UFO:Alien Invasion
Technical support => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Kaerius on October 04, 2007, 09:49:14 am
Unfortunately I probably won't be that helpful here but:
Mission: Wachau (day)
I was doing my first turn, and the game crashed to desktop without any error message when my fifth soldier(not necessarily soldier #5, just the fifth I moved) was moving.
It didn't register in ufoconsole.log either.
it would be cool if you could give us a backtrace if it is reproducible for you. See the debugging section in our wiki about more infos.
It's totally reproducible, it happens as soon as a soldier sets foot on the stairs. My gut tells me it's a sound bug.
And I was right, I checked wiki, and set the game to +set developer 1. This is what I got that's causing the error:
ExecuteString: ''
event(dispatching): EV_ACTOR_MOVE 0E4B4218
FS_FOpenFile: can't find sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
FS_LoadFile: Could not open sound/footsteps/stone2.ogg
FS_FOpenFile: can't find sound/footsteps/stone2.wav
FS_LoadFile: Could not open sound/footsteps/stone2.wav
LE_PlaySoundFileAndParticleForSurface: volume 0.80
please try to provide a backtrace for us - this can be done with the gnu debugger - also written in the wiki article
I need to redownload and compile the game myself for that? The instructions are kind of vague.
no, you just have to start the game in the debugger - grab gdb.exe and copy it into your ufo root folder, open cmd.exe via start->execute - enter your ufo folder, type gdb ufo.exe[enter] run +set vid_fullscreen 0[enter]
after the crash appeared, type bt full[enter]
Hmm, I seem to have saved over the savegame, doh, I'll see if I can get the mission to appear again(I have a save from 5 days gametime earlier).
Yup, got it to appear again, but I'm having trouble downloading DevCPP.
Well, finally got the download working, and here's your backtrace, copied from the command window(don't know if it creates a log...)
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0047831c in S_StartSound (origin=0x22fcc0, sfx=0x0, relVolume=0.800000012,
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_soun
323 C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_sou
nd.c: No such file or directory.
in C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0047831c in S_StartSound (origin=0x22fcc0, sfx=0x0,
relVolume=0.800000012, attenuation=0.0199999996)
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_soun
volume = 102
#1 0x00442c6b in LE_PlaySoundFileAndParticleForSurface (le=0xa8b7374,
textureName=0xe7e4bfc "tex_buildings/floor_se01")
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_le.c
sfx = (sfx_t *) 0x0
t = (const terrainType_t *) 0xe0b7c74
origin = {16, -16, 32}
#2 0x0044300c in LET_PathMove (le=0xa8b7374)
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_le.c
dv = 2 '\002'
frac = 2.29270358e-035
tuCost = 2
start = {2.61108563e-032, 8.22039794e-039, 8.40779079e-044}
dest = {1.54142831e-044, 1.93953784e-030, 3.21349127e-039}
delta = {8.22039794e-039, 1.93953784e-030, 2.24207754e-044}
trace = {allsolid = qfalse, startsolid = qfalse,
fraction = 0.609130859, endpos = {16, -16, 18.03125}, plane = {normal = {0,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
0, 1}, dist = 18, type = 2 '\002', signbits = 0 '\0', pad = "\0"},
surface = 0xe7e4bfc, contentFlags = 65281, le = 0x0, ent = 0x0}
from = {16, -16, 96}
to = {16, -16, -32}
#3 0x00443306 in LET_StartPathMove (le=0xa8b7374)
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_le.c
No locals.
#4 0x004426c1 in LE_Think ()
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_le.c
le = (le_t *) 0xa8b7374
i = 17
#5 0x0044a086 in CL_Frame (now=106430, data=0x0)
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/client/cl_main
last_frame = 106430
delta = 21
#6 0x00495957 in tick_timer (now=106430, data=0xe100578)
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/common/common.
timer = (struct timer *) 0xe100578
old_interval = 11
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
lateness = 2
#7 0x00495bd2 in Qcommon_Frame ()
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/common/common.
event = (struct event *) 0xe643e00
time_to_next = 0
#8 0x004b2ff8 in WinMain (hInstance=0x400000, hPrevInstance=0x0,
lpCmdLine=0x241f01 "+set", nCmdShow=10)
at C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mattn/Desktop/dev/trunk/src/ports/windows/
No locals.
#9 0x004dcd9a in main ()
No symbol table info available.
Incidentally, this crash, once again, messed up my gamma in windows, second time a crash has done that with this game...
I have had a similar problem with the current version & already filed in a bug report, although my Backtrace was a bit shorter. Still, it was looking quite similar to yours. The problem descritpion matches as well.
If it is of any service to the devs, I had something strange happen to me after "upgrading" from the previous build to this one (due to the "inventory full"-bug): after loading my savegames, I received an error message the first time I tried to go to the equipment screen of my landing craft (one crash per base), after wich the items previously equipped to my soldiers were now unequipped, yet not lost. I think this may have to do with similar items now stacking in the inventory, and the crash was a side effect of an older savegame version.
As for the gamma being messed up, I have witnessed the same thing, although this happens to me all the time with games whose gamma settings differ from my desktop's. I would always have to go to my display properties, hit "advanced", and then the "color"-tab, and it would automatically switch back to my previous settings.
thank you very much - it's fixed in the current trunk revision and will be fixed in the next beta installers which will be online in a few days (2 or 3)
Good news indeed!