UFO:Alien Invasion

General => Tactics => Topic started by: NicSO on February 11, 2014, 02:51:35 pm

Title: Luring tactics vs UFOs
Post by: NicSO on February 11, 2014, 02:51:35 pm
It is possible to lure ufos with you interceptors so they enter SAM area to soften them before sending interceptors or you could lure single ufo (gunboat is best target for such tactics) multiple times until SAM rockets take them down :)

Btw. this should be edited in future versions. Aliens should be able to learn after few successful luring actions to avoid SAM sites.
Title: Re: Luring tactics vs UFOs
Post by: Noordung on February 11, 2014, 02:54:24 pm
yes but most ufos wont attack your inteceptors.
Title: Re: Luring tactics vs UFOs
Post by: NicSO on February 11, 2014, 02:58:09 pm
Gunboats will attack, in almost 100% cases. Corrupters in I would say 30-40%. I encountered bombers only 5 times and I let them land so I can take UFO undamaged.

Fighters will also chase interceptors but they r piece of cake!

Try this tactic with gunboats!
Title: Re: Luring tactics vs UFOs
Post by: Noordung on February 12, 2014, 10:55:23 pm
well yes i know about this tactics. but you cant use it in early game. harvesters and fighters will attack your interceptors only when they are rally close. and will fly away if you try to lure them.
Title: Re: Luring tactics vs UFOs
Post by: nanomage on February 13, 2014, 08:14:04 am
well yes i know about this tactics. but you cant use it in early game. harvesters and fighters will attack your interceptors only when they are rally close. and will fly away if you try to lure them.
That's not flying away
They're just calculating the shortest path to intercept your fighter that's luring them toward the base and it turns out to be around the globe. It doesn't happen with gunboats because their speed advantage is high enough for direct pursuit to be the faster way to intercept you. You can manipulate them pretty easily toward your base actually, all while staying completely safe. With this exploit, you can shoot down anything, even gunboats with nothing but a stilletto and a single AA launcher at your base. Theonly thing required is that they try to intercept you, and I don't know for sure how this decision is made.
Title: Re: Luring tactics vs UFOs
Post by: Noordung on February 13, 2014, 10:38:22 am
i see. that would be logical since also your inteceptors sometimes want to fly around globe.