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Author Topic: Design: Tech tree  (Read 29110 times)

Offline Bandobras

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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #30 on: July 16, 2006, 07:30:45 pm »
Alien Plasma Theory, Alien Plasma Energy and Alien Plasma Magazine.

Ha, the life of your scientists is tough. Frankly, I prefer the KISS principle.

Only a short number of those items

So what would the aliens fight with. Their claws? Or would the weapons autodestruct? How? Why?


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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2006, 11:47:24 pm »
Frankly, i think that aliens DONT want that their weapons, ships and other technologies go to human hands. As in the same way one country dont want to see that his technology go to another one.

Thats why the aliens would have autodestruction ships, weapons, or maybe chemistry reactions for desapear his own bodies, databases autodestruction, and others...

When completing a mission, is must preffer that not all that technology go to human hands. If the alien ship smashed, or shoot down probably a lot of the technology of the ship will be lost, many of the aliens and their weapons will be lost with the soldiers shoots (If you shoot a rocket launcher, a granade, a plasma rifle or another kind of weapon to a alien, what would happen with the weapon the alien is carry?).

And the alien technology required for experimenting, those requirement would be lost!. (Because they fail in some of their experiments, or they need those items for future experimenting purposes).


Remember that Phalanx team isnt a tipical team (they have a really short number). With 8 weapons stealed form aliens you can have YOUR COMPLETE group equiped with those weapons.

Offline Bandobras

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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #32 on: July 17, 2006, 12:32:03 am »
Quote from: "jagreen"
Frankly, i think that aliens DONT want that their weapons, ships and other technologies go to human hands.

OK. That makes sense.

Thats why the aliens would have autodestruction ships, weapons

I think this is hard. I mean, if everything goes as planned, aliens do not die. If everything falls apart, the last thing the alien worries about is to autodestruct himself, or his belongings...

If you shoot a rocket launcher, a granade, a plasma rifle or another kind of weapon to a alien, what would happen with the weapon the alien is carry?

As a representant of the RPG lovers club, I protest. No way shootng with RPG should have a bigger chance of destroying alien weapons!

And the alien technology required for experimenting, those requirement would be lost!.

Fair enough. So you need 5 weapon samples to research and all are lost in experiment. OK. You fight aliens and prevent them from destroying their artifacts, but you feel really a winner when you manage to retrieve a snigle weapon complete with a magazine from a given mission. Then indeed your tech separation makes sense. Hmm... Perhaps... But this is becoming quite a different game... But if we want, for balance purposes, to slow the pace of the game, your ideas may be quite to the point. It seems less boring than upping research times and experience big jumps from all wielding laser to all wielding plasma to all wielding tachyon, etc.


You may say what you want, but we humans are proud of our technology. Take that lovely RPG, for example, ... Not impressed? What about Tachyon-Beam Rockets for this RPG?

With 8 weapons stealed form aliens you can have YOUR COMPLETE group equiped with those weapons.

I think as the game is developed, many soldiers will be required --- to defend the base, to man another bases and their intercept misions, etc. And UFO:AI is not much about resource collection, but about tactical combat with strategic significance for each single combat mission to make it more serious.


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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #33 on: July 17, 2006, 01:16:14 am »
I think as the game is developed, many soldiers will be required --- to defend the base, to man another bases and their intercept misions, etc. And UFO:AI is not much about resource collection, but about tactical combat with strategic significance for each single combat mission to make it more serious.

Im in love with the mistery part of the game, and the recolect alien technology, and aliens than with the tactical combat, that any strategy game could be better that this :)

Fair enough. So you need 5 weapon samples to research and all are lost in experiment. OK. You fight aliens and prevent them from destroying their artifacts, but you feel really a winner when you manage to retrieve a snigle weapon complete with a magazine from a given mission. Then indeed your tech separation makes sense. Hmm... Perhaps... But this is becoming quite a different game... But if we want, for balance purposes, to slow the pace of the game, your ideas may be quite to the point. It seems less boring than upping research times and experience big jumps from all wielding laser to all wielding plasma to all wielding tachyon, etc.

Give to a player all he need at the same time, and he enjoy for one hour, give him the same divided and he will enjoy for EACH advance he obtain. =P

I think as the game is developed, many soldiers will be required --- to defend the base, to man another bases and their intercept misions, etc. And UFO:AI is not much about resource collection, but about tactical combat with strategic significance for each single combat mission to make it more serious.

As long as i played, i only have to use the same 8 men for all kind of purpouses. Exactly as the X-Com I, the same 8 men do all.

I think this is hard. I mean, if everything goes as planned, aliens do not die. If everything falls apart, the last thing the alien worries about is to autodestruct himself, or his belongings...

I dont undestood exactly what you mean here problably because im not english native.

Offline Bandobras

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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #34 on: July 17, 2006, 01:45:46 am »
I dont undestood exactly what you mean here problably because im not english native.

Or because I'm not one. :)

I mean if a mission goes bad for aliens they do not have enogh time or cold blood to think about destroing their weapons. And if it goes well for them, they just kill you and go for a lunch. ;)


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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #35 on: July 17, 2006, 02:36:36 am »
mean if a mission goes bad for aliens they do not have enogh time or cold blood to think about destroing their weapons. And if it goes well for them, they just kill you and go for a lunch. Wink

Probably if they have cold blood like a lizard  :lol:


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Design: Tech tree
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2007, 10:37:46 am »
The weapons auto destruct does not sound like a fun thing to kick around.

 I can agree with the grenades of the aliens going off if they die, and I happen to land a grenade next to or on the grenades the aliens were carrying.

 But  I am not for an alien weapon blowing up... takes a bit of the tactics out of the fight. Corner one alien, and then kill it while its near some other alien team mates, and then... the second alien self destructs. That would not be fun.

 I honestly would love to see the AI use some close quarters tactics. Could you see this image.... ....

 Phalanx team lands, begins moving to various positions on the map, two man teams scatter in varying directions....

 Team A heads down a hallway into the sub basement, as member 1 of team A moves down the stair case ... is promptly killed. The alien was hugging the wall next to the stair case. Member 2 aims his rifle and finishes the alien. Continues moving forward.


 Team B heads into the building, main hall ahead, and corridors to the left and right after entering the building. Aliens see the Phalanx team, throws a grenade in-front of team B. Team B reacts by throwing grenades in place, unfortunately, the aliens have retreated into the complex for safer cover.

 But this is not the AI thread...


 I always did like it when I could destroy a house with the rocket launcher.

 Especially that guided missile launcher... boy... that was fun.
