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Topics - Garibaldi

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Bugs in stable version (2.5) / equipment in two places at once.
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:11:57 pm »
Hello all, can i say just how much i love this game? Thank you Geever and team for producing a masterpiece - especially when its for free!

i have bought many games that are vastly worse than UFO:AI!

OK, crawling over - i'm not sure if this is a "bug", or just designed into the game. Whilst my troops were heading back from a successful battle, the sneaky aliens launched an attack on one of my bases. Luckily, i still had troops from my main team sitting around after healing, so they were flashpressed and teleported to the base in question bare minutes before the Bugs hit it. However - the 5 new powered-armour suits i had made were all off with the currently flying squad. <_<

HOWEVER, when i went to that base, i could still "sell" those armour and "buy" them at my new base, thus equipping the defenders with armour that was actually flying over the Sahara at the time.

now, in a way i'm not complaining - the battle still took hours, and with rookie troops with lightweight weapons they'd have been slaughtered without a scratch to the Bugs, and BaseAmerica would have been lost, burned out like an Iraqi Saddam-era civilian bomb-shelter hit by US guided munitions. Yuck!!

but its still an odd thing to be able to do. (I was also slightly disappointed to discover that i hadn't magically made an extra 5 suits - that is TOO much to hope for. ;) )

anyway, just mentioning it in case its not intentional!

oh - one small thing - could it be possible to have a checkbox so its not possible to sell equipment that IS equipped? Like worn equipment doesn't appear on the buy/sell page?

i'm sorry of both of these have been mentioned before - i did look through the forum, but didn't see any related pages.

and again, thank you again for a stunning game. I hope you enjoy coding it as much as we enjoy playing it!! :D


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