UFO:Alien Invasion

Offtopic => Offtopic => Topic started by: Destructavator on June 01, 2008, 02:16:13 am

Title: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Destructavator on June 01, 2008, 02:16:13 am

Thought this might interest some of you forum members, given the subject of this project - According to this recent news story (video is included with the text) A man in the United States is trying to get the US government to create an actual commission to deal with extraterrestrials and aliens.

Not surprisingly, he also claims that many alien species have been documented and have been concealed by the government, and that he has proof.

The video part of the story talks about real organizations that actually do already exist, and how they "play the part of the skeptic" but still investigate such claims.

I would copy the story and paste it here, except the news page has a copyright notice prohibiting that type of thing.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Winter on June 01, 2008, 10:11:40 am
If he had real proof he would've released it straight into the media. Ergo, bullshit.

Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 01, 2008, 03:14:04 pm
We jumped from vacuum tubes to transistors to microprocessors in less than 20 years. 

Folks anyone that refutes that several governments have been dealing with extra terrestrials for the best part of 70 years (since the a bomb).  Is either ignorant, or in denial.

Also the widely disenfranchised nicolai tesla openly admitted in several of his papers that most of his research ideas came from extra terrestrials. 

its 13 billion light years across.... thats a lot of space to waste.

Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 02, 2008, 12:05:34 am
Chalk me up for denial, then.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Falion on June 02, 2008, 03:07:33 am
At the risk of being thought a "Kook", or stupid...I'll relate a personal story of mine for anyone interested to ponder over. Before I relate what happened that night...first some small background on myself.

I'm 46, married, 4 children and I am a martial arts enthusiast, having trained in various styles of arts for around 15+ years. I consider myself...a "realist" and not given to fancy, or in "blowing" things out of proportion...I'm about as "conservative" as they come in my thoughts about almost everything discussed.

This story is not to try and make anyone here believe in anything at all...just something for you to think upon...draw your own conclusions.

I used to hunt and fish quite a bit in the 1980's, but haven't done much of that since being married and raising children...not much time.

My best friend at the time and myself, left for our regular hunting area and campsite early on a Friday afternoon just after we got off work. Our intent was to get up to our area, setup our camp, and then try and scout out a likely area in which to place our deer stands for the next mornings hunt. This was to be our first hunt of the new season...so we were ready to get going.

On the way, we decided to stop and get something to eat...which unfortunately ( slow service ) put us up to our area about 90 minutes later than we had originally planned. We hastily threw up camp, and then went to an area we both new fairly well from previous hunts...hoping to find some fresh signs of deer, and put up our tree stands.

It was almost dark, by the time we left camp, but we had some pretty powerful flashlights, and we were confident of knowing the area, so we were not too flustered. Before I go any further...we were not, or had not had anything to drink in the way of adult beverages...nor were either of us into drugs of any sort whatsoever.

Corby and myself got up to where we wanted to be, and got out of our truck to hastily do what we needed to get done. We had walked roughly about maybe a quarter of a mile from the truck ( by now it was almost true dark ), and the path we were on and the terrain was as follows...I can still see it in my minds eye today...this night was that vivid to me.

We were walking south, with Corby on my left hand side...to his left was a ditch that went down about 15-20 feet deep...and was perhaps about 40 yards wide...before coming back up and leveling out into a field of short pine trees on the other side.

I was using my flashlight on the right hand side of the road, looking for tracks...when Corby just smacked me in the shoulder and said, " Holy *%$^* Steve, LOOK" as he pulled on my sleeve. I looked past him to the left where he was looking and over the pine trees on the other side was this...glowing ORANGE BALL ( I have no other way to describe it ) about 20-25 feet around...or so I am guessing its hard to actually say. This thing made NO NOISE...not a whisper...and as we watched it hover there it suddenly went to the right...so fast I could barely keep track of it...then it did what for all intents is impossible...it did a right angle...not a curve...a complete right angle...like completely horizontal and then straight up...at what had to be an insane amount of speed until it was lost from sight...in about 2 seconds. There was no air disturbance of any kind, nor a sonic boom, but this thing moved faster than anything I've ever seen...and from a dead stop.

Now...this is the creepy part...we were already a bit unnerved but we considered the thing gone, and we still had to hunt the next day. So...we started to search for deer sign again...even though we were feeling more than a bit weird...heck that's an understatement. You know that feeling, that you get when you just "know" someone is watching you...well I got that feeling all of a sudden...the hair was literally standing up on my neck...so I glanced behind me. That thing was back, and it was just "observing" us...hovering there above the tree line again.

