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Messages - anonymissimus

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 24
Tactics / Re: Cannon fodder
« on: February 28, 2017, 06:16:39 pm »
i playing the very hard mode and til mission 39 it was not so difficult. i made 38 missions (48 sightings) without any loss and FULL encumbered (-12 TU).
Can you capture and provide some screen videos of how you are playing these missions please ? I don't want to miss a chance to improve my tactics. :P

Tactics / Re: Ninja playstyle possible?
« on: February 13, 2017, 08:17:22 pm »
Well, perhaps your nations are just so-so satisfied with you so that you don't lose the campaign, while I am only satisfied if they are all always exuberant ? Or perhaps you just restart a mission if you happen to lose a soldier ? Upon restarts, the starting situation can be quite different, making the same mission much easier. A civilian life is usually worth more to me than the life of a cannon fodder soldier, this makes me lose lots of cannon fodder. Also, in 2.6 on very hard, if any unarmored soldier is hit by anything, it's a sure instadeath, as the damage dealt depends upon difficulty. This really increases loss rates (and lowers them on easy difficulties).

Tactics / Re: Ninja playstyle possible?
« on: February 13, 2017, 07:02:30 pm »
Are you playing 2.4 still or so ?
Yes, it's definitely impossible to play without losses.
Maybe without loosing any non-cannon fodder unit. Once a playthrough without loosing any trained soldier is my great goal, but I lose 3-6 of them in a campaign. Still enough for some to reach superhuman status.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Problem after updatin
« on: December 14, 2016, 10:19:26 am »
You cannot update an svn repo into a git one.
In the command line you'd use the command given under In the UI there is supposedly some clone command with a field to enter that url.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Problem after updatin
« on: December 14, 2016, 12:38:33 am »
Huh - but references github as the remote host ? And I can see your recent commits being pushed there ? Are the two automatically synchronized each night or so ?

Anyway, using a svn repo must mean using an outdated repo, independently from what its remote is.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Problem after updatin
« on: December 13, 2016, 11:31:11 am »
The svn repo is currently outdate/no longer used, and IIRC this was the case at the time of release of 2.5 already. UFO:AI is hosted at github.

Since you already know TortoiseSVN I suggest you get TortoiseGIT instead.
The 2.6 branch is usually stable enough for playing but you can also check out the 2.5 branch. You probably won't get newer exes for it than the last release though, other than for the 2.6 branch.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Problem after updatin
« on: December 12, 2016, 12:12:21 pm »
Let me guess wildly:
Did you originally get the git repository (TortoiseGit ?) and then downloaded and added a .exe ?
If so, you need to have your local repository on the same state (or date) as the executable. Updating only the repo can fail, since the two must match.
If there's no new .exe available for download, you can't update (or need to compile yourself).

Discussion / Re: The green smoke waving around
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:53:41 pm »
Huh, what happens if a soldier comes too close anyway ? Is that a new feature ?

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI on a low end machine
« on: November 05, 2016, 08:46:27 pm »
I like to scrape together pieces from the waste and build usable PCs from it.
So this machine has hardware from about 2004: An AMD Athlon XP 2800+, 1 GB RAM and a Radeon 9200 graphics card, Lubuntu 16.04. I tuned the performance settings down as far as I could. I have yet to actually play more than some test turns, but even an alien base, which is about the largest map I intend to play, works sufficiently well enough so that it's probably fun to play. Again, map size is the most important factor. Please do not increase map sizes indirectly by all of these assemblies - I usually deactivate some of the most problematic ones. What would also help greatly is an option to deactivate the "continuos animations" such as the soldier images, smoke and fire. Couldn't there be just static images, without any impact on playability ?
I got some memory allocation exceptions when I had swap deactivated; memory usage was at 900MB or so and swap at 350MB or so otherwise. I also had firefox open though, which uses usually something like 200-300MB. So maybe minimum RAM for UFO:AI should be 768MB.
The fact that individual processor clocks do no longer increase since about 10 years really helps old hardware to stay useful, since so many software cannot utilize multiple cores.

Offtopic / Re: OpenDungeons new release
« on: September 08, 2016, 06:08:01 pm »
Because there are not that many linux users using 32 bits systems. So far, nobody complained so our linux binaries builder never bothered about it. I will ask him if he wants to build 32 bit binaries.
Really ? Writing on a 32 bit Lubuntu here.
IMHO a major (really major) use case for Linux is to have a perfectly modern operating system that runs well on old hardware (thus 32 bit), since MS and presumably Apple as well leave this field completely open. They have interest in increasing system requirements of operating systems and applications over the years so that consumers are forced to buy new hardware, just because the old hardware no longer fits the requirements, and not because it's broken. Win 10 needing 2 GB RAM is insulting.
Try viewing modern internet sites with hardware from the 90s. All of these high-resolution and huge images everywhere, it's a pain.

Offtopic / Re: OpenDungeons new release
« on: September 07, 2016, 06:21:38 pm »
No 32 bit Linux ?

Well if something is real time I shy away from it usually, both for gameplay and resource consumption reasons.

Artwork / Re: Herakles-class Heavy Lifter Redesign
« on: August 22, 2016, 02:41:12 pm »
Yes, this wasn't very kind of you aa_.

In my experience, things in open source dev most of the time work when somebody goes ahead and just does something and then forces the result upon everyone else because it's working :P. Otherwise you just get a lot of opinions.

Bugs in development version (2.6-dev) / Re: Break into debug mode?
« on: August 22, 2016, 12:39:52 pm »
Um, sounds as if you should try to get a backtrace then, if you can reproduce it reliably. And even if not, it may help. Even if it's a release binary a gdb backtrace contains some info.
Where did you get the binary from then ? Linux users seem to be expected to always compile themselves.
And of course you should check that the problem still happens using latest trunk.

Artwork / Re: Herakles-class Heavy Lifter Redesign
« on: August 21, 2016, 12:55:44 pm »
i think this shape is good. there is enough room inside, enough cover and fast exits. also its compact enough so it can fit any map.
Not reserving space for seats is a good idea.

It's no use if we have lots of drafts in the end and nothing finished.

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