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Messages - parjlarsson

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Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Settings roll over between missions
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:13:21 pm »
You mean like the aliens? I just had to restart like a dozen times because aliens started off staring at my spawn and I got obliterated. Hackers :L

I lol'd.

Feature imho - or make it easier to switch by just clicking a checkbox that's always visible in the UI and not hidden behind a mouse-over menu.

Mapping / Re: Firebird model problems
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:09:21 pm »
Known issue, I know. Just figured I'd pop in a screenshot so people can easily grasp what's up.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Tactical-Soldier gear mixup
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:04:41 pm »
Observed visually in Alternative HUD

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / "Defeat" screenshot
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:01:46 pm »

Looks like a victory to me. No items gathered. Maybe this is just a setting to expedite playing for development purposes?

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:52:42 pm »
Quite possibly my #1 most annoying bug - along with the Auto Mission defeat issues (A, most are victories, i.e. my guys live and the aliens die)


React has two settings. For the life of me I can't quite figure out how this is useful, as the unexpended TUs from *not* making that second shot are lost anyway.

Someone enlighten me?

Discussion / Re: Finding Alien Bases
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:31:14 pm »
Mmmyeah, the whole finding the base is a bit of an extreme crap-shoot.

I'd like to see something in the game that actually tells the player to actively hunt for it by doing this, this or that.

I think the thread you're looking for is this:

Medals - yes, fairly simple to implement. Doesn't affect gameplay balance. Sort of like "achievements" in many Steam and Blizzard games. "Medal of <insert> for killing 3 aliens in one mission." "Croix de Bataille - ten successful missions". Tiny little things on the Equip Soldiers screen.

Newspapers - make a template, code it yourself, make it a mod.

Interviews and more micro-managing - not really what we need, the game is bogged down enough.

Vacations - same, if you can code it, I'd like to see it.

Combat fatigue - same.

List of killed soldiers - not a bad idea, code it and make it happen.

Overall, I agree that games are more memorable when there's emotions involved. Which is why I loved WoW for so long, especially the open world pvp that used to be integral to it, and the server communities, and caring what happened at any one time.

But - when you want to add stuff like this, it has to be easy, simple and above all it has to work. And you gotta be willing to learn to code it and make it happen yourself.

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:59:55 am »
SMG for fun - but it's dead useless after armour starts showing up.

MG will last a while, though, and is crazy good on "bridge" and a few others.

I'm one of those weird people that think that "old" tech is cooler.

I'd rather see pistols and basic weapons be more useful. As is, if you play smart it's a cold day in hell before you get much use out the smaller secondary weapons. You basically have to screw up for them to be useful.

The plasma/laser/blaster stuff is cool and all, but ...meh. I guess I'm just steampunk and old-fashioned. Bigger and flashier and glitzier and more fantastic and nuclear explosion-y isn't always better.

Mapping / Re: Your least favourite map and why?
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:57:58 am »
Which could be fairly simply fixed if someone took that map, re-arranged the spawn points a few times and called it 3 new maps. Then cut it up again, re-arrange the bits and maybe make the fight happen on the bridge.

The number of maps will increase as this project keeps going, the issue for me is the maps that simply don't work very well.

Mapping / Re: WIP on alien base
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:58:26 pm »
Looks amazing!

Mapping / Your least favourite map and why?
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:56:33 pm »
"+shelter" made me want to stop playing yesterday after running around looking for an alien without finding him and realizing I'd have to check every one of 6 staircases and 2-3 downramps. Blaster doors are nice, but ...damn that's a long way around and having to check every behind every one.

"+forest" (might have the name wrong, newish map with walkable-on water on a coastline) is awesome, but the starting point for the aliens mean they get stuck in a little alcove at the bottom of the main big cliff. I think I just learned how to take screenshots with my non-standard iMac keyboard, so next time I'll try to get screenshots up.

I'm hoping to join the mapping team eventually, and to start off with just a nice vanilla desert thing followed by just straight up forest.

Mapping / Re: New Map called "gate"
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:51:03 pm »
Played through it a while ago - loved it. Very atmospheric.

I ended up just staying at the entrance, so didn't see much beyond that area, but I guess that's a limitation on the AI and if you can script in more aliens as you get deeper, maybe - or put in a door that only the player can open and hide some buggers behind that.

FAQ / Re: Newbie guide?
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:45:27 pm »
76. We need an auto-save right before each mission in these hard and buggy times.
77. The "+shelter" map is a royal pain depending on blast doors and that one last damn alien that I simply couldn't find. Twice in a row. And I always lost the auto-mission so now I just plain won't bother with any mission that has "shelter" or "blast door" in the blurb.
78. The "+bridge" map is kinda funny. There's a bridge but you have nothing to do with it and hardly ever see it. Get MGs out in the main funnel in the middle, run your Plasma Rifle/Pistols up in the little hut and go to town. One alien will get stuck up in a corner if you go right.
79. There's a super gorgeous map called "+forest" that has a very nice little hollow in the water that will collect aliens like crazy, since the AI just counts how close to the soldiers they can get THAT turn, as opposed to if they take the long way around. At least I had some fun with grenades.
80. Crashed Firebird missions: "You might some your soldiers" should read "You might save some of your soldiers."
81. There's a sneaky way to instantly transfer equipment between bases - just sell it in one base and buy at another. Meh. If you like to exploit, I suppose.
82. First Aid kits are overpowered and I don't use them unless it's a life-threatening emergency in which case I only use it once. It's being looked at, apparently.
83. My favourite part of the game is really the beginning when things like SMGs and shotguns are useful. A few months later the early pistols and secondary weapons are just junk.
84. Fastest way to equip a guy: Armour, goggles, main weapon (MG or Plasma Rifle), then right-click Frag Grenade 3 times - one will block the hand slot, then whatever else grenades you want, then First Aid kit so it'll go right into the holster, then ammo for the main weapon and finally get rid of the grenade that's stuck in the off-hand slot.
85. No idea what "Production Limit 15" means.
86. I got 5 live aliens in my main base, then transferred in 5 more. I have not gotten a notice of research available, so I'm guessing there's another something that has to happen before I get the "<something>" proposal.
87. There's a female civilian face/head model that looks like she has a beard. Ooops.
88. The old maps with water streams on them ...yeah, can't walk through a shallow stream. Oh well. I hope to join the mapping team eventually.
89. We need a "WARNING: You are about to send out a Firebird carrying injured troops (with more than 5% injury). Are you sure?"

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