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Messages - DuKe2112

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Design / Re: Idea for cooperative multiplayer campaign mode
« on: December 22, 2008, 11:34:26 pm »
Well obviously in such a setup each player would naturally get less resources, although the overall ressources must be higher, but not necessarily doubled.
Also the alien forces would be greater, so that you wouldn't be able to cope with them alone.

You could make it so that each Player has an UN madate but works mainly for one or some of the governments only and has only limited access to areas controlled by the other player. (eg he gets the radar data and can fly over but can't build bases there or something.)

Since governments have different budgets, they could also send different amounts of soldiers and scientists or could have different prices to build bases and facilities.

Artwork / Re: UGV pod
« on: December 22, 2008, 08:01:26 pm »
Oh, Ok then. So you have to choose between air combat and ground combat, yeah I can agree with that, plus it makes the Hyperion actually usable, because you can take a big ugv instead of the missing men.

Are the pods supposed to be visible for the ground mission?
In that case the firebird still needs an overhaul, because that nose absolutely can't take a pod.
Or you have to add an mechanism to define which hardpoint can take a pod or a weapon and which can just take a weapon.

Hmm, how abot moving the fuel tanks over to the hardpoints, after all, they are pods. or is that out of the question as well?
One would have to choose between air/ground weapons and flying range. Plus you could add another hardpoint to some aircrafts without risking to realy make them stromnger.
It would help in the redesign of the firebird, because two small hardpoints on the sides are more feasible then one medium one on the tip.

Still another idea is an asymetric loadout, like one medium hardpoint on the right and one small hardpoint and both equipment bays on the left.

Realy hope some of these ideas are usefull and don't again hit a wall of made decisions I'm not aware of.

Artwork / Re: Textures
« on: December 22, 2008, 06:39:54 pm »
The red marker was on the pic I somehow failed to attach properly.

I know it's a minor detail, but for some reason I catch those imediately.
If I want to be nitpicking, I could say the trees on the right side still don't blend in as well as the left ones do, but that's realy overkill (;

Artwork / Re: Hyperion
« on: December 22, 2008, 06:27:36 pm »
hmm, the saracen is only 10m, the dragon 12m though.

Artwork / Re: Hyperion
« on: December 22, 2008, 05:51:48 pm »
you know the size of a human, make the cockpit big enough that one fits inside.

The Dragon is 22m the saracen 27m So somethin around 800 units (25m) should be about right.

Artwork / Re: Textures
« on: December 22, 2008, 05:42:52 pm »
Ok, it is somewhat subtle and since you two didn't notice it, I suppose few people would, but I'm talking about the area I marked red.

It's completely filled with the exact same shade of beige/ocker(how do you call it?) as opposed to the other mountain, whioch is subtly textured.. Also the trees on that side are cropped because of this.
Looks exactly as if you applied a filler with some tollerance.

Artwork / Re: UGV pod
« on: December 22, 2008, 05:29:02 pm »
Something regarding the attachment of these pods:
If I'm not mistaken the different sized pods currently go on a weapon hardpoint of the same size, but aren't those pods quite a bit larger then the average weapon?
I suppose even a the small pod would look ridiculus when attached to the nose of the firebird.

In my oppinion the same goes for the fuel pod, which I consider quite larger then most electronics.

So my suggestion is to create a third type of hardpoint.
one for the weapons in light, medium and heavy.
one for electronics, which might also be devided in internal/small (targetting computer?) and external/large (ECM generator?)
and one for pods in small, medium and large, while the fuel pod could be the small one.

You did that for the pilots, so I suppose it wouldn't be difficult to implement?

Artwork / Re: Textures
« on: December 22, 2008, 03:33:34 pm »
It look great, but that strange beige area on the right wasn't intentional, was it?
Looks like you accidentaly applied the filler bucket.

Design / Re: about the aircrafts.
« on: December 22, 2008, 03:46:21 am »
That's been changed? wiki states two ugvs in the main pod and one external pod for the herakles.

Isn't buckypaper closely related to naocomposide? So in that case we actually have it.

One thing I found is conductive plastic, it's used for paper thin monitors and could make a decend cloaking device.

Airship wise there are closed or joined wings quite popular at the moment.
This usualy means the aircraft has one set of forward and one set of backward sweept wings, joined at the tip.
Unfortunatelly in most cases that would just combines the disadvantages of both wing types. But if you place the wings just right you can actually combine the advantages.

Feature Requests / Re: Whats bugging me so far with 2.2.1
« on: December 21, 2008, 02:08:07 pm »
The IR goggles arent even supposed to work in 2.2.1 so it is aktually strange that you got them working at all.

FAQ / Re: Capturing aliens: Bug, or am I doing something wrong?
« on: December 21, 2008, 12:34:55 pm »
As far as I know, the facility is also used to store the dead aliens, not just the living.
So without containment you dont have bodies for autopsy and couldn't research alien breathing.

Artwork / Re: Needed: new starmap texture
« on: December 21, 2008, 12:15:12 pm »
Sitters, aktualle you can, these were made from ground level with a regular camera.
In populatet areas it's the slight polution and the shear amount of ground lights it reflects that overlays this and lets you see only the brightest stars.
But in any rural area on a clear night and especially in an orbit, as our camera is, the stars look like this.

Simply try it out and see what it looks like, maybe also a darkened version.

On a side note: is the earth properly tilted? as the game starts in march It' difficult to tell.

Artwork / Re: Needed: new starmap texture
« on: December 21, 2008, 01:57:04 am »
One very good looking star box would probably be one that is based on a picture of the actual celestial sphere. One very popular is this:

With a slight adjustment in brightness and contrast this looks incredibly good.

The original is 300M big. You might want to ask him if he is willing to donate a version in suitable resolution.
If not one of our textures may be willing to make something that looks simmilar.

Tactics / Re: What's your favoret load out?
« on: December 20, 2008, 02:44:24 pm »
I don't realy have a special loadout. I'm rather flexible as to what skills my soldiers have on that game, but I usually make three teams:

one long ranged:
Sniper in hand  (quickly replaced with bolter), minishot in backpack, ammo clips in holster.
Assault/shot in hand, rocket in backpack, medikit and ammo in holster.

one mid ranged.
2x MG one has medikit in holster the other ammoclip. additional ammo and ammo/medikit in backback. Also knive in holster.
Flamer/GL in hand. Some one handed pistol and ammo in holster(to avoid friendly fire). Medikit and aditional ammo in backpack.
And with sniper cover, they don't nessesarily have to stick together.

and one close ranged team:
This one is the most flexible.  sometimes assault or shotgun. additional knives and grenades.
But my favorite is one with Kerblade and some sort of one handed pistol.

Discussion / Re: I need some help geting 2.3
« on: December 19, 2008, 10:32:19 pm »
This: explains how to get the source.
If you need help compiling or if you want the already compiled versions take a look in the appropriate forum for your OS.

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