Well...we didn't wait around any longer...I can't remember what we said, as we ran like scared out of our minds children for our truck, but I'm sure that it would require LOTS of censoring.

Was it an alien spacecraft? A true UFO? I'm not saying that...I have no idea at all what it was...just that it scared the daylights out of 2 grown and fairly rational men. I do know, that it was not a helicopter, nor any type of aircraft that I can even contemplate. It was not a weather balloon, nor was it some stupid air reflections off of something, this thing did behavior...that defies anything I personally know of that we use for flight. The G's alone would smash a pilot flat dead, doing the right angle at the speed that it did, unless it were something unmanned. Even at that, this "ball / sphere" had no observable flight control surfaces I could see...NONE. I freely admit, that I did not have a great deal of time to study ( too busy running the second time ) whatever this thing was, but to my eye...NONE and it generated no noise ( nothing )...how is that even possible? Draw your own conclusions...make your own hypothesis...I am neither a Physics person, nor a mathematician...but to this day I still think of that night and that very strange thing we saw.

Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Destructavator on June 02, 2008, 11:37:02 pm
That's quite a story - and I believe you!

I'll say this much - I've heard of a lot of reported UFO sightings investigated and found to have been something mundane (meaning not an alien), but given how much is in this universe and how many planets there are, I doubt we're alone, and given how much attention we must attract by blasting out so many signals as TV and radio broadcasts, etc., I would not be surprised if life from another system has been studying our planet and us for some time.

I'll also say this:  As a race, we are not ready for any publicly open confirmed contact/interaction with alien life, at least not yet.  I say this because we are very divided, various religions and ideas that conflict, and we still wage wars against each other.  We're not united, we don't live in harmony with any kind of real peace or uniformity, and we still fight each other - many of us still don't even understand other cultures and how they live and think on our own planet.

We are not ready.

Assuming we survive the next several hundred years without killing each other, it will likely be some time before we are even close to being ready.  Even very old hateful feelings between different nations and cultures are very much alive today, and in fact present bigger problems than ever because of advances in military technologies - Same old hard feelings, but now we have more dangerous toys to fight each other with.  As a side note, it's too bad we can't "un-invent" some of the more nasty weapons, especially the nuclear bomb, but what's done is done.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 02, 2008, 11:50:49 pm
Assuming we survive the next several hundred years without killing each other,

Can I just point out that we fail to do that on a daily basis.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Falion on June 03, 2008, 04:21:09 pm
I never knew that about Tesla...in fact I know / knew almost nothing about the man at all.

I thought I would research a little about him...amazing...sounds like the man was an absolute genius. While looking around several Tesla sites...this other site was somehow linked...why I'm not really sure. It seems to have some pretty interesting things, that some of us might like to, given time... read over a few of the things listed there. In fact, I just emailed the site with the account / story that I listed here ( minus my personal info, as I have no want of being public ), saying feel free to post it up in their DB.

Here is the link, for anyone even remotely interested.

Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 07, 2008, 04:58:24 am
About the radio and television broadcasts, they would not reach other planets. The waves would get distorted through varying gravities and other various waves, not to mention signal deterioration. That lessens the chance, but still...

Although, I wouldn't be surprised if a lifeform that isn't from this planet is reading this forum right now...
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 07, 2008, 11:02:18 am
I certainly suspect a few.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 10, 2008, 01:20:57 am
About the radio and television broadcasts, they would not reach other planets. The waves would get distorted through varying gravities and other various waves, not to mention signal deterioration. That lessens the chance, but still...

Although, I wouldn't be surprised if a lifeform that isn't from this planet is reading this forum right now...

on the first... they do have broadcasts every voyager probe sent out gives precise coordinates of our location.. and btw SETI has been broadcasting our location galactically for 25 years... (there is about 15 stars within that range)

on the second... I've often suspected non natives to be using internet to communicate with humans
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 10, 2008, 06:15:47 pm
Although those signals may reach other planets, I particularly meant radio and television broadcasts. If these could be recepted by other species, they could study human culture, society etc. and learn about important current events.

