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Messages - arakis

Pages: [1]
Coding / Re: the AI discussion
« on: July 09, 2010, 01:37:56 pm »
maybe aproach it from another angle, insted of calculating 10 shots to a target and getting an avarage, why not read the variables used in single calculation, and estimate from them rthe given percentige. maybe loging  all shots made during the some arbitary game and averiging the results in a fast lookup table?

btw i am not sure the game need the hit calculations to be that accurate I think +-10% is more then enough(for the percentige hit prediction)

Coding / Re: the AI discussion
« on: June 29, 2010, 10:35:59 pm »
if this is a squad based game, how come the ai  is hamperd with every alien is for himself? I think it should be a priority to rehaul the ai so it thinks like a player, one entety controling all aliens and geting inputs from all aliens.  MO only, should not be  taken to seriusy

EXELENT WORK, you gys are true heroes!!!
bug I have noticed so far, in the 2.3 stable  version, well not a bug but a simple design error, I am surre because of the tremendus work and stress you put into this awsome game!
bug 1- if I go jumping from mission to mission lets say two downed ufos, all the amo i have used up in the first mission gets repenished in the second, without the firebird going to the base first
bug2, if a ufo attacks my home base while the solders are away in the firebird en route to a misson, all the solders show up in the equipement scren for the base deffense

Discussion / small problems with 2.3
« on: June 27, 2010, 01:40:26 am »
hi i just downloaded the new release, its apsolutly fenomenal, I love it, and ant stop playing it! excelent work-trully a masterpice worthy even of the x-com!

my prob is  I can't seem to be able to buy/produce or reaserch smoke bomb or the flashbang!
are they implemented?

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:50:54 pm »
could someone post full reaction fire spec for the old vs new system, I mean i would like to know how the old one worked, and how the new one works, thank you

Discussion / Itroduction
« on: December 21, 2009, 07:20:23 pm »
Hi, I played the game since 2.0 stage and liked it very much, still do, I decided i wanna help out if i can that is.
I know some c, and c++, MatLAB  basics, but basics only, I am pretty good at google sketchup if that helps in any way, also i  have acess to high bandwith computers at my colage, so I could dwl and upload all your builds on Rapidshre, and megaupload if you wolud like....
PS. keep on the good work

Pages: [1]