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Topics - Gantoris

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Hi, first up id like to congratulate the developers on this amazing open source project im not ashamed to admit that i made a small mess in my pants when i realized what this was as im a huge fan of the original XCOM games. I started playing the 2.2 version for a few days and recently switched to the developer version 2.3 r30221 when i saw what new features where in there and was initially very pleased with what i found. However after playing for a short while i have hit a wall of frustration that for me has broken the game, that wall is reaction fire. At first i thought i was doing something wrong as my men failed again and again to ever use this feature and then after awhile i thought this must be a bug and began searching these forums for answers...

What i can figure is that someone complained so much about it that a system that has worked fine in various squad based games for years was changed to one where an enemy literally has to use enough TUs to walk up to you, shoot you in the face then teabag your corpse before your soldier reacts. This is just complete madness and the whole thing makes no sense at all, in my mind reaction fire, overwatch or whatever its called in whichever turn based game you are playing is basically your soldier looking down his sights and staying ready to fire in an effort to cover his friends. The idea that a soldier doesn't fire his weapon the very second an enemy comes into a view is to be quite frank retarded, bears no resemblance to reality and renders the feature worthless.

I have played many similar games notably the original XCOM and the Jagged Alliance series and reaction fire as it is was fine, tactically useful and needed no changes and i just cant wrap my head around why it has to be the way it is. If the enemy is using reaction fire against you then you pin them down and flank them (have the area there hiding in covered with your own reaction fire units then work other soldiers round the side) as you would in real life, or use a smoke grenade and approach under cover. I understand 2.3 is an incomplete build and from what ive read this issue is under development but its my humble opinion that all you need to do is have it as it was in XCOM or Jagged Alliance and not try to create some crazy system of only reacting when the enemy has used X amount of TUs. One idea to offset reaction fire slightly might be to tighten the soldiers field of fire as he readies his gun and looks down his sight thus making it harder to cover a huge area, if possible a clearly visible cone could show this field of fire for you and your opponent if your playing multiplayer.

Now that ive had my little rant i also have a couple of small suggestions which id like to make, firstly to clearly see how much exp a unit has/needs before leveling and to also maybe have training facilities to build in your bases where you can train various stats on your soldiers. Also i love the addition of pilots for craft, its a nice feature but would be awesome if they had there own unique stats and could level up like soldiers and effect craft speed, defense and accuracy ect.

Thanks again for resurrecting this great game, keep up the good work!

P.S. I found this thread which supposedly sets the reaction fire system back to the 2.2 build but i have had no success making it work. Maybe im just being retarded but i followed the instructions, made the file and added the text yet it has no effect could someone perhaps help me with this?

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