I agree that the internet would be a likely communication method, considering yu can easily pretend to be someone, get a free email, and telecommunicate securely since there is not much traffic regulation (yet). Also, if they wanted to contact world leaders, they could easily send a message through their mail servers' SMTP port.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 11, 2008, 12:48:46 am
Listen to us via e-mail: absolutely.  Communicate via e-mail with the leaders: I somewhat doubt that.  What would you do if tomorrow you would receive an e-mail from an alien?  Likely, delete.  Maybe report as spam to the sys admin.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 11, 2008, 02:23:17 am
That's what YOU would do, but what about the Groom Lake/Area 51 staff?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 11, 2008, 03:12:36 am
Since when are they our leaders?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 11, 2008, 02:09:14 pm
regardless  I never thought it was a wise idea for SETI or NASA to broadcast our homeworld location to the public in space..

its a 50/50 chance they will be benevolent or malevolent  lets hope for benevolent... malevolent aliens would be particularly nasty considering how underdeveloped technologically we are.

If its malevolent lets hope the REAL military are much more willing to use the technology available in 2008 to defend ourselves instead of the 1985 technology phalanx HQ has provided my soldiers :-p (yes thats a stab at you for the comments in the minigun thread)
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 11, 2008, 02:26:03 pm
its a 50/50 chance they will be benevolent or malevolent

We can safely state that his is a load of crap. Just because there are two possibilities doesn't mean they each have a perfectly 50% chance of occurring. Didn't they teach you basic probabilistics in school?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 11, 2008, 08:09:55 pm
Who knows; if alien contacts have been made and covered up so proficiently, how or why would civilians know who the world leaders or alien-contact agents really are?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Falion on June 11, 2008, 10:06:02 pm
Wow, I didn't expect my personal unexplained account, to have so much feedback and speculation. From one who needs no convincing, that there are more things in this universe than we can even fathom or explain...

I seriously doubt, our world leaders are aliens or are being controlled by any such...

That doesn't mean, that this small section of the galaxy, in an almost infinite amount of galaxies, in an immense universe is not, or has not in the past been observed or studied. In fact, I would state that for us not to be, would probably be far less likely. Most of us ( including myself ) just don't like the idea, that somewhere...some species may be further along in development than we are. Indeed, this is totally against many of the worlds major religions...my own included...as we are supposedly "unique and singular" from that perspective.

If you look at this strictly from that standpoint...if and its an extremely HUGE "if", the world leaders had any idea, any type of "off world life" was / is indeed true ( especially anything more advanced than ourselves). To let the public know such, would destroy and throw into chaos almost every world religious viewpoint...something that I would suspect they would be in great fear of letting happen.

I do think it arrogant indeed, for us as as a race of "thinking" beings, that a large majority of us, think that we are the "end all be all" of any sentient lifeforms. The universe is just to VAST to continue to actually believe such, as even if the universe was created indeed by a "God", if such a god is really omnipotent...to waste it's time on just "us" is kind of inane, perhaps even ludicrous...but that's just an opinion of course.

The only thing that keeps visitation of us, as being even somewhat fanciful is that same "vastness" of space, that makes other life out there somewhere a distinct possibility. Of course, I seriously doubt we have discovered "all" of the laws of physics that this universe has for us to discover...perhaps some type of FTL travel does exist...we just don't know where, or how to find it yet. It wasn't all that long ago...we were still riding around on horses...in the grand scheme of things...who knows what we'll discover 200-300 years down the road...provided we are all still here :)
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 11, 2008, 10:47:53 pm
We can safely state that his is a load of crap. Just because there are two possibilities doesn't mean they each have a perfectly 50% chance of occurring. Didn't they teach you basic probabilistics in school?

what variables and examples would you use to deduce the probability of an extra terrestrial to be benevolent or malevolent.

when you can give me the numbers to plug into the equation ill gladly give you the more accurate probability..

with no data and two options i can only hypothesize that it is 50/50
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 12, 2008, 12:03:25 am
Your hypothesis is based on a complete lack of figures, same as mine. However, the chance likelihood that the chance is exactly 50/50 is extremely low (1%, if we round to whole per cents), so I can say with 99% certainty that I'm right and you're wrong.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 12, 2008, 12:12:03 am
Actually that's not entirely true either. The likelihood isn't equally distributed over the entire 100/0-0/100 space. One could argue that an alien species that tries to make contact is more likely to be benign than hostile, as hostile aliens wouldn't bother making contact.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 12, 2008, 06:16:15 am
no usually they just nuke or use a bio weapon against the population and move in.. you're absolutely right about that

And i also tend to agree based on my opinion that a highly advanced species would be more interested in making contact than conquering another world.

