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Messages - DarkRain

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Newbie Coding / Re: Encumbrance/TU penalty
« on: September 07, 2010, 08:31:44 pm »
spamtome [dot] 10 [at] gmail [dot] com

not really needed to credit me you know

Linux / Re: I just want to play a game .....
« on: September 07, 2010, 07:21:50 pm »
Let me start again. Hi im a noob and id like to know if you can download and play a ready go version of the this game ufo 2.3 for a ubuntu 10.04 intel 32bit laptop. If so Id like to download and play the game via simply clicking on one of those old school mundane things know as a link. Maybe a il stretch to a download link and a few quick cli commands. If not il go play something easier to install.

I fear that will not happen very soon

I think the easiest way would be downloading the source from sourceforge (and the data, lang, and map packs) and compiling it (if you download the packs from sourecforge you can skip the sections about getting the code and compiling maps) not the easiest task out there, but it really isn't that difficult
And if you will be using Linux, compiling things is a really useful ability to have, so you might want to learn it

Well the wiki had at some point the following instructions:

git init ufoai
cd ufoai
git remote add -t master origin git://
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/master

That should download the master branch only, but they were taken down for a reason I presume? Maybe it won't work anymore?
If you are only interested in the latest code you could make a shallow clone of the repo and skip downloading all the project's history or if you are daring you could also try a shallow fetch

Only add the option:  --depth 1  to the git clone command (or git fetch if you are trying the shallow fetch with the instructions above)
that should download only the latest state and skip the history

How to do it with tortoisegit? I don't know

Artwork / Re: Armor model updates
« on: September 06, 2010, 10:42:57 pm »
Impresive, now I'm growing impatient to see it in-game.

Newbie Coding / Re: onChange for autoplace
« on: September 06, 2010, 10:40:55 pm »
Here's a new update on the onChange subject (wich I'm plannig to use for the encumbrance/TU penalty), this is a bit better than before

Anyway, sorry, the container code is very very bad ATM, and hard to clean.
Well when I said
not very elegant tough.
it was an understatment ;D

edit: forgot to attach diff and changed subject

Newbie Coding / Re: Encumbrance/TU penalty
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:04:08 am »
Do you think you can provide a little patch that makes auto placing call onChange ?
Maybe something like the attached patch could do the trick -- not very elegant tough.

Or maybe you intend spawning a rescue mission if the pilot get killed? . . . Hmmm . . . But waht if it happens to the only squad you have and you can't muster other one for the mission? ???

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:56:03 pm »
That reminds me of the theory that humanity is actually the first species to make it into the space. As such, it turns the tables: WE'RE the ones that try to invade other civilizations and get blown up Independence style.
Do you think that would make a good theme for an hypotetical alternate campaign for UFO:AI? -- I mean the invading other civs part not the getting blown one btw.

Translating / Re: Note to all translators
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:52:58 pm »
Look to the Russian translation. We`ve made special template for headers to clean-up texts and so on. It may be usefull for other too.
Will have a look, still something good to know in case some people find their translation dont work the way they should

Newbie Coding / Re: Encumbrance/TU penalty
« on: September 01, 2010, 07:50:46 pm »
Do you think you can provide a little patch that makes auto placing call onChange ?
Well, Itried a little to work that out but it didn't work quite as expected, so I ended calling the update function right there, at least for now
Still that might be something worth checking as I'm not sure it was *only* an error on my side, as it seemed to work for all container nodes besides the backpack (where it crashed the game), will look at it later -- I'm in my other PC right now

Do you think you found all the events ?
Not yet, I'm aware of at least a couple situations that will throw things out of sync...

DarkRain's implementation will apply the penalties in the most gradual way possible. So it's not like overloaded ? TUs -= 20%.
That's right I'm using an exponential function to calculate the penalty so it will progress slowly -- at the begining -- but if you seriously overload your soldiers they might end crushed under the weight of their equipment (but I'm talking of something like the double or more than they should carry) ;D

Translating / Note to all translators
« on: August 31, 2010, 08:26:21 pm »
Hello fellow translators

I have noticed some of the research texts at the wiki with the following layout:

<Header>    <----- (Proposal, etc)


<Greeting>  <----- (Commander, Good mornig Sir, etc)
                <------ (Blank line)
<Rest of the text>

Don't do that!

The blank line after the greeting might confuse the script that updates the .po files from the wiki

It might end using the english source for the Research Proposal and the translated version of the Proposal for the Research Result in the .po

I've had that happen in the spanish translation, it seems the script will take the Greeting as the header of the next section (in this case Result) and thus will not find the Research Proposal translation between the Proposal header and the Greeting (wich it takes for the Result header) using the english source for it, then will use the text after the Greeting (The translated version of the Proposal) for the Result

If you reall need to put the Greeting on top of the rest of the paragraph (I know it the right way to write a letter in most places) I suggest using this layout



<Rest of the text>

Without the blank line the script seems not to be confused

PS Maybe this should be sticky or added to the wiki?

Offtopic / Re: Everything is connected about aliens
« on: August 31, 2010, 08:01:56 pm »
That makes me think:

What about the aliens that have no supernatural abilities and inferior technology? That is the aliens of a younger civilization, no one seems to think about them thogh they are equally likely (or rather unlikely) as the ones with a more advanced civiliztion

Newbie Coding / Re: Encumbrance/TU penalty
« on: August 31, 2010, 01:16:23 am »
sorry I had only time for a quick post -- had to go get something to eat -- not very different from first approach but I tought I would add the total weight and tu penalty of the items in inventory_t and update it only when the charater's inventory is changed (instead of calculating it every time they are used), well actually I'm updating it at CL_CharacterSkillAndScoreCvars and calling actor_updatecurrent in the onChange event for the container nodes (but it will only work if you use DND as auto placing seems to be calling the onChange event only for armour) but anyway that's the main idea

Newbie Coding / Re: Encumbrance/TU penalty
« on: August 30, 2010, 11:23:32 pm »
Ok, have been busy lately (and without internet connection for a couple days), but I'm trying with a new approach to this, still half done, but I´d like to hear your comments before I go any farther in this direction.

edit: Oops included thing I didn't mean.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: INV_EquipmentSanityCheck
« on: August 27, 2010, 01:49:12 am »
Still it might be good to check the civilian* equipments -- you never know who will change the scripts...
But once again not really a bug...

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