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Messages - iamaloner

Pages: 1 [2]
Feature Requests / Friendly AI (not civilians)
« on: March 12, 2012, 04:16:15 pm »
Guys, I would like to see some friendly AI... Not the civilians but soldier...

So I would like to see maps with scenario like ambushed convoy with very important stuff, like alien vehicle parts, informations of prototype stuff... So Friendly AI would be armed with pistols, assault rifles and smgs and fire at aliens and take cover...

It would add more realism and fun as you could see friendly AI keeping busy aliens so that you can like flank the aliens and that...

The game is influenced by XCOM/UFO:Enemy Unknown ... There should be destructible terrains...

Anyway most maps I see needs some changes... or removed because they were made a long time ago like 2 years tops... Or less...

If terrain was partialy destroyable then it would make game more intense... Atleast some parts like:
- Doors
- Windows
- Some walls
- objects (computer, monitor, chair...)
- vehicles (most of them)

Remaking maps is long and painfull job but it would allow remaking them and making them better, atleast a reason to redo the map and improve most of things...

Discussion / Re: Why Quake 2 and not Quake 3(or Ioquake3) engine?
« on: March 12, 2012, 03:45:22 pm »
No, I am not a programmer... I dont want to become insane...

I can do some artwork, storyline proposals with great detail, possible balance proposals if there were difficulty called "realistic"...

We already saw that something that seems imposible is possible...

Also I dint know that UFO:AI has custom engine based on Quake 2 engine with some stuff comparable to Quake 3 engine... Anyway for mapping it can be detailed and optimized but you must find a way to optimize it...

Like it dosent rendered some part of map that you dont see and that probavly already greatly improved in the game...

Well I hope that style and look of building of vehicles will be more futuristic then nowadays, its in the games storyline 2080is? Why not futuristic cars and vans that would like they are from 2080is and that it dosent need to be ugly or look a like nowadays cars...

Discussion / Re: Why Quake 2 and not Quake 3(or Ioquake3) engine?
« on: March 12, 2012, 02:24:16 pm »
Everything is possible...

Discussion / Re: Why Quake 2 and not Quake 3(or Ioquake3) engine?
« on: March 11, 2012, 11:09:12 pm »
Thanks for response...

I did not know about these details, especialy that you use MD3 animation format... And skeletal...

Anyway I hope that models will be more complex in polygonical, animation and textures but if well made and dont affect performance of the game. Also I hope that maps will be complex and not use alot of hardware/performace power... Good Luck...

Mapping / Re: New RMA: Harbour map
« on: March 11, 2012, 09:50:42 pm »
This is something I wish, too.  :D

If you have some spare time, just do it (it is not as hard as it might look at first glance, promised 8)). Such contributions are always welcome.

Well IDK mapping, I will try but I dont have some patience... Maybe later when I find alot of time for mapping... And not like just 1 hour for mapping, maybe like 6 hours in one day....

Discussion / Why Quake 2 and not Quake 3(or Ioquake3) engine?
« on: March 11, 2012, 09:35:10 pm »
Hello people, I am new to this forum and I have a major question...

Why UFO:AI is still running and developing on Quake 2 and not on more advanced Quake 3 engine?

I know that this game started in 2003 when Q3 engine wasnt open source and Q2 was already open source for years, I dont know why UFO:AI wasnt transfered to Q3 engine since it became avalible because of some features and I am not expert, coder or dev but I dont know if it is more complex to develop something on Q3 engine... Or IoQuake 3 engine...

Anyway I think that we should transfer to Quake 3/IoQuake 3 engine...

Even thought it would slow progress and that most content would probavly be lost if not possible to convert/reformat to Quake 3 or IoQuake 3 engine properly, but changing engine would be beneficial... Especialy if we change to IoQuake3 engine ...

There are more benefits like more realistic animations, more possible difrient looks of soldier, civilians, aliens, etc... Because MD3 models are seperated into 3 parts and that are Head/Torso, Arms and Legs...

IDK what to tell you but there is an interesting fact that Quake 3 engine can support skeletal animation and heres the data on Wikipedia (look at models part of text):

I cant write tons of things what is good on Q3 engine...

Look on the web and find details...

Anyway IDK what to write, I just want your opinion...

Also IDK where to find Gongos MD4 implementation files for Quake 3/IoQuake 3 engine...
I hope you guys find it...

Thats all for now... Please respond ...

Coding / Re: 2.4dev mem usage (ram eaten up)
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:52:02 pm »
I am not an coder or expert my newbie opinion is that trying new stuff with Quake 2 engine is harder and there is greater chances for glitches, bugs that could eat up alot of ram, proccesor, graphic card... Idk why dont you use Quake 3 engine :P

Mapping / Re: New RMA: Harbour map
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:41:26 pm »
The map style and how it can be done is awsome... I wish there would be like version with crashed UFOs or something...

Artwork / Re: Video in-game cut-scene movie clip planning
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:56:03 pm »
Here are my suggestion and it will be detailed and I hope you will aggree...

Prolouge(when game starts)...
Scene 1(flashback):
- first person view (you have ballistic googles and holding assault rifle)
- inside the transport helicopter (make it kinda futuristic for near end of 21 century)
- you hear screams and gunfire from outside
Scene 2(Lock N Load):
- exiting from helicopter with fellow comrades and start shooting at aliens behind debris
- partially or fully destructed vehicles, rarely some vehicle undamaged, alot of dead civilians and soldier
- building damaged, some are fully destruced, large UFO hovering above center of the city
Scene 3(run):
- you and your soldier are running and retreating as alien forces advance
- small UFOs shooting at buildings and armored vehicles near you
- near you bridge collapses
- you and your comrades find some cover
Scene 3(last stand)
- surounded by aliens, shooting and taking cover, some fellow comrades got killed
- decide to take rocket launcher and to fire at landing small UFO and UFO got hit and gets damaged
- some backup arrives and start regrouping while under heavy fire
Scene 4(push forward):
- Aliens advance, large CW infrantry corps arrives, mass losses, alien starts to have losses
- civilians get in the crossfire
- you got hit by an alien firearm in the torso (barely survives)
Scene 5(halt):
- advance of aliens are halted (rockets fired upon small ufos)
- you hear on radio that CW is going to fire an experimental rocket against main UFO
- CW troops advance and aliens are retreating
- you got order to retreat and to get in the transport helicopter

Its probavly short but its a good start...

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:30:04 pm »
The armor kinda similar to UFO: Extraterrestrials 2 that is currently in work...(commercial game)
Also it looks similar to UFO:Aftershocks mix of light and medium armor...

Anyway I have felling that it should look difrient, I very liked Heavy Armor Suit from UFO:Aftermath... Something similar would be cool...

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