UFO:Alien Invasion

Development => Artwork => Topic started by: Psawhn on May 03, 2008, 07:17:43 am

Title: UAV Model
Post by: Psawhn on May 03, 2008, 07:17:43 am
I had a conventional UAV model floating around my hard drive for another purpose, and I figured I might as well retool it as well as try out some new texturing techniques.

(Thumbnails are clickable)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/th_may2_08_ortho_angle.png) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/may2_08_ortho_angle.png)(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/th_may2_08_ortho_side.png) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/may2_08_ortho_side.png)(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/th_may2_08_ortho_top.png) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/may2_08_ortho_top.png)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/th_may2_08_ortho_top2.png) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/may2_08_ortho_top2.png)(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/th_may2_08_persp_low.png) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/may2_08_persp_low.png)(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/th_may2_08_persp_low2.png) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Psawhn/UFO-AI/may2_08_persp_low2.png)

The UAV has divertless intakes (like on the F-22/35) and a swing-wing design, which should allow it to have rapid deployment at supersonic speeds, then a long loiter time. The exhaust nozzle shows that the engine has a high bypass ratio, for higher efficiency.

Hammer away on the crits, Winter. :D

Edit: The polycount's 800 triangles.
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Zorlen on May 03, 2008, 04:59:20 pm
I was currently thinking on a scout UAV design myself, and I like this one! Would it be scout of fighter drone?

And should UAVs have VTOL capacity the same way manned aircrafts do? In this case I can suggest making tail exhaust vectored (it already looks vectored thrust anyway) and adding additional one closer to the nose part (or is there one there already?). I have F-35 schematic in mind:
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Psawhn on May 03, 2008, 06:38:29 pm
I had in mind a reconnaissance craft when I designed this - you can see the black dome for the camera (I should add some more visible sensor packages, mainly white spheres and stuff) I don't really think it has the payload capacity for weapons. Certainly not internally.

I also didn't design it with VTOL capability, either.  From what I remember of the descriptions, it's actually the UN that takes care of the UAVs, and all the Phalanx commander does is ask for a base to be set up at a specified location.

I just realized it could probably be launched from a flatbed truck, either railgun or rocket assisted, then recovered in a nearby field. This UAV can be only 4-5 metres long. The smaller size would make it much more mobile than a larger craft with VTOL - all you need to do is helicopter out a couple trucks for the launch platform and command station, maybe some extra fuel, and you've got a new operating base.
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Zorlen on May 03, 2008, 07:24:48 pm
I agree that small UGVs dont need VTOL to be launched, but maybe hover capacity is a must for all in-game flyers? Though given a geoscape scale, an aircraft that is shown hovering on a spot can very well circle around.

And I've seen that black dome, but didn't know if it is a camera or auxillary VTOL engine. As for sensors - maybe add something like AWACS antenna?
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Winter on May 03, 2008, 07:51:41 pm
I actually really like it, and since we're planning to incorporate PHALANX-controlled UAVs, we can certainly find a use for it!

Currently on the books are one scout UAV (for which this one would be perfect) and one fighter UAV.

Also, given the swing-wing design and its sleek form factor, it would almost certainly have VSTOL capability that would be no problem for a PHALANX hangar.

Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Psawhn on May 03, 2008, 08:55:30 pm
I decided not to change anything, except to bring the aft down a bit to bring it in line with the rest of the fuselage.


The texture is packed within the .blend file. Just click on the little package icon underneath the picture to unpack the .tga image, or go through Image -> Unpack Image or Image -> Save As.

I've also gone with CC-Attrib, which I feel is less restrictive and better than GPL for art and models.
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: vedrit on February 19, 2009, 05:56:36 am
I think this was very well done, but I personally dont think it would work for anything more than scouting, though it could be modified to a more combat-effective model.
Mind if I tinker?
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Psawhn on February 20, 2009, 06:41:20 am
You're right that there's not enough meat on its bones for any payload except the cameras package.

You're certainly allowed to tinker with it if you want!
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Winter on February 20, 2009, 10:06:00 am
Why tinker, though? We're definitely using this model as the Scout and it wouldn't be ideal for anything else.

Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Mattn on February 20, 2009, 06:28:59 pm
is this model already in svn?
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: vedrit on February 20, 2009, 10:32:06 pm
Im not sure, but I have downloaded the zipped file
 @Winter: Tinker to make a craft that can be more suited for combat. Unmaned Arial Combat Vehicle. Could be used for human squadrons.
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Winter on February 21, 2009, 08:19:22 am
@Winter: Tinker to make a craft that can be more suited for combat. Unmaned Arial Combat Vehicle. Could be used for human squadrons.

The design is no good for that, though. A combat UAV would be double-engined and very flat with a small wing area and probably forward-swept wings to take advantage of the superhuman agility.

There will be only one combat UAV available at the start of the game, and two more based on alien tech research, so there's really no space in the design for a modified scout.

Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: vedrit on February 21, 2009, 09:16:29 am
Not to be rude, but do u currently have such a model? If not, then take what ya can get. Im offering something to the game, and isnt that what this whole thing is about?
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: BTAxis on February 21, 2009, 01:58:32 pm
The point is that we don't WANT a modification of this model for the fighter model. We want a fresh one, built from scratch, On top of what Winter said, I would argue that visual distinction is very important for any craft, so I'd prefer not to have variant models if possible.
Title: Re: UAV Model
Post by: Psawhn on February 21, 2009, 08:14:35 pm
In addition, modern prototype UCAVs have a different visual style than recon UAVs in service, which is what this model was based off of. (It was originally a very crappy Globalhawk clone before I added swing-wings and moved the engine inside)
Most of those models and prototypes use more of a flying wing design and take advantage of the lack of a cockpit to enhance their stealth characteristics. They definitely have a distinctive visual feel from any other aircraft models in the game, and I think an art style that borrows from that would be good for the human UCAV.
(Although, personally, I don't like the shape of Boeing's X-45)