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Messages - Stalins Organ

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion / Are you serious?
« on: July 11, 2007, 04:14:03 am » - low recoil auttomatic 12ga shotgun - the initial photow shows a 30 round drum magazine.  

It also comes with, IIRC, a 12 round box shown in this videa -

Quite frankly the 2084 version is a little wimply.....;)

Discussion / Laser weapon without ammo?
« on: June 14, 2007, 02:49:50 am »
Ammo is kindof pointless IMO.

I rarely have to reload - never moer than one soldier runs out of ammo on a mission, so there really isnt' a lot of resource management going on IMO.

Tactics / All Grenade, All the time
« on: May 30, 2007, 11:28:34 pm »
I remember people doing similar things with X-com - using jsut pistols or jsut grenades.

It's for those who have no empathy with their little pixellated people!! ;)

Discussion / Just to share some info about UFO's
« on: May 28, 2007, 03:06:13 am »
Although I am not 100% sure about the above information


just don't forget that at this time creating and designing the U-Boat was as much difficult (or maybe more) than creating a UFO.

Except of course hundreds of  U-boats had already been made 20-30 years earlier (you may recall that some were used in a little affair called WW1.....), and every other major military nation on earth had submarines by hte bucket-full - in 1939 the largest submarine fleet in the world was Soviet with over 150, the French had twice as many as Germany (80 vs 40),and ht Americans and Japanese had a little thing going too....

What a load of bovine excrement!!

Discussion / difficulty picking up weapons
« on: May 24, 2007, 01:11:43 am »
I found I had difficulty picking up large alien weapons - the ones that take up 8 squares such as the Plasma cannon (IIRC) and Particle Beam Rifle.

I had sold off some spare equipment & didnt't realise I'd equiped one of my crew with one of hte no-longer-existing weapons, so he started the game without a primary weapon.

I had him use his secondary, but got to an alien corpse and tried to pick up the Plasma cannon and it's ammo - the ammo was fine, but I couldn't get the gun to stick.

I had no shortage of TU's, and 2 empty hands.  the right hand highlighted when I clicked on the weapon, as did the back-pack.  I could put hte weapon in the back pack without bother, but not in hand.

I had researched the weapons (both of those mentioned above) and others in my crew are using them.

Tactics / Use of flamethrower
« on: May 23, 2007, 01:19:35 am »
I haven't used FT's for a while now, but back in hte good ol' days when I did I used to use them as a spotted weapon - that is I'd have a couple of troops scouting for them, and they'd only ever attack aliens that had already been seen.  Preferably through a door or window so there's lots of cover nearby.

However the short range really is a problem so they didn't last in the inventory very long - I think my last one is at a subsidary base for base defence....

Discussion / Single screen limit?
« on: May 21, 2007, 12:57:11 am »
I've noticed that there seems to be a limit of 1 screen for most things where inventory is concerned - eg when equipping soldiers there's only 1 screen available for weapons, so if you ahve more weapons in your base than can fit in the picture on 1 screen they do not show up.

Also the number of soldiers, medics, workersand scientitsts seems to be limited to 1 screen-full, regardless of how many bases there are.

Is this correct or have I missed something?


Tactics / What's your favoret load out?
« on: May 21, 2007, 12:49:29 am »
3 Bolters
1 sniper
3 Plasma guns...don't recall which ones - the long thin ones...
1 sniper or GL or particle beam depending on which soldier I take

Secondaries are all micro-shotguns, although I've enver had to use one yet - hell I've only had to reload once total in the last week's games - with a sniper rifle that kept taking reaction shots! :)

I expect I'll be changing the snipers to particle beams shortly

I'm now using mroe grenades and med-packs too as I'm getting used to their mechanisms.

Shame there isnt' a proximity grenade any more.....

Discussion / Soldiers health
« on: May 18, 2007, 01:04:09 am »

Discussion / Re: SMG ammo description
« on: May 18, 2007, 01:01:38 am »
Quote from: "Winter"
Quote from: "Stalins Organ"

As you can see the steel bit is the tip, backed by an aluminium body.  this gives the ligtest possible projectile (high velocity) with a hard tip (superior penetration).

To me that would be described as a "steel penetrator on an aluminium projectile", rather than an aluminium "core", which implies the middle is aluminium.

No, I don't think you're interpreting it quite rightly. It's the bullet that has a steel penetrator and an aluminium core, which -- as you can see in the cross-section -- it does.

I don't understand what the difference is you're highlighting bullet for sorry - I said projectile, which is the same thing.

Breversa wrote:
Are those aluminium-core bullets really longer than lead-core ones ?

No they are not - see the web page I linked to - the homogenous bullet is exactly the same size as the aluminium/steel one.

Discussion / SMG ammo description
« on: May 17, 2007, 01:36:21 am »
I don't know about the length issue, although it is certainly of prime importance in ballistics, but says that the role of the aluminium body behind the tip is to tumble after penetration, and that this is achieved by it's greater weight than the steel tip, which seems odd since the all-lead SS193 subsonic round is exactly the same length (it is also cross sectioned on that page).

I suspect the effect occurs because the 2 parts are not joined, other than being enclosed in the jacket, but tha't just supposition and I don't know any details on how it would happen.

Anyway - the net effect is that hte SS190 is supposed to ensure that there is no "over-penetration" - ie no-one behind the target gets hit with rounds that have already hit the target, or bystanders behind flimsy protection such as soft building walls do not get seriously injured by strays.  All the while still assuring excellent 2 contradictory requirements to be met - good penetration, but not too much!

Feature Requests / no reaction fire fo heavy weapons
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:38:49 pm »
GL's do get reaction fire if you load them with flechette

Discussion / Soldiers health
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:34:51 pm »
A couple of questions - can you check soldiers health in base, and can/how do you use use hospitals to fix-em up after battle?

I have figured out the med kits in battle, but have these medics back at base I'm not sure what to do with......

Discussion / Re: SMG ammo description
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:32:04 pm »
Quote from: "Winter"

Quoting from Wikipedia:
"The SS190 AP ball FMJ is designated as Armor Piercing (AP) ammunition, designed to penetrate body armor. Its sale to civilians is restricted. The SS190 bullet has a steel penetrator and an aluminum core."

We do our research before we write things down. :P

Good to hear.

Looks like it was just a difference in interpretation - seperated by a common language.

A cross section of the SS190:

As you can see the steel bit is the tip, backed by an aluminium body.  this gives the ligtest possible projectile (high velocity) with a hard tip (superior penetration).

To me that would be described as a "steel penetrator on an aluminium projectile", rather than an aluminium "core", which implies the middle is aluminium.

But at least you spell "aluminium" correctly!! :lol:


Discussion / shotgun and GL ranges....
« on: May 16, 2007, 02:38:47 am »
GL = 15, combat shotgun = 60.

Even the micro-shotgun has 45 - haven't had to use it yet but it's my new favourite secondary jsut 'cos I like the concept! :)

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