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Messages - jerm

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Tactics / Re: Big City tactics
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:46:33 am »
Pilot: I hope the crossfire doesn't hit the Firebi-

How about, make all walls and objects out of static actors with no AI.

PS - I was reading about crotch attacks on Wikipedia and according to an article, kicking a female in the crotch can be and is just as debilitating.

Tactics / Re: Big City tactics
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:46:39 am »
Lawl... ;D
This topic is entering lulz territory.
Anyway, on a more serious note, we seriously need destructible terrain. I'm pining for the days of leveling whole buildings with explosives. Sometimes, I'm just too lazy to search every nook and crany.

FAQ / Re: Soldiers Stats_How do they work?
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:26:47 am »
I'm sorry if this seems a little off topic but I was looking through the weapon scripts and I notice the Throwable variable. Shouldn't everything be throwable as in the original UFO? It would also show the extremity Phalanx agents are willing to go defending the Earth.

*Phalanx agent empties a full clip from the Tactical Pistol into the armored Ortnok to no effect. In desperation, he throws the pistol at the Ortnok hoping to at least deal some superficial damage before pulling out his Combat Knife.

If not, at least do it for the lulz of seeing aliens stunned/killed with thrown guns. That is, unless all thrown objects are scripted to explode when thrown.  :P

Feature Requests / Re: base building idea: Rec Room
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:42:32 am »
Wow... honestly did not think about that. But I don't think it's worth having a base module dedicated to it. Who said the agents weren't allowed to have personal entertainment within their living quarters? I think from a gameplay point-of-view, it would be too much trouble having to worry about troop morale outside of combat.

Sounds and Music / Re: Voice messages after some events on Geoscape
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:27:18 am »
How about a more clearly audible/distinguishable sound? Like sirens/alarms for UFO sightings ala XcomApoc. I thought that was a nice touch. Not too sure what to do with completed research or manufacture though.

Oh... had a sudden brainstorm. How about, have a glowing icon (test tube for research, spanner for manufacture) pop up on the geoscape whenever a queue is complete. Clicking on the icon allows you to jump to the corresponding research/manufacture screen (pressing Esc after returns you to geoscape instead of base menu). That way, we don't have to search all over the globe to find "Manufacture Base 3" when the queue is up.

IMO, you aren't spending enough. Holding back 3million is kinda pointless. It's not like you get interest on your savings.  ;D

At the beginning of the month, spend as much as you can but leave about 8-900k in case new tech becomes available for you to manufacture. Don't forget you can sell spare alien weapons (and you'll get TONS), alien armor and other alien crap you're not using (don't sell plasma grenades though).

Try to plant bases in the middle of a land mass. Like the centre of the US, S.America, Russia, Australia, that kind of stuff. Oh, don't forget the antartica too. Them alien bitches LOVE the Arctics.

Discussion / Re: Autoresolve ideas
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:07:01 am »
Aircraft combat is a different issue, but I think I saw somewhere that pilot skill is going to be implemented. But it has something to do with how piss-poor earth-based Phalanx aircraft are. Scouts can be taken out by single aricraft. UFO fighters need at least 2 crafts to shoot down safely (with pre-laser weaponry and even then, have 2 just in case). Transports/Terror ships are not even possible with 2 ships and laser weaponry. There's simply not enough damage to take it down. You'll need at least plasma cannons.

The autoresolve mentioned by OP is the tactical mission autoresolve function.

Discussion / Re: Autoresolve ideas
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:24:45 am »
I don't think it should work that way. It's way too easy to run a few AMAZING missions (from reloads) then autoresolve all the way to victory.

If anything, it should run on a more linear algorithm based on gear score (*gasp! prepares to be lynched by WoW scrubs*) Something like, (Total Aliens gear score)(Some RNG value for kicks)-(PhalanX squad gear score)(Some RNG modifier here too)=% chance to win. Of course, not knowing what the aliens are packing and the RNG modifier would even it out a bit. If the aliens outnumber and outgear you=autoloss. I suppose the soldier's rank and skill should also factor into the RNG modifier for Phalanx members.

Just a thought.

Offtopic / Re: Another two hours wasted.
« on: July 26, 2011, 02:54:06 am »
Don't want to sound like a douchebag (actually, I do), but with an attitude like that, life is gonna suck no matter WHAT happens. Even if it does load, you'll bitch about how incomplete/buggy/developmental it is. Even if it was perfect, you'll bitch about how the aliens are raping you, anally, orally and through every possible orifice on your sorry body.

You say life is HARD. That you never get any breaks. NO, life is EASY. I goofed off in highschool, still got in a decent university (University of Toronto), goofed off in university, still graduated with honors, and got a decent job that pays above average even at entry level.  :-\

Take the time to evaluate the things you have in life. You're posting in the board, downloading games and surfing reddit, so obviously your life isn't as piteous as you claim it to be. Someone has to have paid for your computer and internet.

