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Messages - ADFEpicFail

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Accuracy/skills model
« on: August 30, 2012, 10:45:23 am »
I'm a little confused by your response, in version 2.4 (apart from the bolter) all the weapons used a single skill no matter what fire mode was used based on weapon type. In 2.5 this still holds true for all close and explosive weapons and in the soldier soldier stats they're listed as "Assault Weapon" "Sniper Weapon" and "Heavy Weapon".

Feature Requests / Accuracy/skills model
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:56:57 pm »
Forgive me if this is poorly written but it's midday here and I've just done a night shift...
I read in another thread the other day that with the new aiming system the heavy skill is now redundant and I had an idea on bringing it back into the system.
While I like the new system's use of skill based on the shot type I think it should still involve weapon type since using a machine gun like an assault rifle does not make it an assault rifle.

For example if we pretend the equation for accuracy looks like this:
accuracy stat*(max range/range)*weapon spread*shot skill*cover = hit chance
the first part of my idea would be to change the segment "shot skill" to "( (shot skill+weapon skill) /2)" and the second part is to use the heavy (support) skill to govern full auto shots. So if a soldier fired a machine gun on 5 round burst instead of using just the assault skill it'd use the average of the assault skill (shot) and heavy skill (weapon).

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