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Topics - kracken

Pages: [1]
Artwork / Model for geoscape for corrupter
« on: December 18, 2008, 06:57:03 pm »
Hi all,

At the moment, we can't incorporate Corrupter UFO in game because the model we have has too many vertices (it has more than 4096 vertices).

Could someone work on the model we already have to reduce the number of vertices?

Here is the source file (well, I think it's the good one as I can't open .obj file):

Thank you

Discussion / questions about the wiki (translation pages)
« on: October 26, 2006, 08:55:58 am »
I'm not used to use wiki page, so I'd rather ask questions before doing mistakes...

I just discovered this page :

And I'd like to update the french translations. But I have a few questions :

1) Can anybody (for example me !) create new pages in the wiki, or do you have to be registered to do so ?

2)  Is there any rule for the name to use for new pages ? (for exemple I'd like to translate the text for assault rifle, I just create a page in Equipement/Arme_Principale/Fusil_d_Assault/ and fill it ? (i.e. I just translate all the name of directory into french and that's all).

3) When there are several sentences (such has with intro_sentences), do I create one page and write all the sentences on it (such as the english version), or do I create a new page for each sentence ?

4) Is there a link between this page and the .po file ? So that we can let in the fr.po file "assault_txt" and we'll have automatically a link to the french translation ? Or do I have to check that every sentences is the same in the wiki and and in the .po file ?

Feature Requests / link problem in the download page
« on: October 14, 2006, 02:34:29 pm »
There is a problem in the download page to download the linux installer file for RC5 : the link points to "" whereas it should point to "". (I guess this is the good file...)

Artwork / Need some help to realize a model
« on: September 30, 2006, 09:42:54 pm »

I know nothing about modelling, but I would like to help so I tried to make the model of a car (you're always saying you need some ! :) ). You'll tell me when I'll be finished if I can do some modelling for you or if I'm not good enough at it !
I'm using Blender.

I made the model of the car, and I put a texture on it. It looks OK on blender. I exported the result as a .md2 file ; and I used your, which answers :

Code: [Select]
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_1
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_2
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_3
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_4
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_5
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_6
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_7
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_8
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4.md2: crattack_9
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_1
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_2
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_3
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_4
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_5
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_6
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_7
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_8
./objects/cars/4x4/4x4_t.md2: crattack_9

So I guess that means that my model is broken, is it ? Can someone explain me what is a broken model ? Does that mean that all vertices are not connected to a face ?

I have another question. The script to export .md2 files produce 198 frames. How can I have only one frame to have a smaller file ?

Feature Requests / some words cannot be translated
« on: September 16, 2006, 05:54:59 pm »
I translated some part of the game into french, and I just saw that there is some words I cannot translate :

- In the video settings, and the game settings, you can only choose between Yes or No (whatever the langage is).
For exemple, you can translate "Full screen", but not Yes or No.
-In the game settings, I cannot translate the keys you use on the keybord (Ex: Space : Toggle to next alien).
- On the "select campaign screen", I cannot translate the race you play (human or alien)

I'm sure everybody knows what Yes and No means, but I was wondering why it was so ? Is it a coding problem ?

Translating / translation in french
« on: September 13, 2006, 11:01:29 pm »
Hello guys !

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for the beautiful game you're working on. This game is terrible, I really enjoy it !

I really would like to help you, but unfortunately I'm neither a coder nor a graphist.
When I tried to play with the RC4, I saw that there were still some problem with the french translation (even if a lot of work has been done). So I installed poedit and proceeded with the translation.
Now I have a fr.po file updated, but I didn't manage to use SVN on my computer. So I don't know what to do with my file.

I just didn't manage to find the english versions of the texts such as "armor_fabrics_txt", so I didn't translate them, but otherwise I added some new translations.

Well, do somebody want my file ?

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