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Messages - moonunitiv

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Is everyone playing 2.6 Dev now?
« on: April 10, 2016, 08:57:44 am »
Sorry, I never tried
Well thanks anyway. I'll have to try it later...

Discussion / Re: Is everyone playing 2.6 Dev now?
« on: April 10, 2016, 05:47:15 am »
I've played 2.6 for some time and I confirm it is pretty stable. You should try it unless you have important campaign saved games you don't want to loose.
But there are many improvements. However, the GUI has pretty much changed and is not very straight forward for 2.5 players (as me). In the base screen, you will have to randomly clic on different things to see which opens a menu and which don't.
Thanks for replying. I think i'll download it now.
Do you know if LAN/multiplayer works at all?

Discussion / Is everyone playing 2.6 Dev now?
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:25:47 am »
Howdy, i'm new.
I've been playing 2.5 for a while, and enjoying it immensely. But their are still bugs and things, and trying to play LAN games is an absolute nightmare.
So, should I be playing 2.6? Skimming the change log/to do list doesn't really tell me much about its current state (or maybe i'm blind) and so i'm not sure if I should update or not. As it's not the stable version...well how stable is it? Does LAN work ok or even better than before?

Thanks in advance for answers!

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