Speaking of ugly mean aliens... any chance a chrysallid type species is in the works.. I always hated those damn things... i lost teams and teams against them :-p
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 12, 2008, 09:11:12 am
BAM: I suspect there is indeed some sort of gov. agency that would at least look at "alien" authored e-mail.  I would, however, wager you a drink that the first person to look at such a mail is a shrink, with vast majority of "contact" e-mail coming from either sick or badly confused people.

Far as other life...  The view I heard, and I cannot substantient with any figures at all at this time is the following: density of life-sustaining planets in the universe can be computed.  The liklyhood that there is life (let alone inteliigent life) on a planet at any time can also be computed.  That there is other life someWHEN and someWHERE is alsmot a certainty.  For contact, however, we need: life, intelligent life, very highly tech-evolved inteligent life, close enough to spot us, and near to us in time - on universal scale the solar system's existence is not that long of a time.  The liklyhood of all of those odds occuring at the same time...tiny beyond comprehension.

Far as anyone out there - I would honestly prefer we never meet them.  G-D knows we have a hard enough time getting along here.  The odd chance that compared to green or grey aliens we will all see ourselves as borthers and human first - now, THAT is a small probability!
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 12, 2008, 04:30:29 pm
Yes, the chances are highly unlikely, I agree. But the email thing I forgot to explain:
Possibly the probes that "broadcast our location"  tell aliens the secret email addresses. Sounds like a 1/9999999999999999999 (no figures) chance, and I'm probably making a fool of myself, but it is possible. This way no civilians could interfere by sending bogus messages to these agencies, yet aliens could.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 12, 2008, 04:53:31 pm
The whole email scenario is laughable. An alien receiving a message with an email address in it wouldn't recognize it for what it was. If you were an explorer to an alien world and you were getting some electronic message that consisted of a lot of 1s and 0s (if it was even that, they might well be using some other coding scheme), would you know what it meant? No. Aliens can't magically read our language, they don't have equipment that can interface with ours and they certainly don't have an ISP for our internet. And you can't obtain ANY of that without some direct help from humans.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 12, 2008, 05:39:04 pm
...Which brings us back to the hidden contacts theory. Wether they invented the microprocessor or we did, they would know how it works and owuld probably be able to read ASCII binary text.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 12, 2008, 05:57:49 pm
Hate to break the fantasy, but...the processor was put together by a large group of geeks.  Was then and is still.  The thing is too damn in-ellegant and requires manual labor in designing the chip layout.  Just knowing how they are made somehow does not seem to fit with the ability to travel between the stars...
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 12, 2008, 07:59:51 pm
Well, no point in continuing the argument... yes, very unlikely but still plausible that aliens have contacted Earth.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 12, 2008, 10:17:30 pm
An interesting, if somewhat tangential, question is: what should they do if they find us.  Given human race' perpensity for violence and frequent bouts of monumental intolerance...  The safe thing would be to at least keep us restrained to the system, lest we export our violent ways.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Roy Dest on June 13, 2008, 10:10:29 am
At the risk of being thought a "Kook", or stupid...I'll relate a personal story of mine for anyone interested to ponder over.
All right, so I'll share my story as well.
I was about 6 at the time, it was about 14 years ago. We had a family reunion on our garden, with a campfire, and it went to a late night. The night was clear, full of stars, no moon, weather was warm, really a nice time. We kids were running around, having fun, playing with burning wooden sticks, and so on. Then I went behind a tall hedge surrounding our garden, and I looked at the sky on southwest.
There was, in great height, about a kilometer, a few kilometers away, a strange, probably large bunch of bright orange lights, like many balls joined together, and one of them was shining green. This green color by time disappeared in orange lights. I watched it with my younger brother for quite long, several minutes at least, and eventually I went away to tell parents about it, who were still at a fire. If I remember, my mother went behind a hedge fence to have a look, but I'm not sure if she already saw anything.

