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Messages - rastaman_bey

Pages: [1]
Artwork / GUI Attempt
« on: June 22, 2007, 09:37:01 pm »
@ RaXar:
Is the metal frame a 2d sprite or did you do a render of a 3d object?
(I guess the first one  :wink: ). If it's a sprite, do you have some rescources where you got it from?

Artwork / GUI Attempt
« on: June 22, 2007, 09:32:53 pm »
Really nice design, I like it very much (especially the blueish version)!
Would be really cool to do the same overhaul with the rest of the game screens...  :roll:

Artwork / Heli
« on: November 26, 2006, 08:31:24 pm »
Quite nice, but I would add some shadows and highlights to the skin. This gives it a lot more realistic feel. Btw there seems to be some distorsion in the UVW map around the side door of the helicopter.

Keep up the good work!  :wink:

Artwork / ka dropzone of artworks
« on: November 02, 2006, 02:25:36 pm »

Really nice design, these UFOs, I like the look!
The problem is if you want to implement the UFOs as md2 models into a tactical map, you can hardly make them walkable. The other problem you will get is that md2 models will not affect light and shadow calculation when you compile the map parts. SparX and I experimented much on the topic if it is better to implement UFOs as part of a Radiant map or as md2 models, and we think the Radiant method is superior.
Kaeau, if you agree I will try to "model" your UFO designs 01 and 04 in Radiant. Is this OK? I hope I can redo the cool looks... :wink:

Artwork / Concept art
« on: July 22, 2006, 10:13:07 pm »
Nice concept. I will try to do a model.

Artwork / A list of models UFO:AI needs
« on: April 19, 2006, 08:25:53 am »
I've still got some unreleased alien characters as well as some additional weapon models (plasma torpedo launcher and others) initially intended for UFO:AI (for those who don't remember me: I was the modeller of the first UFO:AI dev team). Interested?
If yes, post a link where to send them.

Btw: nice to see that there is some progress in development!!!

Pages: [1]