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Messages - gl0w

Pages: [1]
Newbie Coding / Re: First coding attempts : pilots
« on: March 11, 2011, 07:49:33 pm »
Brilliant Malick.
I think this makes sense and fits with the aforementioned Interception model. It just gives you data to calculate that 'to-hit' chance.  Could be applied to both the current interception system, and the planned system above.

I think its a relatively simple system that allows for some tactical choices to be made in regards to interceptors, which, IMHO, are much needed.

Tactics / Re: Base invasion
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:39:20 am »
in 2.3 I just hire 1 soldier for each base.  Don't even need guns.  Just auto the base defense, and you'll win almost every time.  I don't think I've ever seen a loss.

Feature Requests / Re: Sniper rifle buff?
« on: February 27, 2011, 12:03:35 am »
It seems to me that the laser rifles just need an aimed shot that uses sniper skill.

Feature Requests / Re: Sprinting feature
« on: February 27, 2011, 12:00:09 am »
I like the idea, and think the accuracy penalty would be appropriate as well.


Feature Requests / Re: fuck realism, dont kill ma soldier ;)
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:44:51 pm »
I agree with the idea of this.  I've definitely had this happen, especially in intercepted ufo missions when you tend to be started within firing range of a couple guys.  In lieu of changing the starting positions for the maps, I think I'd vote to just allow Electro lasers to shock to life.

Giving some kind of unconscious mode would be rather complicated but possibly the most realistic.
Whereas shocking dead soldiers to life is possibly less realistic. 
Depends on what you're going for, realism wise.
A Defibrillator/Adrenaline Kit or Upgraded 6 box MedKit to allow reviving dead soldiers could be both technically easy And somewhat realistic.

On the debated suggestion of jon_dArc and CheeseshireCat I'd say that I like a combination of their suggestions the best.
The Unconscious/dying status has a 2 turn time limit to get him medicated/stabilized, and then the soldier is still down for the match and has to heal in a hospital.
Either shocking to life or medkits for reviving. 

IMHO, I think the penalty is quite balanced with the benefit of saving the soldier and realism.
Not only do you have to waste a medkit, be down a soldier, and waste 20 TU.  You also have to look forward to a long recovery in the hospital(which already seems long for even half health).

Indeed, the penalty is severe enough that I would definitely not spend the medkit on just anybody. I wouldn't really be tempted to restart the mission.

Or maybe you could just use electro lasers to shock people into low health or maybe dying status?

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