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Topics - mazeut

Pages: [1]
Design / Sugestion for Early Progression
« on: November 03, 2010, 08:49:43 pm »
I would like to suggest few changes to the first few turns of the game to improve story progression.  The game currently just drops you into the world, make a base and go.  Beyond the opening cut scene the game doesn't give you the feeling of being connected to earth, your just an autonomous entity with big guns.

To change this I think you should open the game with a few missions before actually constructing a base.  The theme of those missions would be the formation of Phalanx.

Basically, this would be a series of 3 to 5 tactical missions that take place just before the formal installation of Phalanx (and before you build your fist base).  The basic plot: a paramilitary organization of some sort (arms dealers, separatists, terrorist, etc) got wind of the formation of Phalanx and doesn't trust the defense of earth to them.  They organized a raid on a U.N. facility and managed to grab what few alien artifacts were captured after the initial attacks.  The have moved the tech to their base of operations and are beginning to set up their own Phalanx like organization.  This organization is little more than a high tech protection racket and must be stopped.

Instead of doing the missions from Phalanx HQ (it doesn't exist yet) players would be based at a U.N. facility they don't control.  Players are given the starting Firebird and some starting cash to hire and equip soldiers and a pilot.  This gives an added tactical aspect to the opening of the game as players can choose the early load out of the troops but must do so within the limits of the money provided.

Mission progression could go something like this:

Raid on a safe house to gather intelligence on the enemy.

Attack on a Training Ground.

Capture an air strip to get flight data from enemy planes for next target.

Attack on power plant to cut base defenses.

Attack on enemy base.

Victory moves you on to the geoscape to build your Phalanx HQ and start the game proper.  It could also be used to give a vague sense to the player that the enemy was somehow working with the aliens, foreshadowing the virus reveal.

Basically this is a series of missions one after the other, introducing the player to the turn based aspect of the game.  You could also use this as a place to introduce game concepts like capturing a specific enemy or planting a bomb, etc.  This also lets players invade a small base built with the same tiles they will be using in the future for theirs.

Artwork / Submision Orbital Activity
« on: November 03, 2010, 05:54:54 pm »
Use the zip not the thumbnail.  For some reason Photobucket re-sizes the image when you download from there.

Zip contains jpg and gimp file.

Artwork / Ufo art (small alien fighter)
« on: November 02, 2010, 03:49:30 pm »
I was told in my fist post that painting style art might not fit in with the current style being used for the pedia (photos and renders) so I thought I would test the waters so to speak.  I started working on this originally for an orbital activity submission but I'm having a hard time finding a view of earth fitting the angle of attack on the ship.

This is not finished, quite alot of detail missing still.  The ship is done in gimp so its all layers and can be modified, scaled, moved, format (ie pedia sized) etc without much trouble.  The body style isn't right but its my first real atempt at a non organic structure (more used to creatures and people).  The background image is a public domain photo I found.


Artwork / Painting style art
« on: October 31, 2010, 05:44:13 pm »

Hopefully this is the right place to throw this out, if not sorry.  I do painting style sketches in gimp (amateur) and I wondered if something like that would be of use.  Been playing UFO:AI off and on for a while and would love to contribute.  Here's a few examples, none of them are really finished though.  I did them more to play with things like lighting and lean gimp. 

If something like this is of use let me know.  I looked around the contribute section of the site but didn't see a mention of anything like this exactly.

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