Artwork / Re: Alien bestiary
« on: July 22, 2011, 03:20:03 am »
While bi/tri-pedal or quadruped UGVs (even 'mechs) might sound good on paper, legs prove to be an extremely fragile mode of locomotion - especially in combat situations. One good example is the 'Dog' quadruped UGV. I'm sure it's still on youtube if anyone cares to look. Has about 70-80kg carry capacity last I checked, enough for a decent weapon loadout or carrying injured soldiers. But unless heavily armored (thus reducing mobility/capacity), the legs aren't meant to survive any kind of directed weapon fire.

That's why wheels or tracks are so much more popular for combat-type UGVs as they have less weakpoints. If you wanted a 'tank', just use riot shields (which really has no business being in a hostile tactical situation). Otherwise, use rookie fodder as tanks. But if you need a tank, then you're being too reckless. Just use standard tactical procedures like bounding overwatch and using more cover. And stun those pesky civvies. It's a damned pity you can't direct civvies to safe zones. ("Evac is right THAT way, ma'am.") As if it's not bad enough they run into your line of sight, they have the annoying tendency to wander into "hot" zones.

Discussion / Re: Another use of the new Stiletto Model
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:52:33 am »
Replaced by the Dragon, you mean? The Stiletto DOES pack more punch than the Saracen - or the Dragon, for that matter. Although I agree, 3 hardpoints are kinda useless if you can't catch up with the later UFOs.

Tactics / Re: Big City tactics
« on: July 20, 2011, 03:22:15 am »
[+city] stopped bothering me when I realized I could pick off aliens with sniper rifles, coilguns and grenade launchers. Like fish in a barrel. Just lead with rookies equipped with kerrblades/plasmablades and follow up with the snipers. Aliens feel just as much pain getting hit right in the nuts like anyone else. I love it when they fall to their knees and crumple. Plasma fire does not penetrate floor panels.

They pretty much charge down the stairs at you anyway, so you know where to expect them. Although you would find the occasional plasma grenade rolling down the stairs but that's what rookie grunts are for.  ;D

I just had a thought as I was finishing this post. We need a few more death animations like:
1. Stagger and collapse to the ground.
2. Explosive death? e.i- blown to bits. (maybe just ankles and feet remaining)
3. Cut in half (for kerrblade/full-auto fire)
4. Rapid-fire dance (repeatedly shot in the torso)
5. Limbs shot off. Or possibly head shot off.

As debunked in Mythbusters, a person shot even with high calibre rounds do not get blown off their feet or dramatically knocked back. Even buckshot is unlikely to have better results. The ballistics dummy used in the test just kinda toppled after getting shot. Even when wearing kevlar-wearing dummies hardly do more than flinch when hit with solid rounds.

Discussion / Re: Help with mission deployment
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:57:14 am »
I think having too much choice can be a bad thing. I can totally see troop placement becoming a hassle later on. Especially when the ability to deploy 8+ troops becomes available. Imagine having to place 12-16 soldiers EVERY mission - even for a silly landed/crashed scout.

Besides, it makes sense that soldiers leap out and setup a perimeter as soon as the craft lands (maybe even slightly before it does) instead of camping in the ship. This is essentially what you spend the first 1-2 turns doing anyway so it saves time.

As for spawning right next to aliens, I think it's a map design issue, not really a deployment problem. And even if you spawned right next to the alien craft, it's possible to avoid deaths by carefully watching what each alien is holding and where their facing. Plasma rifles/blasters>PlasmaPistols>Melee weapon>Facing away. I've had my troops survive numerous close encounters this way. Unlike the original UFO, they don't turn around and shoot in reaction (which was DAMNED SCARY).

Feature Requests / Reaction Fire
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:16:46 am »
Ok ok, before devs start rolling their eyes into their sockets  ::), I want to mention that I have searched the forums and I did take a look at the sourceforge dev post. I saw that some work is being done on being able to select the type of reaction fire. And so I just want to post some questions, more out of curiosity than anything.
-was it originally intentional for agents to only use snapshot in reaction fire?
-a bit off-topic but somewhat related. Why would anyone use the 7 TU version of the laser rifle when it is clearly inefficient (1 shot using 2 ammo)?
And a laser rifle rage:
1. 16 Ammo
2. Wave fire 5 times (3x5=15)
3. 1 ammo remaining
4. ????
5. Raaaaage... reload.

Feature Requests / Re: Where is the air support?
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:00:56 am »
Besides, friendly-fire might become an issue if the ship-mounted weaponry is used. I don't think your troops will be very happy to be hit in the back with laser cannons/Shiva.

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