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Messages - antkatcin

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Impressions after playing the latest nightly
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:33:11 pm »
I'm a newbie in UFO:Alien Invasion, but not in XCOM world. Yesterday i start playing latest 2.4 build and found almost the same problems. There are too much aliens! My warehouse are filled with dead aliens (more than 200). Because of aliens looks that my research going too slow. I've played three and half game months, but i have only two and half completed researches (i always build laboratories and use all available scientists to hire).

Also i think grenades(at least that are available at the start) are too unuseful in the game. I tryed them a lot of times, but the accuracy are extremely low and i can't remember if i ever killed any alien by grenade, but rocket launcher can hit alien with 90%+ hit chance in a half map distance (just like a sniper rifle).

One more thing about defending bases. I've more then 8 solders on a base. Ok, possibly i understand why i can't take them all to the mission, but why i can't select which 8 solders should defend my base?

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