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Messages - Montague

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: other Human Armed forces? & civilian intelligence
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:32:08 am »
To clarify, terror sites would be set, implying that the human player is helping out a horribly defeated or disorganized part of the city which might include local military forces sent into the breach once more.

Civilians should never have weapons, just like in real life. Any anti-alien force not hostile to the player should be military in nature. Not with rocket launchers or powerful grenades. They should be redshirts with crap rifles that deduct 1/2 of the points a dead civilian does when he/she dies.

Feature Requests / Re: other Human Armed forces? & civilian intelligence
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:25:51 am »
Also, I think there should be anti-alien combatants in some terror sites. Not policemen though. To keep things simple and belivable, I think only military-style soldiers should be around. Having police in terror sites is silly. Not every country in the world has policemen, at least not in the 'blue-uniform-with-a-pistol' people would think of as a policeman.

Since the storyline describes several mindnumbingly horribly assaults on civilian population, it can be assumed that every nation with a city worth terrorizing is under martial law. Soldiers EVERYWHERE. Thus, a terror site or other urban mission will have drab, crappy conscripts responding to the invasion rather then civilian police. To make things simple. add on some armed units (That do not attack without the playe'rs base, alien confinement and "

I also really hate the idea that civilians would have pistols or other weapons and that they would fight back. Guess what. Weapon ownership in most nations is strictly illegal. The USA is the only nation in the world that offers such liberal gun-ownership freedoms and by 2057, I'm certain that movement will be gone. It gets more and more illegal as the years go by. By the year 2057, its safe to say no civilian has access to anything more lethal then a cowering stance in the corner.

Feature Requests / Re: other Human Armed forces? & civilian intelligence
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:01:07 am »
I hate to bump a dead thread but this topic is half the reason why I signed on in the first place.

Civilians should just have a simple AI that has them running away from aliens shooting at them. If AI has to be crazy to program, make the civilian AI a simple modification of the Alien AI, maybe give the civilians a "scream" "attack" which is simply an action where they act as though thet have a weapon, when confronted with enemies or caught in a reaction fire situation they "attack" with an action that does no damage, but it can use the same AI enemy units have for seeking cover.

So, basically a civilians looks around a cover, sees an alien, craps his pants and SHOUTS... an 'attack' reducing his TUs and generating a sound effect. Then he dashes for cover like an alien does to avoid X-COM fire.

A bunch of screaming sound effects from a terrorized site would be good atmosphere so long as the 'civilian scream noise" does not become extremly repetive.

It would allow civilians to move away from hostiles, at the very least.t

Feature Requests / Re: Armour names
« on: November 13, 2009, 01:06:46 am »
I can imagine the scientists discussing this to the leadership types.

"This is the most advanced armor in the world, the absolute best body armor humanity has ever developed. Medium Alien Armor. Its called that because its made from alien stuff, and although the plates are thicker then the armor you have now, we could make the plates thicker, but we chose not too. Hence, Medium, because we just made the plates medium-thickness compared to how thick we could have made them. We will need another research grant if you want us to design you Alien Armor thicker then this. Don't get me wrong, its pretty thick, but I think with enough money we could probably make it thicker."

Feature Requests / Re: Playable Intro and Civilian Life Cut-Scenes
« on: November 13, 2009, 12:58:00 am »
I like this idea, especially the "Assault on Mubai" senario you mentioned. A squad of 6 or 8 crappy soldiers with a few basic human weapons slaughtering civilians you while you are nearly powerless to stop it.

I dunno about having special "crappy" versions of the same human starting weapons though, if that would be a pain to impliment or whatever, the squad could just have same weapons. Handwave by having the mission dialogue mention that your squad is the elite vanguard of the Indian Army with all these neat weapons.

Maybe make it into the sorta tutorial/ introduction level, just leave it as a bit of a random sandbox situation where a newbie can safely experiment with the controls and the varied weapons, without failure having any negative impact on the real portion of the game.

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