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Messages - jcjordan

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Bugs prior to release 2.4 / problem w/ landed ufo mission
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:31:47 am »
I'm using build 1310245344 (I think - Muton's 7/10 build). I've got a mision to a landed ufo in hills & when I send out my troops & when they arrive to start mission the game doesn't load a map, it just goes right back to the geoscape but if I automission it, it ends fine w/ me taking a scout ship. Is this an RMA map type error like I had w/ a previous build (see a few posts down here). Attached is savegame & console w/ info from when I tried to do the mission then turned around & resent the troops back to the ufo & automissioned it.

Discussion / 2.4 Dev comments
« on: July 02, 2011, 12:07:39 am »
Just wanted to give ya'll a thanks for all you have done to bring this product out. I do like this version more over 2.3 as I've had more varied mission maps used along w/ more variation of where both sides start. I still think there's way too many ufos being created (I normally have 50-60/mo) though they do tend to come in waves at the first/middle/end of the month that creates some tedium from having to battle so many. I think some of the material requirements to build some of the items are a bit high (a suit of nanocomposite armor takes as much as what comes out of a Scout) but I've not gotten far enough in to see all items yet.

Strange thing now on the save when I try to load either one, it now shows the mission as something else plus in another area well to the east of the original mission. While the original mission was to the shelter map, under the current it shows as a harvesting mission in a hill area? I normally save just before sending troops out on a mission then save after they get back so the original save should have the shelter mission but it now shows the harvesting mission. I guess I'll try that mission to see how it comes out but would like to know anything on the shelter mission.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Landed UFO mission problem build 13082337
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:02:32 am »
Not sure what was going on here or if it is some kind of bug. I had a landed ufo mission to the shelter map. I killed 6 aliens but mission didn't end but I searched the whole map top to bottom & found 1 dead & 1 alive civilian but no other live aliens. I moved everyone to the rescue area & aborted the mission but it said there was 1 live alien left. Did I truly miss one as I find it hard that I did w/ the search I did. I've got savegame from before mission & after aborting mission that I can post if needed & can post log if needed to.

« on: June 23, 2011, 12:55:31 am »
Well it doesn't matter to me one way or the other but if you do decide to go the commercial route might I suggest Matrix Games? I'm not employed/vested interest in them but I've got many games from them in the past.

ok thanks I'll just automission to clear it & wait for the release.

Ok I downloaded the last version I could find from Muton posted here which is the update from my listed version to 1306568813 but I've still got the same problem w/ #3 on my savegame. It will lock up the moment I click to start the mission. I've tried automission & it ends fine it just locks up when I try to actually do the mission. Attached is my log/savegame after the update if anything has changed in the upgrade.

ok thanks, I'll see about getting a newer version. Will I be able to import my savegame into it so as to continue game? That way I can at least see about #3 for sure since #1 & 2 are hard to recreate the situation.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Some bugs problems I've found on my build
« on: June 15, 2011, 12:27:11 am »
Ok I've found 3 problems/bugs in my build (2.4.1301086950 from what I can tell) not sure if they've been fixed or not -

1) On the England map (I've only had this mission once) I had a soldier get wounded & panic & in routing he ran to the top of the SUV (moving from the red phone booth to the SUV) under the bridge where the player starts. I moved another solider also on top to heal him but after moving them there I couldn't move them off they could only move back & forth on top of the SUV (pic attached from just loading a single mission not from actual game). The mission end fine after I killed all aliens.

2) On the Village commercial map, I've had this happen twice but can't really repeat it due to at start positions when reloading, I call the move Vaudvillian Exit Stage Right. What happens is that I'm across the street from one of the 2 story stores & aliens are on the top floor. I then shoot them through the glass (not sure if it's in the killing of the alien if that's whats happening or in the breaking of the glass) but the alien then moves straight off the map to the right until it disappears but game is then locked up so I've got to cntlaltdel to get out & reload but I didn't see anything in the log file so can't post anything there.

3) I've got a mission that's a Harvesting mission to a classic eastern suburban area in Asian Republic (savegame & console log attached) but each time I send my team out to go to that mission the game locks up & doesn't load any map etc. I've let time go on & retry but still have same problem each time w/ this mission but have been able to go on others w/ no problems.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:48:42 am »
If it has been fixed good as I had the same problem on another map where a dead alien was blocking shots to an alien behind it so it seems to not really be one map related. Forget the map offhand other than it was a crashed ufo but if I have problem again, I'll try to post bug report if needed w/ a screenshot (wish there was a way to save battlescape too)

Discussion / Re: Some quick questions
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:42:08 am »
Also on the laser battery, once you've researched it you have to produce it then "mount" it into a ready laser battery at a base just like you would have to do a missle battery so only differences are the research & production of it vs missle.

Discussion / Re: 2.4 dev question
« on: May 06, 2011, 11:58:38 pm »
It wasn't a bug on the maps but more of a info type request to see if it was possible to do that. Not a big deal to have it as it's not that bad

Discussion / 2.4 dev question
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:48:41 pm »
Is there some audio setting in 2.4 dev where you can turn off the ambient/weather sounds but keep the sound effects like firing/walking etc. In some maps like the city maps you've got what sounds like a wind storm going on & it kinda overwhelms the other sounds. There are a couple of other maps similar but can't remember them offhand at the moment.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« on: May 03, 2011, 06:16:00 am »
It doesn't seem reliable enough to "use", mostly just enough to prevent that full auto from killing two in a row :l

I'm curious as to whether or not bodies block explosions, now.

In this experience, it would seem so since I fired my rocket at the live alien & it seemed to hit the dead alien but didn't seem to hurt the live alien

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:06:58 am »
Ok here's a pic of what's happening but scenario is using the city map but might affect others in the same situation. Alien A comes out of stairwell & gets killed by RF by my soldier C, Alien B then comes out of stairwell but doesn't shoot but just "looks around" (I assume looking for LOS to shoot but can't) My soldier C doesn't have any pts left to RF after killing A, Soldier D has a rocket but can't RF. Alien turn ends & mine begins. I use C to do a 3rd burst from Assault Rifle but doesn't kill B (I see no blood splatter hits but I hear the "ugh" sound effects of hits) I then do a repeat w/ same results so I move him in way of arrow & then decide that D armed w/ an area effect weapon should do the job & hope he doesn't kill C. He shoots & it hits A area but B is still alive & well so I end my turn & alien then shoots & kills C since it seems like there's now a LOS w/ A not blocking it.

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