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Messages - DanielOR

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Discussion / Re: Melee attacks -- roadmap?
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:53:46 am »
My $0.02

Bayonets can only apply to rifles, I really do not easily imagine such attachments on machine guns or GL's - so, we are talking about a fair bit of coding work for a modification of what - 3 weapons?   

I've had several opportunities to discuss hand-to-hand and martial arts with a member of Israeli special forces (suspect any country's SF would have said the same).  his training, while very rigorous and bloody, was aimed at pushing the opponent away, not beating them into submission.  Because, he told me, you should always have ammo.  (believe there was a very valid point earlier of low ammo not being a problem).  Why do the Israeli SF pay that much attention to hand fighting? "so you can push a terrorist away, maybe knock him to the ground.  Then take a step back as you draw your pistol and shoot him in the head."

Much the same, I imagine a PHALANX soldier would rather push an alien away and then either shoot or run.  Another valid earlier point was engaging hand-to-hand with a huge (forget armored) monster is not anyone's idea of a good day.

So, coding recommendation:

Implement "shove" that (is successful) pushes an alien at least 1 square away.  Exact distance and success rate depends on comparison of strengths and sizes.  Push can be an automated RF action, i.e. if alien walks up to a soldier, soldier pushes them back.  If they do, alien can't cut them.  As far as weapons - sure, pushing with something large in your hands is way better than pushing with a pistol or empty hands.
This (if easy) could be short term solution, until detailed h-2-h system is decided upon.

Discussion / Re: Grenade Launcher
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:26:38 am »

speaking strictly 2084 technology vs today's here...  There was already one project for sure, two possibly to switch primary military assault rifles to flechettes.  I believe a flachette-based rifle design by Styer competed for replacement of M16 and lost on ballistic characteristics.  It was deemed not worth it to switch and retrain.  The gun did, however, have the advantage of having less recoil and being lighter.  I can provide link if there is interest.

So...may it be an option to switch the assault rifle to that type of ammo as well, making it, perhaps, lighter, less recoil-prone, and hence more accurate in full-auto?  Just thinking here....

Discussion / Re: regarding gatling/minigun
« on: May 31, 2008, 01:57:52 am »
A brief point on the "realism" of it - a smalle version of the gatling is not fisible for human for fundamental reasons.  The weapon that Jessie Ventura caries in "Predator" would produce several tons (!) of recoil force.  More of a personal propulsion system, really.  To make that human-usable it would have to be slowed down lots, to the rate of fire that makes it any old machine gun.  There is a nice article in wikipedia, if anyone is interested.

Now, anal-retantive realism aside, no reason not to have such a weapon, maybe requiring huge strength and a heavy armor.  :)

Discussion / Re: Propably lame question
« on: May 31, 2008, 01:53:17 am »
correct. more people = faster production.  I was confused in the terminology.  You have to build enough workshops and hire the workers.  But once you tell them what to build, they start the actual building themselves.  Sorry for the confusion.

Discussion / Re: Propably lame question
« on: May 27, 2008, 05:14:49 pm »
I think assigning of people happens automatically.

Tactics / Re: Your Tactics
« on: May 27, 2008, 06:26:10 am »
clever way to boost grenade-lobbing skill.  have to look into that - currently do not use grenades at all, almost.

I am almost all the way with you on the loadout.  I am a big fan of the machine gun, though.  Great killing power, great range. 

In early game, where you cannot sustain any shots - grneade launchers are a great support / suppression weapon.  Lately, though, I switched the GL for SMG's - once I had next armor up.  I am rapidly starting to like those - send two guy on flanking maneuvers to get up close or even to support an odd sniper - lots of noise in general direction of a baddy keeps them pinned, gives the sniper a chance to shoot.

Feature Requests / research in two bases
« on: May 23, 2008, 06:33:51 pm »
Ok, I believe I have the bug mapped.  Have not found one in recent history, so here goes:

Moved research off the HQ base (shoulda moved Production, I know).   Transferred the eggheads, all the gear too.  Now in my HQ I decided to build a lab again, and staffed it with 10 scientists.  It won't let me start the research saying that no space available, build more labs.  It starts to look to me that there is one variable for number of lab spaces, and highest wins.  I would now need 40 lab spaces in HQ to get 10 useful lab spaces. 

PS: another small thing - in a mission I dropped a GL on the ground (to clear the building) and turn or two later it was gone!  Can't recall if I vaniched completely or if I got it back after the mission.  No biggie, I guess.  Cheap human gear!

Discussion / Re: Alien Campaign
« on: May 23, 2008, 06:24:36 pm »
Yea...the philosophy is: "We, the conglomerate of sancients, bring peace and order to the humans...and they resist the elnlightenment..."

The missions are not "terror", they are to get within 3 steps of a specific human on the map and scare the cra (I mean...inlfuence him).  Then those arsewholes whow up, at least 8-15 of them to our small squad of 6, start throwing area affect weapons with no regard for fellow human life...

They shoot down our ships, and then, instead of helping the injured, they come to finish them!  Barbaric!  They ignore their own convention and experiment on prisoners of a war we never started...

Discussion / Re: How many people can my base support?
« on: May 23, 2008, 06:20:00 pm »
It is all about balance (maps, weapons, objectives) and so far - it is AWESOME!

Feature Requests / Re: Can t Launch a transfered Fighter
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:27:41 am »
I believe I read in one of the earlier threads that pilots are not implemented at this point and not having one does not affect fighter's performance.

Feature Requests / Re: Can t Launch a transfered Fighter
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:20:52 pm »
I know it is not a satisfying solution, but...maybe transfer the darn thing back (appears to be attached to the nest) and buy new ones? 

Discussion / Re: How many people can my base support?
« on: May 22, 2008, 06:02:53 pm »
Darkpriest - you know, you are probably right.  If I had to take an X-COM-sized base with 8 soldiers, it would be damn tough.  My "doctrine" calls for 4 guys just to enter the command center.  With lots of others watching their backs and the approaches on account of blaster launcher fire.

Discussion / Re: How many people can my base support?
« on: May 22, 2008, 12:22:24 am »
8 is OK with me, since the maps (at least early ones) tend to be smaller than those in X-COM.  I am somewhat concerned for the eventual implementation for HWP-s, however - even if we only trade soldier for 1 shooting robot, it will likely be a loss of versitility.  If we have to trade 2 to 1 or 4 to 1 like in X-COM - they better be some kick arse terminator types. 

Feature Requests / Re: couple bugs with dying soldiers
« on: May 21, 2008, 11:49:37 pm »
never mind, 20, got it

ha.  before giving up on that game and replaying, I hit "next turn" 20 times maybe.  Means that once stuck in Limbo, alien cannot get unstack and return to the map.  Or this guy was really, really scared.

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