As for a nature of extraterrestrials, I'm completely sure they exists. My father knows personally a man, who decoded the famous WOW signal. He did it in completely logical way, combining an approach of mathemathics, geometry, and graphics. His amazing discovery was, of course, fiercely rejected, ridiculed and ignored by all authorities, academics and scientists he ever managed to contact.
Somehow, no-one among the authorities wants to have anything in common with extraterrestrials. Not seriously.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BAM on June 13, 2008, 06:29:37 pm
Could you please elaborate on the 'WOW Signal'?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 13, 2008, 09:51:46 pm
that's one place to look

and some more articles
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Darkpriest667 on June 15, 2008, 05:11:05 pm
The wow signal is a transmission received int he 70s that lasted for about 20 to 30 seconds i believe the wiki link they provided will do..

reread was incorrect :-p but hey here is something interesting

He later recanted his skepticism somewhat after further research scientifically relegated an Earth-bound signal to be astronomically unlikely, due to the requirements of a space-borne reflector being bound to certain unrealistic requirements to sufficiently explain the nature of the signal. Also, the 1420 MHz signal is problematic in itself in that it is "protected spectrum" or bandwidth in which terrestrial transmitters are forbidden to transmit.[7][8] In his most recent writings, Ehman resists "drawing vast conclusions from half-vast data."
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Falion on June 15, 2008, 06:41:56 pm
The signal actually lasted for 72 seconds...it's right there in the Wiki.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: sirg on June 25, 2008, 11:45:20 pm
There is to much data gathered in the last 80 years (since avanced flight) that can't be discarded. Also, there are alot of UFO accounts from the 17-18th century, very well described.

However, the scientific community doesn't want to deal with this issue, mostly because they don't want to make fools of themselves. I say they are ignorant, like those scientists that said that if a train travels faster than 30km/h or something like that, the passengers will suffocate and die. Today scientists claim that because we don't understand how FTL travel is possible, and because our level of physics doesn't allow it, extraterestrials can't be even near our Solar System.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 26, 2008, 12:24:07 am
You're confusing belief in urban legends (there's heaps of people believing in the fan death one) with the scientific method, which is to doubt everything until there is conclusive evidence. The former is foolish, the latter is sensible. And by that token, I refuse to believe in alien UFOs until one lands on my lawn and its crew tells me to take them to my leader. Besides, the idea of aliens not publicly making contact in order to remain covert, only to zoom around in their ships that are apparently being seen on hundreds of occasions makes me wonder how intelligent they really are.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TrashMan on June 26, 2008, 12:25:02 am
I saw UFO's...trice. Really weird stuff.
They were flying at speeds and patterns that no man-made object could possibly follow.
Like a really crazy drunken fly that occasionaly stops or changes direction instantly. I'd like to see anyone explain that with some swamp gas.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 26, 2008, 12:51:37 am
Well, we clearly cannot dispute someone's experience - the trouble is that experience itself is not objective.  Human organs are just not very precise measuring sintruments, to say nothing of the mind that, effectively, filters the data.  You saw what you saw - that's a fact.  Now, what to call it - I would be rather conservative in that.

Just one example.  NOT RELEVANT TO ANYONE'S EXPERIENCE.  An F18 can do a "180" turn in the space of 400 feet - it just corners that tight.  I may be off by 100 feet or so, but this is a fact, open source, and seen at airshows.  All laws of physics fuly observed.  While performing a maneuver, the wings are vertical, left one points straight down, right one points straight up - that is what I saw.  And, as you can imagine, it took no time at all.  Oh, and the whole thing was done at about 40 feet above ground.  Flew in, turn on it's side, wipped around, was gone.  Got a quick view of the underbelly and bleeding ears.

So, imagine me observing same from a few miles away, at night, the forward lights turned on on the fighter (no clue if it actually has any).  What would I see: a lit object moving left to right and a split second later moving right to left, the way it came.  From a few miles away in the dark I would not be able to tell that the object is now 400 feet further away from me.  It would look to me like a violation of conservation of momentum - like it stopped and just flew back.  yea, there is a small issue of a deafening roar of the engines as it did it.  No idea how far I'd have to be not to notice it.  Just a thought...
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TrashMan on June 26, 2008, 01:59:24 am
I'm into airplanes, military tech and science..

Believe me, this "thing" didn't move not even close like that.
It's acceleration and de-aceleration was chaging rapidly and it reached extreemes. Coming to a full stop in a milisecond after crossing half the horizon in 2 seconds. Then curving around at a more normal speed, like someone drawing with a pen on the sky - back and forth, in intricate patterns. Then stopping and making sharp, instant turns (90
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 26, 2008, 05:39:44 pm
Like I said - I keep an open mind that there is plenty out there we (as a species) do not understand. 

