UFO:Alien Invasion

Development => Artwork => Topic started by: f0nx on July 15, 2006, 04:44:30 am

Title: Concept art
Post by: f0nx on July 15, 2006, 04:44:30 am
Hey i just downloaded your game, and instantly fell in love with it, i was wondering if you guys need some help on the concept art front, maybe tie the visualls in a bit more cohesevely, at any rate let me know if you guys need any help

here is a small sample of something i did for a personall project:

Title: Concept art
Post by: BTAxis on July 15, 2006, 11:40:45 am
Concept art would be really useful in places, I think. Loading screens, perhaps some UFOpedia entries. A lot can be done with just displaying a 3D model, or a rendered scene of models used ingame, but I think especially autopsies and abstract UFOpedia entries could use filling in this way.
Title: Concept art
Post by: ajveach on July 16, 2006, 11:09:31 pm
What about using this concept art for a model in a pre-rendered scene used for loading screens?

Title: Concept art
Post by: f0nx on July 17, 2006, 08:11:01 pm
well this particulair pice is just something i wanted to show you guys so you can judge my ability i cant let you use it for UFO since its tied itno my perosnall project, but im willing to work on some stuff for you guys if anybody has a list of concepts that would be needed.
Title: Concept art
Post by: Bandobras on July 18, 2006, 02:11:21 am
Preliminary list for 2.0 is at:


But there are surely other things. Models are the best for in-game items, but there are plenty of things that won't have models. In particular movies, cut-scenes, welcome screens and GUI elements are in my oppinion way better drawn with hand than rendered.

P.S. A very repelling picture, BTW. You pretty skilled. :)
Title: Concept art
Post by: BTAxis on July 18, 2006, 11:25:11 am
It's a good sketch, but have you turned it into CG? We can't tell how good you are at coloring an image this way.
Title: Concept art
Post by: f0nx on July 19, 2006, 07:19:44 am
lol yeah i cant colour for shit, i've sketched as a hobby since i was a kid, thats why i offered my concept art skills, i was hoping some modeler would join up with me and together we coudl create a cohesive art style for the game, but thast seemingly out of the question, but yeah if there is anyting you guys need concept art for let me know, i'm defeneatly willing to help out in that are should you guys need anything.
Title: Concept art
Post by: rastaman_bey on July 22, 2006, 10:13:07 pm
Nice concept. I will try to do a model.
Title: Concept art
Post by: Mattn on July 23, 2006, 01:33:14 pm
could you please make some conzept art for aircraft shields and weapons

they should be 128x128 - only some icons for display which weapon is assembled to the aircraft.

they should onto these images:

Title: Concept art
Post by: Bandobras on July 24, 2006, 01:11:38 pm
Quote from: "rastaman_bey"
Nice concept. I will try to do a model.

Quote from: "f0nx"
i cant let you use it for UFO since its tied itno my perosnall project
Title: Concept art
Post by: Mattn on July 24, 2006, 02:38:21 pm
not the artwork, but use it for a model??

hm. f0nx what do you say?
Title: Concept art
Post by: f0nx on July 25, 2006, 06:16:49 am
sure, if you want i can draw something from scratch, or maybe you can use this bugger i drew it up for an aliens invasion type of mod for half life



Title: Concept art
Post by: cycyc on July 26, 2006, 03:06:10 pm
Well, we definetly need some nice icons and loading screens.. I really like the style of f0nx, it has a bit of humor in it aswell.
I've been trying my best with inkscape (so you can actually use the svg..) to do a  banner  (http://ftp://scriptum:scriptum@fdisk.dyndns.org/Aliens/phalanx.png) for the entire troup.

The original  SVG  (http://ftp://scriptum:scriptum@fdisk.dyndns.org/Aliens/phalanx.png) looks a bit strange, but I guess this is due to Inkscape.

My Idea was to us the cross as an X and suplly it with the following message:
"PhalanX - United Nations eXtraterrestrial Defense". Plus Use bullets, petri-glasses or screw-drivers to indicate the different classes of PhalanX members.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Captain Bipto on May 07, 2008, 10:53:06 am
Hey you guys still looking for concept art for those loading screens?
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Mattn on May 07, 2008, 11:30:20 am
we are always looking for concept artists - we need them for our cut scenes, for the loading screens and maybe even for the ufopedia.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Captain Bipto on May 07, 2008, 11:49:10 am
K i'll get cracking...should I just post pics in this thread?
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Winter on May 07, 2008, 07:39:04 pm

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Captain Bipto on May 08, 2008, 06:44:30 pm
Okay cool.  Now I meant sketching out aliens and other things in the pipeline not already drawn/completed not 3D gfx...I can barely color in 2D >:(
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Danimal on May 08, 2008, 07:22:18 pm
Hello man, you know concep art is a really wellcomed thing, for the game and 3d modeller, because you know what to do exactly and not waste any time just imaginating the model. Wellcome to the community.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on August 18, 2009, 08:04:32 pm
I'm not very good at drawing, but I think that aliens need to be less human-like.

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Destructavator on August 19, 2009, 12:27:47 am
I'm not very good at drawing, but I think that aliens need to be less human-like.


I've brought this up myself in the past, about how the current aliens look like "humans in costumes" as well as the fact that more races would be nice, but I haven't had time to do new alien models, and no one else has volunteered to really do the work yet.

If you can model, and want to try, I'd say you're more than welcome to go for it.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: odie on August 25, 2009, 06:53:15 am
I'm not very good at drawing, but I think that aliens need to be less human-like.


Hi Imposeren,

I thnk this looks good. :D U have tat "something" which i dunno wat u intend.

Have u considered an "One-Eyed-Wide area scan" alien, with perhaps sonar capabilities (no ears)? Or think along the line of super well-defined genetically enhanced muscle-type alien. Or perhaps 4 legged aliens (pets) trained for speed and close combat deadliness? Aliens genetically modified for low "visibility" by aliens (stealth) perhaps the ability to hide? Hmmmm.... would be scary. Some flying ones would be cool? (Maybe instead of conventional 2 wings, think 4 wings?), with acid spitting capabilities? Pukes. Or perhaps thnk robotics, since we have not seen anyone coming up with those too...... robotics will develop into a whole new generes perhaps, so i am not too sure if this "robotec" or "MechGear" style war we would want.

And oh, perhaps can be inspired by War of the worlds? :D Some uber smart aliens controlling incredible robots? 1 per combat? Hmmm.....

Okie, just lil ideas from my head, though i really really cant draw at all. Lol. :D Would be good if these somehow trigger designers to design concept arts. :D
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: vedrit on August 29, 2009, 12:57:15 am
theres always the possiblilty of "mounted" aliens. If I were better at drawing, I would sketch up my idea
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Winter on August 29, 2009, 01:09:31 am
Mounted aliens are out of the question, we don't want any of that sort of thing in the game. It doesn't fit design-wise and would be far too much of a pain to code.

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on August 29, 2009, 09:49:20 am
theres always the possiblilty of "mounted" aliens. If I were better at drawing, I would sketch up my idea
Can you explain main difference from mere aliens?
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: vedrit on August 30, 2009, 09:46:27 am
faster, carrying larger weapons. Tanks, but without the machine. But if they are out of the question, then OK
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: odie on August 30, 2009, 08:49:32 pm
Can you explain main difference from mere aliens?

I thnk its something like this:
(Correct me if wrong)

Mere aliens are single entity. They are like a single human or the current single alien u see. Shoot it, kill it, it dies and stay dead. Stun it, its stunned and captured after battle.

Mounted aliens are more like single entity alien on a "vehicle" of sort. Think of it like calvaries (Soldiers on horses) or Battletech-styled (humans in Mech aka robotech?). "Kill it" (Destroy the robot) and perhaps the alien within has a chance of survival, pops out (hurt partially or completely unhurt) and now u have 2nd enemy to kill and take down.

Get the idea? Its simply a pain in the butt to code anything like this.....

BUT perhaps good can come out of this idea.

Winter - Is there a possibility whereby if humans have remote-controlled-tanks (UGVs), then aliens have similar single-entity-robots (thnk of it as droids / drones) which are tough to take down but possess superior research materials or the sortas? Or simply think of them as terror-machines? Just an idea. :D
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Migel on August 31, 2009, 08:37:29 am
I think you need some battle droids. Robots can be 4th alien race among with bloodspiders.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: geever on August 31, 2009, 02:02:40 pm
Is this still 'Concept art' topic or the 'Memories of TFTD'? You're going offtopic a bit... :)

Title: Re: Concept art. Shevaar inspired model
Post by: Imposeren on September 01, 2009, 04:30:10 pm
Inspired by shevaar. I can try retopo it to make a low-poly model.
But i'm infamiliar in texturing( and modeling and animating) so I'll need some time to make it usable or some help for it.

P.S. Why aliens are named so strange?
For example, if I had been a scientist I would name shevaar «lizard caecus alienus». And other aliens:
Capitus amplus alienus,
musculus amplus alienus
(I mean that name shoud represent alien abilities. Name can't be something meaningless)
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Migel on September 01, 2009, 08:01:29 pm
Spooky One! It is great, but I think you should remove the "tail" and set legs closer - it will look more human-like. I know you don't want that, but now it look a TOO strange. I can help with texture and try to add standart animation.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on September 01, 2009, 08:20:14 pm
Spooky One! It is great, but I think you should remove the "tail" and set legs closer - it will look more human-like. I know you don't want that, but now it look a TOO strange. I can help with texture and try to add standart animation.
Do you realy think that it'll be better?

And what about G-like pose?

Here is quick dirt grab-resculptings for your proposition and my mine.

P.S. Any recomendations for retopology? (Poly count, etc.)
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on September 01, 2009, 08:25:27 pm
P.P.S. How about more "strange" aliens?
(this one can't go by itself, it requires floating disk)
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Destructavator on September 01, 2009, 09:24:48 pm
Now these look nice, these really do look alien, which is something I think we need more of for this project.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: bayo on September 01, 2009, 09:35:52 pm
And can't we use already done things from Tremulous?
And they have a nice "Battlesuit" too
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on September 01, 2009, 09:52:25 pm
Now these look nice, these really do look alien, which is something I think we need more of for this project.
Are you talking about shevaar-inspired model, or about "Picky-hand"?

Any ideas, recomendations? What do you think about Migels (http://ufoai.ninex.info/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=6515) remarks (http://ufoai.ninex.info/forum/index.php?topic=227.msg30269#msg30269)
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Destructavator on September 01, 2009, 10:45:08 pm
Actually I was referring to both aliens, and yes, I saw Migel's post, although as far as recommendations for what it needs to go into the game, Winter is the one in charge of officially approving/denying models.

...But as far as I'm concerned, I like them.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Ain Soph Aur on September 02, 2009, 12:35:00 am
i dont think these models are appropriate... no offence, but looks like a hand full of meat to me. nothing really original or functional

keep in mind, i am just an user, not a developer  ;D
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Winter on September 02, 2009, 05:20:11 am
We're not going to include anything just because it looks weird. Form follows function. Bodies are well-designed things, produced by thousands of years of constant development. There has to be a reason for the aliens to look the way they do, they must give the impression of being capable of surviving on their original home world(s) without assistance, and they mustn't be clumsy.

Nothing that falls short of those requirements is going to get my approval, I'm afraid.

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Migel on September 02, 2009, 07:56:56 am
but looks like a hand full of meat to me
I see it diferente - as a natural organic armour shell, and they are capable of surviving like that. Something like ...snail, slug in the shell. Maybe if I draw a simple skin (no details, just main theme) we all (including Winter  ;)) will reconsider our opinion.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on September 02, 2009, 08:14:45 am
Nothing that falls short of those requirements is going to get my approval, I'm afraid.

The  first one is just a variation of what Shevaar may look like.

The last one even have a story.
Once this aliens were parasites that used other species as mounts and as tools. With evolution they learned to used their four oposed pairs of limbs as a "hand". When new techs were discovered there was no more need of live mounts. Their "shell" is just like human hair, they don;t need it anymore. In fact it makes their life harder, but they keep it to make something like "shellcut"
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Winter on September 03, 2009, 12:04:27 pm
A couple of problems.

1. Is it meant to be scary? All I'm seeing is something ugly and silly-looking. There's not one iota of credible menace coming from that overdesigned drawing.

2. UFO:AI is a sci-fi/horror game. A silly concept like having to have their shells trimmed doesn't really fit with a serious game, and is actually in complete opposition to all established canon/backstory.

How do you expect me to take designs seriously when you totally ignore how they would fit in with our existing content? That's how every other model/sound/concept gets rejected, and yet nothing ever seems to change.

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Imposeren on September 03, 2009, 02:12:44 pm
2. UFO:AI is a sci-fi/horror game. A silly concept like having to have their shells trimmed doesn't really fit with a serious game, and is actually in complete opposition to all established canon/backstory.

Shells trimming is not a concept it's just a little extra to explain it's look. Almost any creature have something that they realy don't need but it was needed by their ancestors. Concept is simple: they are weak but intelligent creatures that depend on their techs and on controlling other creatures. They survived in long-long past because they were body-controlling parasites.

I told this "story" just to explain why do they look like this and why are they still alive

Does visual or "historical" concept not fit in existing content?
This was just first attempts. I can keep trying to make something new but I need some feedback to adapt easily.

P.S. Clumsy one is just a fighter-runner. Only needed thing for it are legs, hands and some sensors on "head". It doesn't care for anything else in it's body so they may have any appearance. All these mall things on it's body is just "decoration". This decorations will be just texture details on low-poly model. And those bubles on back are some sort of glands
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Hertzila on September 03, 2009, 05:27:31 pm
Just asking but why would a parasite infect another parasite when they both do the exact same thing? Shouldn't XVI more like try to kill them all? Or are they not anymore parasites? Also if it was a parasite, shouldn't it be REALLY small, small enough NOT to gain sapience?
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Destructavator on September 03, 2009, 10:19:25 pm
Perhaps a different approach would work better for modeling something that Winter could approve:

I'd suggest, before starting a new alien model, to think about what lower creature form an alien could come from, the type of planetary environment it may have started in, etc.  (A volcanic, rocky planet?  A mostly ocean-covered/aquatic planet?  High-gravity?  Low-gravity?)  Then think along the lines of how it may have evolved over time, through different forms, how it survived and lived, what prey and predators it may have had and how it adapted to hunt and/or avoid being hunted.  Think it through, going through at least several levels of development, until you have something that could be intelligent for a reason and be able to manipulate tools (fire a plasma gun).

If you have a "game-plan" idea of the background story of how an alien creature came about before and while you model, its much better than just modeling almost at random something that looks big, ugly, and scary, then working backwards trying to explain all of the creatures features, attributes, and abilities so it got that way.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Winter on September 04, 2009, 09:22:43 am
Perhaps a different approach would work better for modeling something that Winter could approve:

I'd suggest, before starting a new alien model, to think about what lower creature form an alien could come from, the type of planetary environment it may have started in, etc.  (A volcanic, rocky planet?  A mostly ocean-covered/aquatic planet?  High-gravity?  Low-gravity?)  Then think along the lines of how it may have evolved over time, through different forms, how it survived and lived, what prey and predators it may have had and how it adapted to hunt and/or avoid being hunted.  Think it through, going through at least several levels of development, until you have something that could be intelligent for a reason and be able to manipulate tools (fire a plasma gun).

If you have a "game-plan" idea of the background story of how an alien creature came about before and while you model, its much better than just modeling almost at random something that looks big, ugly, and scary, then working backwards trying to explain all of the creatures features, attributes, and abilities so it got that way.

Wisdom! Thank you, D.

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Migel on September 18, 2009, 02:16:16 pm
I have one idea I want to share - to make a mutants in game. Yes, it is snatched from XCom3, and you all know it - victims of alien experiments. Their number will be limited and they show themselves in very special conditions - like if you not going to the mission for too long aliens not just kill all civilians, but make a few of these guys. They can just walk around the battlefield like civilians or even fight for aliens, but once captured alive they can be healed and fight on your side. Since there is no psychic powers in the game (and no need it IMHO) main difference will be penalty for using human technologys and bonus to alien technologys of any kind. And maybe they are physicaly weaker, but naturally better shooters. In game they'll have a black eyes (make such skins is not easy but very easy), and special camo I guess, so you won't mistake them with normal soldiers.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Kildor on September 18, 2009, 02:25:01 pm
Well, there will be alien psionics, and main idea of the game (extraterrestrial virus) is allow to make that sort of "humans". The problem is that we need to play at least 15-20 years of in-game time, just for biological reason.
Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Winter on September 18, 2009, 03:03:27 pm
I have one idea I want to share - to make a mutants in game. Yes, it is snatched from XCom3, and you all know it - victims of alien experiments. Their number will be limited and they show themselves in very special conditions - like if you not going to the mission for too long aliens not just kill all civilians, but make a few of these guys. They can just walk around the battlefield like civilians or even fight for aliens, but once captured alive they can be healed and fight on your side. Since there is no psychic powers in the game (and no need it IMHO) main difference will be penalty for using human technologys and bonus to alien technologys of any kind. And maybe they are physicaly weaker, but naturally better shooters. In game they'll have a black eyes (make such skins is not easy but very easy), and special camo I guess, so you won't mistake them with normal soldiers.

There is no place in the game for this, it would make absolutely no sense in the context of UFO:AI's storyline, and we really don't need more unnecessary complications where troops are concerned.

Title: Re: Concept art
Post by: Migel on October 10, 2009, 07:46:15 pm
Here was lot of talks about Sevaar, and I have few ideas myself how to make it better. IMHO this lizard doesn't look like an alien (that's just a stereotype of course, who knows how they are looking for real  :D), so I find a xenomorph texture and set it to Sevaar model... I can try to draw something that way if you like it.