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Topics - Tchey

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Is this game going somewhere ?
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:33:48 pm »

I wonder if this game is going to become something. I mean, it  has a very slow developpement, 2.6 is still not the Stable version, and plenty of other Xcom-like are out or soon to be out, nowadays.

Do you still have motivation to develop UFO:AI or you think it's done and only some small patching is requiered ?

I really enjoyed the few games i've played, and i was expecting "more" to come "soon", so i simply ask, maybe i misunderstood your goals.

Thanks for all that great work, anyway.

Discussion / Remaking UI for 2.6 ?
« on: July 28, 2014, 10:59:56 am »
Hello there,

I coudn't decide where to post that, sorry if it's misplaced.

I've played UFO:AI a little, years before and i didn't enjoy. I've played again this month (i forgot about that game !) in 2.5 and i enjoyed. Now i try 2.6-dev for the new UI, and i can notice a lot of things that could be done (and i don't feel i will do it myself), learnd from Xenonauts or other XCOM-tasty games.

- Next to the portraits, with life, i want to see the TU and Armor left for each soliders at the same time. I've noticed the small buttons to switch between that, but why not having them all the time ? I don't thing it's a problem to have two more bars over the portraits.
- When i select Aimed/Snap/Burst etc, i can't cancel with mouse clic, only with Esc on keyboard, if i decide to move instead for example. A right clic or alike would be nice.
- I feel it's not clear enough what soldier in selected, from the portrait and from the green circle on screen. Maybe make the circle less bright for everyone but the selected one, and more obvious around the portrait ?
- When mouse overing the portraits, it would be nice to have a popup with the name of the solider, like we have when overing solider on map.
- I like with Xenonauts to see the TU left when i plan a move. Could you add option to have that too, instead of having TU cost/total ?

- On the soldier's equipment screen, the soldier's stats are top left, and the stuff are botton right, so i need to do a lot of jumps with my eyes.
- If you remove armor camo (Urban only now), why keeping that big ugly box in the middle of the screen ?

- I really disclike the strange filter on screen, like everything is behind an old screen.

- On Geoscape, the borders are very flashy. Toning down everything at lease 2x seems not too much.

Other than the UI (and indestuctible environment), i really like this game, maybe more than any other XCOM-tasty games i've played before. Thanks you for your hard work !

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