As someone with scientific training, I am with BTAxis - until they land and ask to see my dealer leader, I will look for a simpler explanation.  Okkam's Razor - look for the simplest answer.  Off the top of my head, I'll much more easily believe that our gov. is testing an unmanned craft with weird flight angles.  But honestly - what can one say?  You tell us you know your aircraft and it did not move like one. 

Either your eyes deceived you somehow or, indeed, it was not (human) aircraft at all.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TrashMan on June 26, 2008, 08:52:34 pm
Half of my post got eaten..let me finish it hten:

(90 degree turns or even sharper), then zigg-zagged across the sky, then changed it's flight pattern in  curvy one, like someone drawing on the sky with a giant pen. Then it stopped, pulsed a few times and zipped over them mountain.

The sky was clear, I was a with a dozen friends and we all saw it.

EDIT: Damn degree symbol
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: BTAxis on June 26, 2008, 09:07:05 pm
The post-eating forum strikes again. Remember to watch those special characters.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 26, 2008, 10:40:37 pm

This is the realm of philosophy of reasoning and many a thesis was written on this - I do not intend to offer one here.   ;D  The validity of your experience was never a question.  That there are multiple observers and the fact that you are an expert in aviation does add objectivity.  All but rules out a halucination  :o, that sort of thing.  Just kidding! ;D :)

The trouble is that the human eye is not a good observation tool.  Mainly, on the account of being attached to the brain which is subjective by it's very nature.  What can be said with certainty, is that you all saw something and saw it move.  Size, shape, speed, distance too - forget about planet of origin - all can only approximated by eye which is fooled easily enough. 

I guess I do not doubt that you saw something remarkable, it is just I doubt that it was piloted by little green men.  I would bet on something Earth-created and, ultimately, explainable. 
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TrashMan on June 26, 2008, 11:25:02 pm
Like I said - I have no idea what it was.

But I doubt very much is was anything built by humans.
If it is some natural phenomena, it must be a REALLY, REALLY weird one... can the universe get drunk?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on June 26, 2008, 11:47:06 pm
just as an example what *might* fit the bill...  ball lightning, darn near mythical...


is it even close?
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TrashMan on June 27, 2008, 12:01:09 am
One of the first things I looked into. No, it doesn't fit the bill.

Ball lighting for doesn't stop in mid air for one thing. Who knows what it was? Remeber the old poet:
"There are more things in heaven and earth then are dreamt of in all philosophy"
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: maguido on July 04, 2008, 08:34:58 pm
Oh,no they are no UFOS
They are astrokrauts ;D
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Red Alert on July 11, 2008, 03:52:46 pm
I have heard that USA and Russia have a cooperation plan in case of extraterrestrial attack. It is because they believe that the strongest militaries should be together in this case.
P.S. Finaly thay have at least one agreement :)
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: DanielOR on July 15, 2008, 10:21:33 am
Oh, hell, I think those two militaries/countries should allign on all sorts of fronts.  If the East-West cold war returns, it will be the single greatest failure of diplomacy for the 21st century.  I say - have Russia join NATO and rename it NHDO - North Hemisphere Defense Organization - or something.  It would solve tons of problems and free up the intelligence resources for other projects.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Destructavator on July 21, 2008, 02:20:12 am
Oh, hell, I think those two militaries/countries should allign on all sorts of fronts.  If the East-West cold war returns, it will be the single greatest failure of diplomacy for the 21st century.  I say - have Russia join NATO and rename it NHDO - North Hemisphere Defense Organization - or something.  It would solve tons of problems and free up the intelligence resources for other projects.

That would be nice, yes.  I've found that many people don't really want to fight people of other nations, and are more concerned with their daily affairs, yet the people in power love to take tax dollars/yen/marks/insert-name-of-currency-here/etc. and play these damn games with people's lives, and many times do it for their own interests, and I'm not talking about just the county I'm from - Yes, sometimes leaders do take action that benefits their citizens, although it isn't always for the best reasons or motives.

I've always thought it would be a nice idea to take all of the corrupt leaders in governments and lock them away in a room somewhere where they can fight each other all by themselves, and leave the rest of us out of it so we can go about our daily business without them f***ing it up for us with resources they get from taxes they force upon us.

