
One question guys - it's probably in the wrong thread, but what the heck - I added the XAW95 to the research list, and when I research it and go to Produce it, the see doubleentries for both the XAW95 and it's ammo.
At first I thought there might be 2 xaw95's in the equipment and human weapons files, but there is only one entry....is this supposed to happen? I recall it happening when I first tried out the Coilgun too...doesn't happen now with it tough.
please attach a screenshot - and a diff of your script changes
// =======================
// =======================
item xaw95
name "_XAW95"
model weapons/xaw95/xaw95
weapon true
type biggun
animationindex 1
holdtwohanded true
firetwohanded true
shape "0 0 5 2"
center "9 0 2"
scale 1.0
ammo 200
reload 25
price 50000
size 40
buytype weap_pri
item xaw95_ammo
name "_XAW95 Magazine"
model weapons/xaw95/xaw95_ammo
type ammo
animationindex 0
shape "0 0 3 2"
center "0 0 0"
scale 1.0
price 7500
size 10
buytype weap_pri
dmgtype normal
weapon_mod xaw95
name "_20-Round Burst"
skill heavy
projtl bullet
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/chaingun
speed 0
spread "0.5 2"
crouch 1.3
range 80
shots 20
ammo 20
delaybetweenshots 30
time 12
damage "22 2"
dmgweight normal_spray
reaction true
name "_40-Round Burst"
skill heavy
projtl bullet
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/chaingun
speed 0
spread "0.5 2"
crouch 1.3
range 80
shots 40
ammo 40
delaybetweenshots 30
time 20
damage "22 2"
dmgweight normal_spray
reaction true
name "_Full-Auto"
skill heavy
projtl bullet
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/chaingun
speed 0
spread "1.5 3"
crouch 1.3
range 80
shots 80
ammo 80
delaybetweenshots 50
time 30
damage "22 2"
dmgweight normal_spray
reaction true
name "_Full-Auto Sweep"
skill heavy
projtl bullet
impact bulletImpact
hitbody null
firesnd weapons/chaingun
speed 0
spread "1.5 7.5"
crouch 1.3
range 80
shots 80
ammo 80
delaybetweenshots 50
time 30
damage "22 2"
dmgweight normal_spray
reaction true
tech rs_weapon_xaw95
type weapon
up_chapter equipment
description {
default "_xaw95_txt"
pre_description {
default "_xaw95_pre_txt"
from "_mail_from_paul_navarre"
to "_mail_to_base_commander"
subject "_Experimental Assault Weapon"
icon icons/tech
from "_mail_from_paul_navarre"
to "_mail_to_base_commander"
subject "_Experimental Assault Weapon"
icon icons/tech
tech rs_skill_heavy
provides xaw95
time 1500
producetime 250
tech rs_weapon_xaw95_ammo
// Note: Multiplayer only
type weapon
up_chapter equipment
description {
default "_xaw95_ammo_txt"
pre_description {
default "_xaw95_ammo_pre_txt"
tech rs_damage_normal
tech rs_weapon_xaw95
provides xaw95_ammo
time 0
producetime 50
[attachment deleted by admin]
I think this could be the same reason for what I found in ufopaedia. Some weapons are described twice: in weapons_humans.ufo and weapons_multiplayer.ufo.
Perhaps this results in duplication.