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Messages - DarkRain

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FAQ / Re: How to submit text modifications?
« on: October 17, 2016, 06:38:38 am »
Yes option 2 please, that should also make it easier to fix them in 2.6 as well.

At this point I had assumed that 2.5.1 would go the same way 2.4.1 did.

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: October 15, 2016, 10:24:07 pm »
Oh I noticed the patch is in the tracker now, good :)

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: October 12, 2016, 10:55:40 pm »
Nicely done, one thing that might be worth to mention in the MP tutorial is that when all players check the "I'm ready" checkbox the game will start automatically (just so no one is caught by surprise)

Yes it should be nice to have the first version of the tutorial in the tracker (maybe even in game) for added convenience and safety.

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: October 09, 2016, 07:05:08 pm »
Always glad to help :)

So, answers:
  • Text: Once the final version of the tutorial is in the game the *.po files can be updated (we have our own scripts to handle that) which will add the new text to the files.
  • Download: You can upload and download your skirmish/multiplayer tactical teams (as well as campaign saves) to/from our server (forum account required).
  • Skirmish: "Alien rush" will keep spawning more aliens every turn until you lose or quit (or you manage to win: you'd need to kill every single alien in the whole map before ending your turn). "Max Soldiers" is the max amount of soldiers per player/team that should spawn in the map, you can create and equip a custom squad (which can be saved and/or uploaded for later use too) or if no custom squad is selected the game will generate one automatically either way the same squad will be used until you select/create a new one or quit I think.
  • Multiplayer: You're right, the "password" is the one player need to connect to the server (if set), the "RCON password" is for remote administration of the server, (useful for remote controlling a dedicated server)

Edit: BTW I was wrong earlier about MP: you can create a server without an internet connection, the game only crashed when no network connection was available at all, so you can play over LAN without internet

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: October 08, 2016, 08:34:51 pm »
Well it is even better than before yes ;)

I like it, and things I mentioned before have been addressed so I'm happy :)

Regarding multiplayer: well I'm not familiar with it, really, but from my recent testing it seems that the game will crash if you try to create a server without an internet connection, whether it crashes because you're not supposed to do that or some other oversight I don't know (but obviously crashing is a serious bug), but once the server is created others can connect over LAN with the local IP address of the machine running the server (it is even possible to connect to other instances of the game running on the same machine, but that is IMO a very poor hot-seat setup :P)

Mac / Re: How to access package contents.
« on: October 02, 2016, 10:30:47 pm »
Well I don't have a Mac either, but I can tell you this: The .dmg  file you downloaded is a Disk iMaGe which you should be able to mount somehow to access its contents, inside there's a directory with the game and all its data (I extracted ufoai-2.5-dev-macosx-intel.dmg here, so I can confirm it's all in there)

Here, have some quick google search results to help you out:

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:24:51 am »
Nice, I'll be looking forward to it :)

Sounds and Music / Re: Where are the sound and music folders in the game?
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:23:34 am »
The files you're looking for are:

Music: <ufo:ai installation directory>/base/music, if there's no 'music' directory look for a file named music.pk3, the music directory will be compressed in that file (*.pk3 files are simple zip file that you should be able to extract with most compression utilities)

Sounds: Look in the directories inside <ufo:ai installation directory>/base/sound (which might be compressed in the sound.pk3 file, like the above one)

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: September 28, 2016, 05:54:28 pm »
Thank you for helping with the tutorials
1) Yes, that might work I guess.
2) Your call, as I said it's not a big concern, it's just that having the text on the top of the screen with most of the screen empty felt a bit weird at first, but that's my own taste I guess, so as I said: it's your call here.
3) Well XVI is supposed to be the big spoiler in the game (never mind that it's not really implemented yet), if the button is showing before the related mail that must be a bug.

Sure, if people want to illustrate some of their tactics that might help.

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:54:58 am »
Yes, that's much better, only a few details: 1) the parts with dark blue text on a black background might be a bit hard to read, 2) you show the text for a couple seconds before showing the related image that was bit weird at first, maybe because a I was expecting an image, but I quickly got used to it, so not a big concern here 3) the campaign tutorial might be a bit spoilery (like about XVI)?

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:04:14 pm »
Yes, many paswords indeed...

1) Quick code dive shows your impressions are rigth: align works for text only.
2) If that means new entries in the tutorial menu then a bit of UI scripting is in order.

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:55:57 pm »
Yes, the wiki is always in need of updating, it indeed needs a different account from the forum, the problem is  you'd need to have an admin (which I'm not) creating one for you, as new account creation has been disabled (we had lots of spam in the past)

Windows / Re: Dont see the box lines on inventory
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:38:33 pm »
Maybe because the devs run the game straight from the source directory and never use .pk3 files, is there a bug filed about this issue?

Newbie Coding / Re: How to update tutorials' screenshots?
« on: September 24, 2016, 06:30:52 pm »

sorry for the lack of a timely response, I had some computer troubles...

As for your questions:

  • pos: The UI will be scaled to the current resolution, but you have to script as if it were a 1024x768 resolution screen — that is if you set the position of something to "512 384" it's top left corner will appear right in the middle of the screen (regardless of actual resolution)
  • enlarge: From what I can see it is supposed to cause the object to "grow" over time (just like speed causes it to move over time) but it doesn't seem to be working, may be a bug.
  • rem vs delete: AFAIK both are equivalent rem seems to be favoured in the sequence scripts, while delete seems to be the norm in the UI scripts, so I suggest you use rem.
  • Images: We prefer png
  • Testing: Yes you can test your changes without leaving the game, but if you change the files with the game open you'll have to use the 'fs_restart' command so the game re-reads the scripts from disk, then you can use seq_start to start the sequence.

Discussion / Re: A short feedback about v2.6-dev
« on: September 20, 2016, 03:43:28 am »
That's good to hear, always glad to help :)

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