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Topics - nueff

Pages: [1]
Newbie Coding / How long does compiling usually take (etc) ATM?
« on: July 05, 2010, 02:53:51 pm »

Could someone tell me about how long compiling svn/trunk for the first time should usually take at the moment (ver 2.4 something I guess)?

Also, subsequent times (+ ccache) - a lot faster I hope?

Mine's been running for hours and hours now on a dual core 1.86ghz. It's still busy with the maps and I'm beginning to thing that I'll have to abort sooner or later to have it run again on a machine I'm not using as Desktop... anyone tried if it usually survives multiple hibernations (/pm-hibernate)?



Sorry, but what I can find with the forum search on this topic are mostly threads that have been closed with the advice to use the forum search... where's the "original destructible Terrain Thread" with all the info about what's possible and what's not?

Like why the spawning of emptyspace-objects isn't possible...
Or why "fancy lighting" seems to have higher priority than destructible terrain...
And stuff....

Everywhere I looked, there has only been said, "this has been discussed to death". But where?


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