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Messages - fybte

Pages: [1]
Discussion / I don't get it....
« on: January 13, 2008, 03:07:48 pm »
Hi everybody.

I'm new here and its the first time i'm posting.

I have 2.1 and am currently downloading 2.2.

What i don't 'get' is 

- why there's plasma ammo for the grenade launcher
--> but not for CS stun gas.
--> In the first x-com games, one of the first few things I do at a terror site is to slam stun gas grenades at civies. Much easier than trying to shout 'GET DOWN'  :P
--> In v2.1, the same tactic still works. But once down, the civies become supermen and wonderwomen and shrugged aside sharpnel, explosives, fire and even plasma.

- why there's smoke grenades
--> but no smoke grenades for the grenade launcher.

- why there's a portable laser
--> but no -stun mode for lasers?
--> I can't remember the write-up for lasers and their clips. But if its battery-based, then its plausible to have stun mode (half a charge for plasma channel, half for the stun jolt).

- why there's a micro-shotgun.......
--> but NO hand-cannons! like magnums or heavier.

- why there's only one 'brand' of each type of weapons.
--> I've always thought that Special Ops troops have access more varieties of weapons. For example, two types of sniper rifles. The lighter anti-personnel types for meat and the much heavier anti-materiel types for canned meat. :D

- why there are no battlefield sensors/traps? Sort of like a mine, but without lethal payload. More for terror sites. Scatter them either by hand or rocket. Any body (xcom, civie, alien, dog, cat) who moves near one, poof, a small cloud of coloured smoke.

ok. enough babbling.

Its a great game! Loads fast even on my aging computer (PIII 500). Thanks everyone who've built this, and helped built this.

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