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Topics - Charlie

Pages: [1]
Bugs in stable version (2.5) / UFO - Corrupter UFOpedia article
« on: January 01, 2013, 07:50:43 pm »
The last two sentences contradict each other.

The mouse scroll-wheel doesn't work for scrolling the left panel of the UFOpaedia vertically. What's more, if I scroll this panel halfway by dragging the bar down and then try to use the scroll-wheel, it jumps right back up.
Screencast on request.

Feature Requests / Grenade launcher, its ammo and article
« on: January 01, 2013, 07:10:19 pm »
The grenade launcher comes with the following ammo according to the equip-soldier screen:
9x25mm HIT Grenades
16x25mm IC Grenades
20x25mm Flechette Grenades

I have no idea what HIT, IC or Flechette mean, so I visit the UFOpaedia.

The article on 25mm Flechette Grenades says they should be loaded into an HPGL Grenade Launcher. What's HPGL? No explanation in the UFOpaedia or on Google.

Next up, the 25mm HIT Grenade article. "High Impulse Thermobaric" explained, good.

Next article, the 25mm IC Grenade. For consistency with the HIT article, I would rephrase the first sentence to:
"This is a box of 6 25mm IC (incendiary) grenades."

Last, the Grenade Launcher article. No explanation of HPGL. I assume it means High Power Grenade Launcher, but then why write High Power Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher. The 3D model of the ammo in this article shows three ammo units, but they are all HIT Grenades. Would be nice if it showed models of IC and Flechette Grenades too, and without clipping them (they dont fit in the box) [size=78%][/size]

I click on Statistics and cycle through the "With:" thing, and see "25mm PB Grenades". What's a PB Grenade?

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Map Industrial - tile not passable
« on: January 01, 2013, 05:47:08 pm »

The tile under the cursor is not passable though graphically it's empty and the soldier should be able to stand there.

Please tell me what exact info you need in the future so I can provide just the relevant bit. For now, have the whole blob of text:

setting game random seed to 53042
------- Loading -------
not found at '/usr/local/lib'
not found at '/home/drslony/.ufoai/2.5-dev/base'
found at './base'
Using RMA2 seed: 29 for <medium>
tiles: -industrial/ind_ +craft_ufo_harvester +fr12_3x3 +craft_drop_herakles +fr06_3x2 +fr02 +fr10 +fr03 +fr05 +fr07 +fr15_2x1 +fr13_2x1 +fr09 +fr04 +fr01 +fr10 +fr10 +fr14_1x3
pos: 0 -24 0 -24 -8 0 0 16 0 -24 16 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 24 16 0 24 24 0 24 -32 0 8 -32 0 -8 -32 0 -8 -24 0 -8 -16 0 -24 -32 0 -24 -24 0 -24 -16 0 -16 -32 0
tiles: 17
CM_LoadMap: "-industrial/ind_ +craft_ufo_harvester +fr12_3x3 +craft_drop_herakles +fr06_3x2 +fr02 +fr10 +fr03 +fr05 +fr07 +fr15_2x1 +fr13_2x1 +fr09 +fr04 +fr01 +fr10 +fr10 +fr14_1x3" "0 -24 0 -24 -8 0 0 16 0 -24 16 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 24 16 0 24 24 0 24 -32 0 8 -32 0 -8 -32 0 -8 -24 0 -8 -16 0 -24 -32 0 -24 -24 0 -24 -16 0 -16 -32 0"
Rerouted for RMA in   2.0s
checksum for the map '+industrial': 1604226843
ufo script checksum 3365609145

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Smoke graphic light
« on: December 25, 2012, 08:45:47 pm »
Smoke lighting is incorrect. Light on the smoke sprites appears to be coming from below, while light on every other surface comes from above (sun/sky). You can clearly see the discrepancy here:

The smoke graphic looks correct, the smoke is darker at the bottom and brighter at the top where the sun would shine on it, so I'm guessing it's rotated incorrectly in the code.

I thought this was bad

but then I selected my strongest guy with a 40 mission experience, and...

While how loaded a soldier is should have an impact on his movement, the way the mechanism is currently tuned renders the game unplayable.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Smoke grenades rape framerate
« on: December 13, 2012, 08:09:44 pm »
Smoke from smoke grenades drops my framerate to an unplayable level, from 50fps to 6fps.

Tested on head (8a9c7289efef39c966ba79b3183ba4806689f6d0 at time of writing).

GPU: GeForce GTX 285M
CPU: Intel Core i7 820QM
RAM: 2 x 4GB SODIMM 667MHz
nvidia-drivers 310.19

This is an old issue, this thread states that it was fixed, but clearly its not.

Feature Requests / Video settings are unclear
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:11:20 pm »
This is not really feature request, but neither is it a bug. I guess it belongs here more than there.

The game's video settings are unclear, so in the end I'm not sure which options I want to enable for what effect, and which I'd rather keep turned off to not drop FPS too much. To correct this, the tooltips would need to be improved, and one or two labels too. All tooltips should say how much of an impact this setting will have on the FPS, and whether it affects geoscape, battlescape or both. Considering that a number of these settings require a game restart, it would be a major time saver if the items were improved on as I list below.

Resolution Cap: the tooltip doesn't really explain what implication this has or how to figure out a correct setting. I imagine it's correlated to GPU RAM.

Compression: same as above, what visual and FPS effect will this have? At what level of GPU RAM does this become irrelevant?

LoD: very informative tooltip, no issues here.

Anisotropy Level: what does 0 mean? Off, or some kind of automatic? It's not obvious to me that 0=off because 0 has a special meaning in Multisample Buffers/Swap Interval.

Vertex Buffers: the tooltip is black magic here. How high is the FPS impact and what will look nicer with it?

Multisample Buffers / Swap Interval: This is commonly called Antialiasing, and that is the name most games and GPU setting panels use. Multisampling is a technique of antialiasing, but the user doesn't care what technique is used under the hood - the end result is that the user wants (or doesn't want) antialiasing, and unless he knows what multisampling is, he won't find it. Please rename this to Antialiasing. The tooltip does mention that "multisample buffers provide a mechanism to antialias all GL primitives" but that's greek to non-coders (and non-greeks).

Post-Processing Shader Effects: more effects could be listed than just "glowing textures".

Lightmap Block Size: "Higher block size means more detailed lightmaps" ok, but what's a lightmap? I'm sure this could be expressed in layman terms.

Realtime Lighting / Max Dynamic Lights: "Maximum number of dynamic hardware accelerated lights allowed" what effect do they have, and what exactly are we talking about? Lights in a room, light given off by plasma shots, other? How do I figure out whats optimal for me?

Texture Normalmapping: like in Multisample Buffers, normalmapping is a technique of bump mapping, so you should use the more common term "bump mapping" and optionally have "normalmapping" mentioned in the tooltip.

Feature Requests / Remember unassigned soldiers' equipment
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:21:27 pm »
Soldiers who are not assigned to a transporter lose all their equipment, and the user must waste time re-assigning it afterwards. Would be great if the game remembered what they had, and tried to re-equip them with it (if stocks allow) when I assign them to a transporter again.

Feature Requests / Plasma blade should be re-equipped after mission
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:19:51 pm »
If you use a plasma blade during a mission, it needs to be manually re-equipped afterwards. Would be a time saver (and more consistent) if the game re-equipped after the mission those soldiers who had it before the mission.

Feature Requests / Lines of sight
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:34:26 pm »
When you press "t" a line gets drawn from the selected soldier to any aliens it can see. I would like a feature that would automatically draw these lines.

Feature Requests / Lighting / tone mapping / night light
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:54:50 am »
Battlescape lighting could be greatly improved, especially regarding night missions.

I use my machine mainly for photography, so I play on a monitor calibrated with a hardware color calibration device. It is adjusted perfectly to my viewing conditions (a dim room). Despite this, it is very difficult to make things out in night missions. What I see doesn't feel like night, it just feels like inadequately lit maps. Both day and night lighting feels flat.

Currently there is only one way of increasing brightness - via the "gamma" slider. This is very crude and the end result is equally poor. It changes the gamma of the whole screen while the game window is in focus (luckily when I Alt+Tab the gamma is returned to normal).

Perhaps if the maps had many lights added, and the game used tone mapping which the user could adjust, this would lead to aesthetically far nicer graphics, and more usable too.
Increasing brightness should not clip already-bright areas (currently that's what happens when you increase "geo ambient lighting") nor should it make gray what should be pure black.

This is what night should look like:

Sadly, this is what night does look like in UFO:AI:

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