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Messages - RudolfoWood

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Newbie Coding / Re: Meet the Newbie !
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:13:06 pm »
engine path should point to the directory above radiant executeable (ufoai base directory).
compiler is the ufo2map tool. correct.

Don't know whether you yet found it, we have some explanations on our wiki for radiant usage:

Windows / Re: Compilation Errors - Radiant Related
« on: August 17, 2009, 10:00:53 pm »
mattn is out of office for some days, so some radiant issues will stay unresolved.

for some of them I found solutions:
- that "undefined glGetError" seems to be a slightly wrong lib file (libopengl32.a) which defines a _glGetError instead - solved (for me) by creating a clean lib file from my opengl32.dll
- sound plugin not working: as stated on ml it is easy to remove the dependencies for now - I won't commit as long as no one requests this, because after mattn is back these will probably be added again
- missing dependency files (eg. timer.cpp/RadiantException.cpp) - these were solved by adding the files to build chains

only one known issue for me actually: shutdown process is not 100% bugfree - a shader listener tries to update texbrowser when shaders are removed, I think the gui is not valid at this time and so that update causes an segfault. (This is nothing which hinders radiant from working, I don't know whether my suggested solution is good: that update function could have some "shutting down" flag which prevents from updates. Another one could be remove the listener before shutting down the shaders).

Are there any other issues that I'm not aware of?

Newbie Coding / Re: Meet the Newbie !
« on: August 17, 2009, 09:52:19 pm »
Tachop your solution using qgl/igl stuff from radiant 1.5 is actually a revert of mattns commit (in my opinion, did not see what you did). So I don't count this as a real solution.

I found out (like stated on ml) that that libopengl32.a defines _glGetError@0 instead of glGetError - this could be the problem. I don't know where mattn got that lib, the one I created here on my own seems to be better.

for geever I will try to include more gtk version checks as he uses some gtk 2.8. We should define a version which we will set as minimum requirement. That would make it easier to include appropriate checks here and there.

see you soon (hopefully I find time on wednesday again)

Newbie Coding / Re: Meet the Newbie !
« on: August 16, 2009, 04:54:35 pm »
for that glext problem I commited an updated igl.h some days ago.

@geever, mattn: for gettext I did not had any clue, I think mattn changed something for that _C gettext function
regarding gtk: I know that actually I have some gtk_tree_view_set_search_entry functions that do not exist in old gtk (< 2.10) - I asked on irc whether I should add sanity checks for that too, but got no answer yet.

Actually I also can't launch radiant because of that "undefined glGetError" error.
@Tachop: the changes in qgl.cpp|h and igl.h in uforadiant have been a try to get rid of that redefine table for gl functions, see mattns commit

FAQ / Re: base \ workshop \ production limit
« on: June 23, 2009, 09:37:32 pm »
in my student times I also had to do some tutorial video, I found 'wink' is good for creating such screencasts, but
1) I won't do that until 2.3 is finalized and
2) I don't know whether it could produce other files than swf and whether these could be converted into something which could be shown in-game
3) BTAxis or somebody else stated a in-game tutorial (e.g. help button on each screen) could be good as it would show the user what he can do on that page (in my personal opinion: yes, that is good but please don't only add x tutorial text popup screens you won't read after all  - I think UFO Afterlight did so...)

FAQ / Re: How do I get to the oldest version of 2.3?
« on: June 23, 2009, 09:32:51 pm »
thank git for full history browsing :-)
this should be the revision which started 2.3 development

by the way: trunk does not exist until revision 165 if you really want to go that far back  ;D - but you found that already...

Feature Requests / Re: Geoscape messages
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:57:45 pm »
sorry, what do you mean?
actually you can configure pause, notification (that is the message in message list) and sound notification for various events. What are we missing?
If you have suggestions which categories/event types we should add, please suggest them and we'll decide.

Coding / Re: Latest trunk build
« on: April 02, 2009, 06:01:34 pm »
airfight was actually removed from code again (because there is no progress at all and it won't be in 2.3 at all), perhaps some part was not removed correctly.

Windows / Re: R23824 - Cannot Save
« on: April 02, 2009, 05:58:00 pm »
which save option are you missing? you can't save anything else than current running campaign, after pressing "ESC" from in-campaign-game I can choose save and load. Other modes don't support save, so we removed it there.

In Single player perhaps there could be a load button next to campaign and skirmish, but load is only supported in campaign mode and so only placed there actually. I also could think about a "continue" button load latest savegame after starting ufo.exe.

Mapping / Re: Mapeditor Improvement: Inconsistency
« on: March 31, 2009, 07:47:44 pm »
I have to redefine the treelist proposal: I noticed it would not be usefull to merge entity keys from different entity classes as these could have different validation definitions (e.g. angle -1|-2 vs. angle 0|90|180|...). I had some additional ideas about that key/value list that will lead to following improvements:

1) I will group entity key/values by their classnames
2) I'll update the behaviour for update/change methods: if you change a key's value, this value is only applied to all selected entities of same class (not like now to all selected entities)
3) on editing a key's value I'll display a combobox for different current values from selection, entering new values will still be available

(4) adding new keys will be restricted to current selected classes (done to some extend actually), perhaps classlist will be updated to display all selected classes (not only first one)

Windows / Re: All bases named the same and Can't rename
« on: March 28, 2009, 09:18:33 am »
could you please provide more details: what version of ufoai do you play? latest stable (2.2.1), self-compiled trunk (2.3-dev, which revision?), user-contributed 2.3-dev builds (which revision)?

For me it sounds like a base index issue that was fixed some revisions ago in 2.3-dev. Don't know whether such problem was in 2.2.x.

FAQ / Re: Auto Resolve mission
« on: March 21, 2009, 06:40:07 pm »
Auto resolve is disabled for gameplay missions that are required for actual state of progress.
In current trunk (2.3) the button is disabled if not available on mission popup.

Discussion / Re: Missing interceptors
« on: March 06, 2009, 08:54:17 pm »
afair there is a feature request to improve the intercept popup to show all aircrafts (sorted by range/availability). There are some thoughts how to show these, but so little time...

FAQ / Re: Missile Battery use
« on: February 26, 2009, 05:53:25 pm »
no, WinXP / Suse11 (not really used yet) - and I don't find much time to play  ;D
one additional hint: defence system must be equipped with ammo (at least one time I think).

Windows / Re: SVN Update Problems.
« on: February 24, 2009, 04:53:07 pm »
I don't see any errors in the logfiles, also I did not do any pk3 or installer build yet. If all is fine for you (as posted on 17.02.), there's not much I could help with.

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