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Topics - smalul

Pages: [1]
Coding / Compiling ufo2map.cbp with Code::Blocks, trunk 112079
« on: September 28, 2007, 12:34:58 pm »
Based on the answers given in this bug report, it seems like you are planning to abandon the Dev-C++'s file format (.dev), and you're going to focus mainly on Code::Blocks.
I've tried using Code::Blocks, but I'm having a problem compiling ufo2map. The build messages I get:
Code: [Select]
:: === ufo2map, windows ===
C:\development\MinGW\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\..\..\..\crt2.o:crt1.c:(.text+0x16a):: undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init'
:: === Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===

The build log:
Code: [Select]
-------------- Build: windows in ufo2map ---------------
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\ioapi.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\common\unzip.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\byte.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\shared\shared.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\brushbsp.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\bspfile.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\cmdlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\imagelib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\mathlib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\polylib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\scriplib.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\common\trace.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\csg.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\faces.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\levels.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\lightmap.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\map.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\patches.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\portals.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\qbsp3.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\qrad3.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\routing.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\textures.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\tree.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\ufo2map.c
Compiling: ..\..\src\tools\ufo2map\writebsp.c
Linking console executable: ..\..\ufo2map.exe
C:/development/MinGW/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../crt2.o:crt1.c:(.text+0x16a): undefined reference to `__cpu_features_init'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 8 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings

Now, I've done everything posted here in the wiki, and the only thing I had a problem with was installing the SDL Library - the Dev-C++ DevPaks updater/installer under Code:Blocks can't download and install either libsdl version 1.2.11 or SDL version 1.2.11. For Dev-C++ itself, the only working SDL library version 1.2.11 I was able to download is in a ZIP file, and while Dev-C++'s package manager does allow me to manually install this library using the ZIP format, the  Dev-C++ DevPaks updater/installer under Code:Blocks doesn't allow such a manual installation. In that wiki page, you did write this:
Extract them to some directory on your harddisk and add these paths to the Code::Blocks linker and include directories.
I did just that - I've extracted the file and added the \SDL-1.2.11 directory and the \SDL-1.2.11\include directory to the Search directories under Compiler, Linker and Resource compiler (I added them to all tabs, just in case). I don't think this is related to the problem, but I thought I should mention it anyway.

At least for now, I can still use Dev-C++ to compile to get the ufo2map.exe file.

Win XP SP2
UFO: AI 2.2 trunk 12079

Here we go again... I just downloaded the new release version and installed it. I tried to load games from the previous version (2.1.1 beta from April 29th, 2007), but I got the "error in loading subsystem" message. So I've started a new game, and then saved, but when I tried to load it, I got the same error. Here is the log:

Started and saved the game:
Code: [Select]

Activate stage intro
Initializing aircraft and aircraft-items ...
...aircraft and aircraft-items inited
Changing to Singleplayer
Save 'slot0'
...subsystem 'base' - saved 5716 bytes
...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 263 bytes
...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2 bytes
...subsystem 'market' - saved 2176 bytes
...subsystem 'research' - saved 6288 bytes
...subsystem 'employee' - saved 12740 bytes
...subsystem 'aliencont' - saved 0 bytes
...subsystem 'production' - saved 35 bytes
...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 1 bytes
...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 971 bytes
...subsystem 'stats' - saved 28 bytes
...subsystem 'nations' - saved 32 bytes
Campaign 'Shai1' saved.

Saved again:
Code: [Select]

Save 'slot1'
...subsystem 'base' - saved 5716 bytes
...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 263 bytes
...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2 bytes
...subsystem 'market' - saved 2176 bytes
...subsystem 'research' - saved 6288 bytes
...subsystem 'employee' - saved 12751 bytes
...subsystem 'aliencont' - saved 0 bytes
...subsystem 'production' - saved 35 bytes
...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 1 bytes
...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 971 bytes
...subsystem 'stats' - saved 28 bytes
...subsystem 'nations' - saved 32 bytes
Campaign 'Shai2' saved.

Then I tried to load the second saved game:
Code: [Select]

Loading savegame
...version: 1 version: 2.1.1
Global data loaded - size (null)u bytes
...techs: 131
...buildings: 18
...ranks: 8
...nations: 8

Load 'slot1'
...subsystem 'base' - loaded 34473 bytes
...subsystem 'base' could not be loaded correctly - savegame might be broken (ffffffff)
Unknown command "game_timestop"
Changing to Singleplayer

Trying to load first saved game:
Code: [Select]

Loading savegame
...version: 1 version: 2.1.1
Global data loaded - size (null)u bytes
...techs: 131
...buildings: 18
...ranks: 8
...nations: 8

Load 'slot0'
...subsystem 'base' - loaded 34473 bytes
...subsystem 'base' could not be loaded correctly - savegame might be broken (ffffffff)
Unknown command "game_timestop"
Changing to Singleplayer

Well, at least the problem isn't with the message system...

OK, first of all - this is a great game, and I've been playing in for a few days now.

The problem is that from time to time, when I try to save the game, the game crashes. So far I've just added a picture of the crash, showing the error itself, but nothing more. Here is the bug report:

With the other bugs I've reported, I've been able to add more info (a saved game, a console line and so on), but with this bug I can't even add a saved game (the crash appears randomly, and the "save slot" doesn't get written at all), and I feel a picture of the crash itself just isn't enough. Therefore, I'm asking here - is there more info I can add to the bug report to help locate and solve the problem? Maybe a log or something like that? I've searched all the files, but I didn't find any (the ufoconsole.log has nothing related to the crash).

Also, the ModName in this game saving crash message is msvcrt.dll, which is a part of Windows XP (SP1 in my case). Is it possible that the problem is just local, and if so - what can I do about it?

Thank you.

Hello all.

I've played a few mission in the game, and I've noticed I have assult rifles in 2 different color - the normal gray, and a weird red-pink. Here is a picture of this:

I just wanted to check with you before I submit a bug - is this really a bug or some kind of feature of the game? And if this is a feature, what does it mean?

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