UFO:Alien Invasion

Development => Mapping => Topic started by: samofishfire on February 25, 2013, 05:48:19 am

Title: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on February 25, 2013, 05:48:19 am
Hi I'm new to this game and quite a while ago someone sold It to me on ebay for $30.  Realized it's free and forgot about it for a while. Just downloaded it and after beating the original and new XCOM like this one. I want to help by making some maps but I have a few questions

1) I only have 1 texture in UFOradiant. Where is the file that has them and how do you put them in?
2) Any requests for maps besides large ones?
3) How do I give the maps to you when I'm done?

Please answer these questions and I hope I can help
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: GPS51 on February 25, 2013, 08:34:12 am
I'd like to see a "sand dunes on one side vs high rise building" but on a large map to allow for extended game play. I'll add more maps as I think of them. The offices towers already in the game would be perfect.
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: Mattn on February 25, 2013, 10:22:09 am
hi and welcome.

* which version of uforadiant (http://ufoai.org/wiki/Mapping) do you use?
* what is the game engine path you configured. are you using pk3s (http://ufoai.org/wiki/Pk3)?
* what is the texture you are seeing?
* can you post a screenshot of the error?
see here for some ideas (http://ufoai.org/wiki/Mapping/Suggestions)
post a patch on our tracker (http://ufoai.org/bugs/ufoalieninvasion)
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on February 26, 2013, 02:57:38 am
Lets the version is:
GTK+Properties  2.16.1
Glib Properties 2.24.2
GTKGLExt Properties 1.2.0
OpenGL Properties 4.0.0

Just downloaded yesterday so I take it is the newest version

The one texture I can see is this one called nodraw and that's all In the directories

Path is C:\Program Files (x86)\UFOAI-2.4\base and I know that I'm using Pk3's

There isn't much to see besides the fact that it's just a empty directory

Any ideas?
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: Sandro on February 26, 2013, 05:37:54 pm
Radiant cannot read textures from the .pk3s. Unpack them, they are simply renamed .zip archives.
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: Mattn on February 26, 2013, 08:25:54 pm
(in general it can read pk3s. but it might be a bug that this isn't working.)
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on February 27, 2013, 01:00:01 am
Thanks But 2 other questions I have (I know I'm getting annoying but it's my first time ever using a 3D art program).

1) saving doesn't seem to be working. Keep saving on my desktop as a .map but won't recognize the file or say it never saved.
2) Whenever I open UFOradiant I get a message that entities couldn't be loaded.
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: Mattn on February 27, 2013, 09:11:22 am
did you also extract 0ufos.pk3? there should then be a c:\program files\ufoai-2.4\base\ufos\entities.ufo file - your game path should be set to c:\program files\ufoai-2.4

you should save in the game directory - otherwise you won't be able to compile the map. ufo2map expects your map in the game dir (in base/maps to be more exact)

to compile the map run

ufo2map maps/yourmapname (without base here)
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on March 01, 2013, 05:21:00 am
Finally I realized I did install it with the game and I don't have to do all this stuff  :o. But now I have another problem. I can't seem to open radiant. I've tried everything including running on administrator. On a windows 8. Am I missing something and do I need to do anything after I open it since I installed it with the game?
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: ShipIt on March 02, 2013, 09:02:42 am
Hey samofishfire,

the uforadiant coming with the installers of 2.4 and 2.5-dev is broken. There are several threads about working solutions in the Mapping section, like this one (http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php/topic,7245.0.html) and this one (http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php/topic,6625.0.html).

If I got you right, you already have a working copy, but it´s not in the game dir? You could try and a) remove the broken radiant version from the game folder and b) copy your working one in there.
As already said, radiant should be able to read the .pk3, but maybe it isnt. You should extract all of them and remove the .pk3 afterwards.

Iirc the radiant from the download page was working last time I tried. What os are you using? What game version?
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on March 03, 2013, 02:27:40 am
So your saying to delete the busted UFOradiant and replace it with my working one? Also the version is above. Tried doing that copying and it seems that it still can't find the textures or entities in the game folders. Wondering if this is worth it at this point  ;)
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: ShipIt on March 03, 2013, 09:05:10 am
It´s just hard to figure out whats going on. Can you attach the radiant.log? This is a text file somewhere in appdata/radiant, not sure where exactly in Win8.

Beside that, maybe this (http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php/topic,3843.0.html) is worth taking a look.
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on March 05, 2013, 06:46:17 am
Oh sigh this is getting beyond my understanding. I'm wondering if I'm actually useful at this point  :). Windows 7 was so much easier. Tried searching %appdata% and it seems that only roaming exist and a file for Microsoft and no other programs have generated files in there. Having it makes things so much more annoying then things used to be.  I really do want to bash my head into the walls sometimes, (I play XCOM though, the OG and the NG both make me want to do it also).
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: H-Hour on March 05, 2013, 10:45:43 am
Some (http://windows8themes.org/how-to-view-appdata-folder-in-windows-8.html) hits (http://www.computing.net/answers/windows-8/where-do-i-find-the-appdata-file-in-windows-8/71.html) for (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZs8oBmxcI4) where is appdata on windows 8.
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: Mattn on March 05, 2013, 11:49:57 am
does %APPDATA% no longer work in win8?
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on March 07, 2013, 02:04:22 am
Yep and I'll try to see what the website says and I know that screen but instead of the change folder it gives me Windows PowerShell.
Title: Re: UFOradiant questions
Post by: samofishfire on March 09, 2013, 03:41:56 am
Found the appdata folder the youtube link worked. Anyways here's the Txt document I found in the the radiant/appdata folder: