UFO:Alien Invasion

General => Tactics => Topic started by: Ildamos on January 04, 2008, 02:31:00 pm

Title: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Ildamos on January 04, 2008, 02:31:00 pm
A Taman wounded one of my soldiers. Instead of rushing for cover, I opted for him to stay put and wait for my designated medic to heal him. I threw a smoke grenaded in front of him (obscuring even my soldier's vision). The cloud of smoke was between him and the alien. The Taman retreated back for cover. When it was the alien's turn, it peeped out a window and shot my concealed trooper.

I was playing on Standard, v2.2 dev version.

Was this a bug or is the smoke grenade not meant to be used this way? I am confused.

Thanks for any helpful replies.
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: EuchreJack on January 10, 2008, 04:29:15 am
I recall reading that smoke grenades are not functioning in the game at this time.  Or, the alien could have just beat the smoke modifier for it's roll.  Finally, the smoke may currently be programmed to only block visibility on the same plane, thus the alien shot down at your soldier, where there was no smoke.  The AI always knows where you are, even when it's controlled units can't see you.  I'm no programmer, and these are just my ideas, but they may at least make you feel better.  If it was just one alien, you would have been better to use a flash grenade.  I know they at least work fine.
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Surrealistik on January 11, 2008, 11:50:02 pm
Yep. Smoke grenades are non-functional. This is actually a major issue, at least multiplayer-wise as they are the only consistantly availible counter to accurate, long range weapons, aside from use of the same.
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Ildamos on January 12, 2008, 06:05:23 am
@Euchre: The alien and that soldier were on the same plane. Also the alien at no point in that encounter went to a higher one.

@both: It's not working? Dang. I've begun using it and there were times the aliens didn't shoot at my forces that were hidden behind a wall of the stuff. Could have been coincidence though.

a major issue, at least multiplayer-wise
Do you mean to say it has a greater impact in multiplayer? Or it doesn't work only in multiplayer?
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Surrealistik on January 13, 2008, 05:09:27 am
Do you mean to say it has a greater impact in multiplayer? Or it doesn't work only in multiplayer?

The former, as human beings can make extremely effective use of ultra accurate ranged weapons such as the laser series and sniper rifle on certain maps given the lack of equipment based counters to such weaponry.
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Ildamos on January 13, 2008, 04:27:38 pm
So it doesn't work in BOTH modes. How about in 2.2? Has this been fixed? Or should I drop all my smoke grenades in the singleplayer campaign?
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: tycho102 on March 14, 2008, 01:12:12 am
I'm using the newest 2.2.5 version from livna (I think). It's the version that fixed the tactical-entry bug, preventing you from entering the tactical combat engine.

What's the status on the smoke grenades? I suspect they're still not functioning properly, but are they in-work or is it a major issue?
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: nemchenk on March 18, 2008, 07:45:28 pm
AFAIK, they are still non-working. I will be looking at this, but am not right now.
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Panthera Leo on May 07, 2008, 08:27:43 pm
I'm using the newest 2.2.5 version from livna (I think). ...

Just FYI, that's version 2.2 build 5 (2.2-5). The packager will sometimes rebuild their package when something went wrong on their end or something indirect was updated. It's still version 2.2.0

Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Captain Bipto on May 08, 2008, 08:59:54 am
Will smoke cause stun damage over time like it does in xcom?
Title: Re: Use of the Smoke Grenade
Post by: Doctor J on May 10, 2008, 09:02:24 am
Will smoke cause stun damage over time like it does in xcom?

The engine is not that sophisticated.  That giant wall of flame coming from the crashed Harvester?  You can stroll through it without singing your eyebrows...