Now if you don't mind, I'd like to jump off my soapbox and run for cover before I get shot...
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Mayhem on July 21, 2008, 07:41:43 am

I've always thought it would be a nice idea to take all of the corrupt leaders in governments and lock them away in a room somewhere where they can fight each other all by themselves, and leave the rest of us out of it so we can go about our daily business without them f***ing it up for us with resources they get from taxes they force upon us.

Yup.  Of course, you then have to make sure that the people who get to define corruption and enforce the locking up are themselves not corrupt...
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TroubleMaker on July 21, 2008, 12:37:00 pm
Yup.  Of course, you then have to make sure that the people who get to define corruption and enforce the locking up are themselves not corrupt...
Old Latin provrb: Qui custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who will control the controllers? (not exact, but close translation)
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Destructavator on July 21, 2008, 12:56:53 pm
On a related note, for those who think the justice system is too lengthy and overgrown, in the history of this world there have been nations and cultures who, from what I've heard, actually tried a system that didn't use courts, lawyers, and all the other drawn out legal B.S., but rather had a very quick system that immediately dealt with someone accused of a crime, and here is how it worked (and no, I don't favor this system, not one bit):  If someone is accused of a crime and appears to be guilty or is caught in the act, they get shot, end of story.  No legal hassles with attorneys, courts, trials, and it was "resolved" right away.  Yes, they actually tried that in various nations in the past.  It didn't work - after all, what if the person who decided the accused was guilty was wrong?  What if some people thought the enforcer was right while others disagreed?  Guess who gets shot next!  Yes, they tried that, and it didn't work, being full of so many problems.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: TroubleMaker on July 21, 2008, 01:36:17 pm
If someone is accused of a crime and appears to be guilty or is caught in the act, they get shot, end of story.  No legal hassles with attorneys, courts, trials, and it was "resolved" right away.
That is why I vote for Life Sentence and object against Death Penalty.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: Destructavator on July 21, 2008, 06:29:11 pm
At least, from what it sounds like, you get to vote on such major issues - In my country, while we can sometimes vote on some issues (which many times are intentionally worded deceptively to fool us into voting for something we wouldn't want) mostly we vote for people, people who promise to support or oppose this or that during election campaigns, then once elected push their own agenda first most of the time.

On the other hand, I'm actually a registered voter who really does vote (sadly putting me in a minority many times) and therefore I have a right to complain every time something bad happens.

Regarding the few issues we do get to vote on, yes, they are intentionally worded strange to deceive us, I've seen it happen, and then once the uneducated voters cast their ballots the crimi *cough* *cough* - Ahem - Sorry, the politicians in government who put the issues on the ballots turn around and proudly claim that the citizens "supported" their proposal and put it into effect.  *cough* *cough* *retch* *puke* *vomit*
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: surecool73 on April 24, 2009, 07:25:12 am
Yes, I may have observed a true to life U.F.O. While a kid growing up, I'd seen things in the sky that I couldn't identify; thus, U.F.O. However, a couple years back, I had the opportunity to observe firsthand what appeared to be a true U.F.O. It was late Nov., 2005 and I was on the freeway heading to work. It was around 6:00 PM and the sun was well on its way down into a sunset. While driving along, someting just told me to glance out the window and scan the sky. I did. The first thing I saw was a military aircraft approaching an airbase for a landing. It was perhaps a quarter of a mile out and approaching. I didn't think too much about that. Then I scan the sky some 30 degrees to the northwest of the military craft; there it was, just hovering like it belonged there; like it own that space. It was well in range of sight and was clearly a flying saucer.
Title: Re: News Story - UFOs in real life
Post by: odie on April 24, 2009, 07:44:44 am
Yes, I may have observed a true to life U.F.O. While a kid growing up, I'd seen things in the sky that I couldn't identify; thus, U.F.O. However, a couple years back, I had the opportunity to observe firsthand what appeared to be a true U.F.O. It was late Nov., 2005 and I was on the freeway heading to work. It was around 6:00 PM and the sun was well on its way down into a sunset. While driving along, someting just told me to glance out the window and scan the sky. I did. The first thing I saw was a military aircraft approaching an airbase for a landing. It was perhaps a quarter of a mile out and approaching. I didn't think too much about that. Then I scan the sky some 30 degrees to the northwest of the military craft; there it was, just hovering like it belonged there; like it own that space. It was well in range of sight and was clearly a flying saucer.

For Real?? U have photos / videos of tat???
Man, u should really submit sightings to this site: