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Messages - Magniff

Pages: [1] 2
Windows / Re: Missing resolution?
« on: July 07, 2014, 10:19:41 pm »
Great job,

just downloaded the recent nightly build (July 7 2014) and as promised the 1366*768 resolution is included now.
If I select another resolution like 1152*768, the Screen will still not be centered. But, as it is centered for 1366*768, thats just a minor issue.

Thank a lot everybody involved (Mattn, Dev. Team, etc.) -

Windows / Re: Missing resolution?
« on: July 04, 2014, 10:19:13 pm »

returning to UFO-AI from a 1.5 years break I'm facing the same problem.
(Native resolution is 1366*768)

Even worse, if I choose another (non native) resolution my screen isn't centered anymore.
Checking the center-view control-box doesn't help either (no surprise as this option is gameplay related).

Really sad
- Magniff

Game Version: UFO-AI 2.6 (2014. July 04)

Discussion / Re: Funding Nation mood whiplash
« on: January 03, 2013, 09:50:22 pm »
I‘m separating my bases into two types: type-1 are military-bases and type-2 are production-bases (workshops use up much more space as laboratory‘s do). My HQ (military-base) is also doing all the research (4 laboratory‘s).
I‘m currently planing to further specialize my production-bases into disassembly- and construction-bases.

Speaking about the early-game and the early mid-game, my standard loadout are two stilleto interceptors in each base.
Military focused bases in addition are holding a firebird dropship, up to three base-defense facility’s and no workshops.
Production focused bases are holding up to five workshops and no base-defense facility‘s or laboratory‘s.

In the beginning my interceptors are equipped with two sparrowhawks and one shiva-cannon.
According to my budget, shivas get replaced by aerial-lasers as soon as possible.
I also replace most of my sparrowhawks by particle-beam weapons, as particle weapons got lower maintenance cost (ammunition).
AFAIK dragon interceptors use antimatter as fuel, I therefore didn‘t build any of these until now (early mid-game).

I try to actively scout the area outside of my radar-range. But as scouting waypoints are not implemented, I conveniently just place my stilletos in order to monitor single locations that exhibit a high population-density (according to the displayed size and number of city during the night).


Discussion / Re: Funding Nation mood whiplash
« on: December 29, 2012, 01:53:06 am »
Hi Quizer,

assuming you’re playing 2.4 or 2.5, I didn’t recognize such an erratic behavior in my own sessions, yet.

Additionally and according to the fact your only radar coverage of North-America is a radar-tower, it‘s quite plausible you’ve missed a terror- or harvesting-mission (each landed ufo triggers such a mission and AFAIK they are only randomly reported to the player).


@Anarch Cassius: You‘ve already stated much of the content of my post, sorry!

Discussion / Re: Cheat in soldier stats
« on: December 23, 2012, 04:10:21 pm »
Hi athspk,

AFAIK there‘s no easy way to modify savegames.
Choosing a lower level of difficulty might be a better decision.

However it‘s quite simple to modify the stats of new recruits.
Search for for „How can I make my new recruits have better stats?“ in the „UFO scripting: guide“  within the
„User modifications“ sub-forum (it‘s sticky).


Discussion / Security-cameras in 2.5 − fully implemented?
« on: December 19, 2012, 05:29:04 pm »
On base-defense missions in 2.5, there are several security-cameras visible on the battlescape.

But till now, I haven‘t figured out how to use them.
I tried to interact with the consoles within the command-center, i tried to interact with them directly and I also tried the battlescape radar.
But neither of these attempts led to any success.

Are I‘m doing something wrong or are these cameras not fully implemented right now?

My Version of UFO AI is „2.5 Win32 Dec 9“.


Discussion / Re: Can‘t research „Live Alien“ in 2.5 dev
« on: December 19, 2012, 05:12:28 pm »
Problem solved before any real bug-report was written ─ that‘s what I call high-speed bugfixing!

Thanks a lot DarkRain!

Discussion / Re: Can‘t research „Live Alien“ in 2.5 dev
« on: December 14, 2012, 07:27:45 pm »
I‘ve tried to stun an alien with two single charges of the stunrod (equipt in the right hand & blaster dropped on the ground).
Once again the stunned organic alien arrives save in my containment but no new research-options show up.
Instead of trying Wolls first stun afterward shoot method, I‘ve experimented with the raws a bit.

More specifically I‘ve modded the „research_logic.ufo“ file at „UFOAI-2.5-dev\base\0ufos.pk3\ufos\“,
by changing the requirements of the logic-tech „rs_contained_organic_alien“ to „alienglobal 1“.
After applying these changes and loading my attached savegame (see post 1) the correct research option as well as the right acknowledgment Mail are triggered.

This somehow buggy behavior seems to be related to the way „rs_contained_organic_alien“ counts organic aliens and the two different types of taman-bodys in my containment-facility.

I‘m still not sure whether this is a real bug or if it was created by updating UFO-AI 2.5 from Nov 24 to Dec 9.
If anybody else recognizes comparable problems without having updated his version of UFO-AI during his current campaign, please post in this thread.

Best regards

Discussion / Re: Can‘t research „Live Alien“ in 2.5 dev
« on: December 14, 2012, 12:07:27 am »
Thanks a lot Wolls, for your tremendous effort.
I will try out your capturing method.

But this sounds like there is something buggy with alien-capture research, doesn‘t it?
Can anybody confirm this game behavior as intended?

Best regards

Discussion / Can‘t research „Live Alien“ in 2.5 dev
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:51:31 pm »
As mentioned I‘m unable to research the „Live organic alien“ technology! :-[
But until I post this as a bug, I want to make sure I didn’t miss something important.

I‘ve already researched the „Alien breathing apparatus“ technology and captured a living organic alien (Taman) on the battlefield.
The Alien is displayed at the alien containment-screen and it‘s also visible on the main-screen of that base.
Additionally there was no massage which acknowledged me about new research options.

As an additional slightly confusing fact, there are two types of Taman-corpses stored in my containment-facility (At least they are occupying two different slots of my containment-facility).

My current version of UFO AI is „2.5 Win32 Dec 9“, but my campaign was originally started in "UFO AI 2.5 Win32 Nov 24".
A corresponding savegame is attached.

Thanks in advance for responses

Tactics / Re: Keeping the Nations Happy in 2.4
« on: December 31, 2011, 03:00:41 pm »
Seems like there are some opposing strategies which are, never the less, working quite good.
Therefore it seems interesting to learn more about the individual extent of the separate happiness impacts.
Especially it‘s hard to separate the impacts of the following actions:
a)  Shooting down a UFO
b)  Performing a tactical crahside-mission
c) Selling the UFO‘s remands

The following section tries to accumulate the information that was provided on this topic so far:
1.) As reported by geever in reply #7: Shooting UFO‘s without performing action b) and c) won‘t be enough to maintain happiness (low impact)
2:) As reported by homunculus in reply #14: Shooting enough UFO‘s at the sea is maintaining international happiness, even though  action b) and c) are unavailable. (medium impact)
3.) As reported by me in reply #19: Performing a crashside-mission seems to generate some kind of overall happiness increase, no matter which nation the crashside belongs to. (medium impact)
4.) According to my own experience: Performing some crashside-missions within a certain nations territory generates a recognizable impact on it‘s happiness (high impact)
5.) As reported by nanomage in reply #22: Selling UFO‘s in adequate numbers to a certain nation also does a good job on increasing this nations happiness (high impact)

As point 1.) and 2.) seem to contradict each other, I‘m either missing something or there must be some special mechanic concerning UFO‘s which are shoot at the sea.
To me, the best bet on this special mechanic would be the overall increase on happiness (point 3.), which seems to be gifted automatically if someone shoots a UFO at sea.

Any suggestions, adjustments or additions?

Discussion / Unavailable Automissions
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:44:44 pm »
Version: 2.4-dev. (Nov. 24. 2011)

If I try to automission a UFO-crashsite which is in proximity to one of my bases, the automission feature is usually not available (the „automission“ button is grayed out).
More specifically this usually happens if the crashsite is within my SAM-range.

Bug or feature, any suggestions?

Regards, Magniff

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Hidden location in Antarctica
« on: December 08, 2011, 09:19:48 pm »

first of all, thanks a lot for providing a patch on the issue such quickly.  :)

Now I‘ve downloaded the patch but since I‘m using the installer Version of 2.4, I got no clue what to do with the patch file.
Any advices?

Tactics / Re: Keeping the Nations Happy in 2.4
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:58:25 pm »
Hi everybody,

according to my experience so far, maintaining international happiness isn‘t a big issue during the first month‘s. Additionally it seems like a high number of successful missions (no matter at which location) does strongly improve international happiness.

But as some people really seem to struggle on this, I’m wondering to which extend the location of the first base does influence somebody‘s ability to detect an shoot UFO‘s? Are there regions that exhibit a higher density of UFO flyovers then others do?

As an example, in my current game (Version: 2.4-dev Nov 24, 2011) on normal difficulty I‘ve build my first base in the asian Republic and the second one in the US. By now (May 18, 2084) I‘ve performed 68 missions. While the majority of missions took place around Asia, already all the Nations are at least happy.

Regards, Magniff

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Hidden location in Antarctica
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:48:05 pm »
OK, seems like the problem is much bigger.

Once again I‘ve found an invisible harvesting mission (using space on the worldmap), but this time it‘s located in Africa. 
I‘ve also send a Firebird to investigate the questionable location, but it was unable to detect anything.
To me it seems like some harvesting-missions are just not displayed, also the usual notification on the left upper corner of the screen didn't appear. Of course there have already been some harvesting-mission witch didn’t cause any problems (The notification appeared and the corresponding symbol was displayed on the worldmap).

Currently I really got no clue whether this hidden missions are intended or not.

Once again I‘ve attached the corresponding savegame.
Regards, Magniff

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