UFO:Alien Invasion

Technical support => Windows => Topic started by: MadWallaby on June 03, 2008, 02:05:39 am

Title: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: MadWallaby on June 03, 2008, 02:05:39 am
Hi all,

I've come back to have a look at how things have progressed after four years, but I'm having a terrible time getting the Windows Installer downloaded.  I've had three attempts, from different mirrors, and each time I seem to get about 75% of the installer before it bombs.

Is there a torrent out there that I can grab instead?  If not, could some kind soul establish one please?  (If it's kosher to do so, of course)

Many thanks.  The game looks awesome, by the way!

Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BTAxis on June 03, 2008, 02:23:45 am
I don't think there is a torrent, but I also don't think there are any reasons why someone couldn't make one.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: MadWallaby on June 03, 2008, 04:57:26 am
Thanks for the response.  I've been unsure whether I should even ask about this, whether it's a "Done Thing".

Now all that remains is for a member of this hyperhelpful community to torrentify the installer.  Eternal gratitude, etc...   ;D
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 07, 2008, 04:47:53 am
Under Windows this is a common problem for me. I simply switched to Opera browser and whenever it stops, all I have to do is highlight it in the embedded download manager and click "Resume" (not restart).

http://www.opera.com (http://www.opera.com)
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: tnash on June 08, 2008, 11:34:13 am
Under Windows this is a common problem for me. I simply switched to Opera browser and whenever it stops, all I have to do is highlight it in the embedded download manager and click "Resume" (not restart).

http://www.opera.com (http://www.opera.com)
Cough its not windows fault :D the same issues occur with Linux, and OSx its the fact that Sourceforge is to big for its own good. That said dedicated download managers help but you can find those for all browsers on all OS it just happens opera has one built in.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 08, 2008, 10:19:14 pm
(cough back at you) I actually have this problem on almost any server I use. Just a guess, but maybe a keepalive=0 setting on the server?
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: tnash on June 09, 2008, 06:35:04 pm
Disabling support for Keep Alive might not always be the right move but making sure the KeepAliveTimeout is not set to low might be a good, sourceforge is slightly different as each mirror has its own settings, but I find the mirror it preselects if I'm not logged in is nearly always the one that is down...
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 10, 2008, 06:09:35 pm
If nobody else has started a torrent yet, I suppose I could. Just tell me what torrents you want and what files in them.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: blondandy on June 10, 2008, 07:18:44 pm
a mirror of all the sf.net installers for 2.2.1 would be really cool.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 10, 2008, 07:30:08 pm
Almost done Win32...

I'll have them on thepiratebay.org, and the torrent files will also be on my site, bteck.no-ip.org. Please note, however, that it is down about two-thirds of the time.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 10, 2008, 07:39:26 pm
Here the Windows one is: http://thepiratebay.org/tor/4232546 (http://thepiratebay.org/tor/4232546)

It will be available once I start seeding. I'll post all the rest in a single post after I am done.
To see progress, check the UFOAI directory on my server: http://bteck.no-ip.org/~bam/data/UFO--ALIEN_INVASION/ (http://bteck.no-ip.org/~bam/data/UFO--ALIEN_INVASION/)

Please tell me if you have problems with the torrent.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 10, 2008, 09:49:01 pm
By the way, while I have the only seeds it may go a bit slow considering I'm on 1998 Quantum Bigfoot hard disks and have a 2MB/s upload speed limit.

To help me with hosting this file for those who don't know how:
1. Download the UFO file from Sourceforge that you want to help host
2. Download the torrent file to the folder
3. Install (micro symbol)Torrent (recommended)
4. Open torrent, select to download where it already is
5. Will check hash and seed file with no need to re-download from me

Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on June 12, 2008, 12:07:22 am
All torrents finished. Find them at http://bteck.no-ip.org/~bam/data/UFO--ALIEN_INVASION/ (http://bteck.no-ip.org/~bam/data/UFO--ALIEN_INVASION/) or http://thepiratebay.org (http://thepiratebay.org).
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: MadWallaby on July 17, 2008, 08:12:13 am
BAM - thankyou very much for doing this.  I'm really sorry for my late response, but I really appreciate it.

I was wondering though (lol) would you or anyone else be able to seed again?  I'm at 99.5%... And yes, I'm a compulsive seeder by the way.  You can be sure I'll be seeding this sucker for a fair while.

Thankyou again.

Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on July 17, 2008, 02:44:27 pm
Sorry, my server was down for repair. I got a new HDD last night and will have it up within this week.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: MadWallaby on July 18, 2008, 05:37:11 am
No apologies needed.  Thanks again!
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: blondandy on July 18, 2008, 09:36:33 pm
I guess bittorrent should really come into its own when a new version of ufo:ai is released and lots of people want to download it.

I also guess we should publish checksums for the files, just so folk can be sure that the ones on pirate bay are the same as the ones on sf.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: MadWallaby on July 23, 2008, 01:59:54 am
OK, finally completed.  Thanks once more, BAM.  As promised, I'll try to seed as much as possible for as long as possible.

I have to say, I played a little on the train into work this morning... this game verily glistens with awesomeness.  Well done to all involved.
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on August 19, 2009, 06:03:40 pm
As many of you probably know, The Pirate Bay will be bought out or shut down on the 27th of this month. Therefore, I advise the UFO team to make an official torrent using OpenBittorrent or another similar service. (Or I could make new ones, I guess.) The old link for my website does not work because my ISP caught onto me and blocked port 80. Here's the new link, but with the old torrents. http://bteck.no-ip.org:8080/bam/arc/tor/ (http://bteck.no-ip.org:8080/bam/arc/tor/)
Also I would like to report that I have uploaded over 50 copies of UFO myself with the torrents. Success!  ;D
Title: Re: Trouble downloading... is there a torrent?
Post by: BAM on April 09, 2010, 02:03:26 am
Heh, I wasn't on for over half a year, but I finally fixed the Torrents (since TPB tracker is offline) and put up a 24/7 8mbps seed for all of them on my Windows ADS (because I finally put a new server up and saw 404s for the Torrents  :o). Could somebody please test downloading? Thanks!
http://bteck.no-ip.org:8080/bam/arc/tor (http://bteck.no-ip.org:8080/bam/arc/tor)