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Messages - Talos

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Why is this so goddamn hard?
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:28:36 pm »
Thanks for those advices. They will be helpfull  :)

Discussion / Re: Why is this so goddamn hard?
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:24:24 pm »
Well said, imo.

What version are you playing?
I'm playing 2.5

Discussion / Re: Why is this so goddamn hard?
« on: August 22, 2015, 11:52:52 pm »
I feel a bit the same as the maker of the thread.
I am playing on the easiest difficulty and I always  get my ass raped by aliens on regular missions, always losing 2-3 soldiers min.
My complain here is that smoke grenades seem useless since I used them as cover to protect from shevaars (are they called like that?) and they fire from a long distance always and magically always hit and kill even one of my armored guys.
It becomes frustrating since I almost can't do anything sice the aliens are better than me in every aspect, speed, accuracy etc, and smoke doesnt seem to affect them. In the few missions I tried they appeared in groups, a group of 2, and another one inside a building could manage to kill another one of my sooldiers from far away.

Too man enemies that are also strong, fast and have a lot of health for my weapons. I barely discovered plasma rifles but despite that I need like 2 hits to kill one alien. I try to use fire reaction but they always win in speed and power.
In my opinion it is too hard at least on the easiest difficulty it shouldn't be that frustrating. I prefer not any of my soldiers to die since if one of them dies the previous experience gained is in vane. I prefer them to stay alive and become better soldiers, but it is too difficult not to get kicked in the ass.

Discussion / Re: Help with big UFO
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:49:36 pm »
Thanks. Luckily after building the laser tower, the ufo entered the range of my defense system and didn't take long to take it down near my base :)

Discussion / Re: Help with big UFO
« on: August 22, 2015, 01:38:48 pm »
Thanks. I didn't have in consideration that it had to be in range of the base in order for missiles to launch.
However I tried sending to ships to destroy the ufo and both failed, then the ufo crossed the air over my base and it took several damage from my laser turret and the missles and still I couldn't take it down... I don't know what more to do to destroy it. I also tried to wait for it to land but then the number of aliens to fight was too big and too difficult.

Discussion / Help with big UFO
« on: August 21, 2015, 07:11:43 pm »
Hello. I am playing a campaign and I got built a missile silum (whatever it's called since I'm playing it in spanish).
How do i do to launch missiles onto the ufo? I need to take down a bigger ufo and it is not enough with a small plane.
I forgot to add that I built a couple of missile one in south america and other one inside my main base. I bough it's ammo and equipped it.
When I select in on the geoscape, next to the weapon it says "working"
Is that why the missiles aren't launched?

Discussion / 2.6 Interface
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:07:47 pm »
I'm going right to the point.
I know 2.6 version is a dev version and is not final but after playing this version of the game (2.6) I have to say that I don't like the new overall interface at all.
In my opinion poorly chosen colors, the text is like blurry for me, dark greyish background is ok, but having the text being a similar color doesn't help a lot.
I might be the only one with this problem though.
Even main menu in my opinion looks worse, uglier (sorry guyis but for me it is like that).
For the overall interface I like the older green one better. Battlescape interface looks much easier to use and more streamlined which is good but again, colors as the most of the interface are not really well chosen as some background and text colors are too similar, and I don't know if it is just me but I find some text harder to read than before.

I don't know but appart from what I said before, the interface style is uglier (main menu for example in my opinion feels more simplistic in the bad terms) and colors badly chosen. The darkish theme for this kind of game fits well but for some reason I prefer the old interface theme.

There is one thing it could be better and it is the battle UI like I said before looks more to the point and easy to use and one thing I noticed is there are bindible keys.
Am I wrong?

I hope that the final version changes a bit for better.
I hope I gave some contructive opinions.

Feature Requests / Key Shortcuts / ui
« on: February 01, 2015, 04:17:30 pm »
Hello. I'm new here. After playing this game a bit i have to say it is very good  :)

I would like to make some suggestions. These suggestions may have been already suggested by another user but anyways I am going to say it.

My suggestion is in the case the does not have keyboard shortcuts, to add these for battlescape.
I'd like to be able to change all unit's options and movements with my keyboard as I think it would be faster. A lot of people like using keyboard shortcuts for a lot of things in games.

Another thing I think is the battlescape UI for commands is nice but I'd like to be able to choose between 2 or more UI styles or themes. I personally would prefer a much more space/darkish/Alienish theme would look very good and fit well with the rest of the ingame interface. I think when you are in geoscape and you start a battle, the AI looks kind of too different from the overall UI and the change looks weird to me.
This was all. Sorry for my English :)
I know there is an option for changing the style of the UI but the only other option is one for tables I think. It would be nice if someone made one for battles specifically.

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