UFO:Alien Invasion

Development => Mapping => Topic started by: ghosta on August 01, 2008, 09:45:06 am

Title: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 01, 2008, 09:45:06 am
I tried to make my first map:

Its polycount with 200 is a bit high I guess, but it would be nice if anyone could take a look at it and tell me, if something else is wrong.

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Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 01, 2008, 10:22:52 am
there should maybe be a railing around the upper floor - otherwise the actors can walk on the tanks (might confuse pathfinding)

except that i see no other problems
/me is waiting for an industrial rma ;)
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: BTAxis on August 01, 2008, 10:26:23 am
You might want to use the new actorclip and stepon textures.

Did you test this map?
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 01, 2008, 11:30:28 am
I compiled it, and startet it with the game, but I still have to test it with players.

Is there a way to fix the textures? Everytime I move the map (especially the signs), the textures start shifting around too and I have to find the right position again...

Where can I find the new actorclip and stepon textures?
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Kildor on August 01, 2008, 12:03:00 pm
tex\tex_common\actorclip.tga, nodraw.tga, weaponclip.tga, stepon.tga
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 01, 2008, 12:58:01 pm
Now with railing http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=DDCXUVC1
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 01, 2008, 01:51:23 pm
activate the texture lock to move brushes around without changing the texture alignment.

please attach it to the forum thread - i hate waiting for downloads ;)
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 01, 2008, 09:17:33 pm
Here u get another map and the oiltank again.

I compiled and started it successfull.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: BTAxis on August 02, 2008, 01:45:39 am
By the way, are you planning on making a tileset that uses these tiles?
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 02, 2008, 11:45:01 am
if you put the barrels exactly on the border of a tile, you have to be sure, that you use a correct sunlight angle for your tiles - otherwise it might be possible, that no shadow is casted (casted into the void)
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: BTAxis on August 02, 2008, 12:46:20 pm
Or he could rotate the tile so it is fine with the default sunlight - which direction is the default sunlight anyway? +x -y, I think?
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: blondandy on August 02, 2008, 04:32:46 pm
slightly off thread, but check the light across edges of tiles in day and night versions.

i noticed (not on these), but in svn many night maps have light coming out of doors and terminating at the edge of the tile.
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 02, 2008, 04:52:38 pm
By the way, are you planning on making a tileset that uses these tiles?

Maybe. At the moment I try doing it, but I wont promise anything...

if you put the barrels exactly on the border of a tile, you have to be sure, that you use a correct sunlight angle for your tiles - otherwise it might be possible, that no shadow is casted (casted into the void)

Uhm, if you get problems with the shadows of barrels, what will happen to the pipe? This would only allow one direction for my pipes... Otherwise there would be parts without shadows...

And the next Problem: I can compile the maps and start them, but if I try to start one with a "info_player_start" to test my stairs the game crashes... I use the Version 2.2.1 for Windows.
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 02, 2008, 05:27:10 pm
add at least 8 starting positions
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 02, 2008, 11:23:12 pm
btw. the license you are releasing your under is gpl 2.0 or later i suppose? if you are using
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 03, 2008, 01:28:07 pm
license? What license? I built the maps on my own and all I used are the UFO_AI prefabs...
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: BTAxis on August 03, 2008, 02:46:47 pm
You have to release your work under a license so we can claim it's free software. Some people take this very seriously.
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: blondandy on August 03, 2008, 03:06:30 pm
so you have to say something like "i release my work unto thee under whatever version of GPL or CC you like" and everyone is happy

and ufo:ai can be included in linux distros and repos.
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 03, 2008, 04:23:41 pm
i release my work unto thee under whatever version of GPL or CC you like

How big should the whole map be? How many RMA-parts do you need?
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 03, 2008, 05:33:44 pm
we have 28 in the village theme - the more the better - but also 12 or 16 are useable. but it's really up to you
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 03, 2008, 05:34:25 pm
oh, one more note, if you are using the prefabs, you have to release the maps under gpl 2.0 or later (just as a note)
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 03, 2008, 07:34:22 pm
After compiling the maps the shadows of the pipes really look awful.
Is it possible to draw a invisible brush (nodrawflag) outside the map? Just to get the shadow. Or do you get into trouble with RMA?
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 03, 2008, 10:01:48 pm
no sorry, that is not really possible - but you can place a nodraw brush in a smart way to throw the shadow correctly - and maybe you have to set the lighting settings manually to get this working properly - see the worldspawn article in our wiki about the flags - e.g. you can set the sun to the zenith to get proper working shadows

also: are you using 2.2.1 or 2.3-dev (beta installer or svn self-compiled?) - because if you are using the latter, please set the phong flags for the pipes - that shadow or lightmap method will look way better for pipes and stuff like barrels and so on.
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 04, 2008, 07:25:19 pm
I use 2.2.1.
I try to solve it with nodraw-brushes if they dont block something.
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 08, 2008, 09:07:50 pm
Here you get the first 17 parts of the "industrial map". The .zip file contains just a few oilpipes that could be assigned to the finished map like a road through it.

I have already testet it with some models and the stairs and some other stuff seemed fine. But it would be nice if someone else could take a look at them and tell me, if everything is okay.

On the next step I try to make some buildings or a little oil refinery...

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Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 13, 2008, 08:55:21 pm
Here again the maps for some sort of Industrial map. It also contains the last ones now with the right angle of the sun (and renamed to more confusing abbr. like programmers like to do it ;)).

The .zip file now contains
5 1x1 double straight oilpipes
3 1x1 double corner oilpipes
3 1x1 douple arm oilpipes
3 1x1 single straight oilpipes
3 1x1 single ending oilpipes

1 1x1 double ending oilpipe
1 1x3 double ending oilpipe with some sort of refinery
1 2x3 facility
5 1x1 gapfillers

I compiled all of them and tested the stairs/pathfinding/...
The 2x3 facility file contains a window and I get the same strange behavior described here: http://ufoai.ninex.info/forum/index.php?topic=2862.0

It would be nice if someone could take a look at them and tell me if the maps are working properly.

On the next step I try to make some more gapfillers and this ump-file.

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Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 13, 2008, 09:17:28 pm
you are using some textures from 2.2.1 that are no longer existent in 2.3-dev (due to license issues) - it would be cool if you could use a 2.3-dev build and have a look at the "wrong" textures
Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 17, 2008, 10:13:36 pm
Some more maps.

I am almost finished yet.  All I need to do is getting all of the UFOs on tiles, placing starting positions and finishing the .ump-file i guess.

The missing textures will be fixed after I have a working RMA map.

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Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 18, 2008, 05:01:11 pm
Here u get the promised .ump file and some maptiles for testing the map (containing alien/human spawn points) Richlv convinced me to compile the source. I am going to do it this weekend, then I can create the other tiles containing UFOs, fix the contributed ones and place spawn points.

For now you get the ump file with a "testing" assembly

It looks like this:

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Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: ghosta on August 27, 2008, 07:15:31 pm
Finished and tested...
The ump file just contains a assembly for a landing scout/fighter/supply ship and a dropship.

It also would be nice if someone could replace the prefab_ufo_supply.map with this one. The current is unusable bugged...

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Title: Re: Oiltanks for RMA
Post by: Mattn on August 27, 2008, 08:05:19 pm
done - thanks for your work