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Topics - vedrit

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Windows / Cant do single-player in r22726
« on: February 17, 2009, 11:56:54 pm »
Downloaded r22726, tried to enter the single-player screen, and the game crashes. No error message or anything. I uninstalled UFO:AI and reinstalled, but got the same thing.

Windows XP Home, SP3, just to remove that question further down the line

Discussion / Wormhole travel vs. FTL engines
« on: February 17, 2009, 02:52:17 am »
I that everyone wishes that FTL were possible, but I agree with Einstein when he basically said that light was the unsiversal speed limit.
Having said this, I suggest that Alien Origin be changed to say something like "We decided it wasnt cloaking technology they were using, but rather that they had discovered a way to manipulate space to create wormholes with such precision to appear so close to Earth."
The theory is entirely plausible, even for the real world. Wormholes are, in lamemans terms, tunnels in space. Who's to say that they have any particular signature? That they emit radiation or some particle? And, as some theories go, wormholes can even go through time (As cool as it seems, I disagree with these. Power to String Theory!)

Just something to stew in the ol cooking pot

Windows / Errors
« on: February 09, 2009, 02:55:07 am »
MN_DrawTextNode: Called without text or linkedList pointer
that occured when I tried to transfer stuff to my new base

Windows / Unresponsive buttons
« on: February 08, 2009, 07:51:12 pm »
Finally got Destrucavators installer downloaded, installed Mutons update, and ran the game. First thing to pop up is the setup (username, sound levels, language), but nothing would respond to my click, or (in the username) key pressing

Discussion / Armed local forces
« on: June 07, 2008, 01:09:31 am »
Ive played a couple maps that were military bases, and I thought "Hey, why dont police or the army show up and do some damage?"
Depending on whether its military or just police can adjust what guns they have and what armor they are wearing, both being basic items, ballistic weapons, combat armor, etc.
And relations between PHALANX and the nation could determine whether the local forces attack you or support you, or "accedentaly" tossed a grenade at one of your men, killing him and the supposed alien target, heheh.

This could also tie in on the suggested idea of defending downed dropships

Discussion / Applying patches from the tracker?
« on: June 06, 2008, 10:31:51 am »
I was taking a look around the patch tracker and was wondering:
1) What is not currently in 2.2.1
2) how to apply patches to the game

If this in the wrong place, sorry. Its 2:30 AM, and I cant think straight

FAQ / Promotions
« on: June 05, 2008, 11:14:27 pm »
Im guessing that unit promotions are not implemented, but i was wondering what the promotions might do

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