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New name for Antareans

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I have no problem with modifiing estonian language to alien language, becuse
1. is sounds strange (no offense)
2. writer of Dune modified arabian language for language of Freemans
3. hard work with creacing whole new language is nearly done.
4. if aliens are not telepatic, then they must speak with words/hands.
5. we have volunter for creator of alien voices/language.

Nice, aliens will speak estonian then?

can I gather my tribe and start making voices?

Taman... it has a nice ring to the name.

 Not going to strike terror into the hearts of those reading it, but if you put a scary enough of a storyline it will...

 As for the story line, are you going to follow the story line from X-com and have the alien base in our solar system on Mars, or are you going to incorporate the Alien base on the Moon that has been talked about by UFO experts here in RL on earth?

 Then again... might not be a fun to have a run at 1 Alien Base on the moon, with its massive towers of mirror finish windows, and everything plated with a gold like finish, and then have to then re-arm, re-fuel, and then fly out to Mars to kick the aliens out of that base as well.

 By chance... how much of the story line has been setup? If possible, could their be additions to the story line to include some other events? i.e fighting on the moon, then on mars?

 As for the game, please, let me take a moment of your time to tell you this with the utmost feeling and thanks.

 This is by far, the most amazing example of what hard teamwork, good code writing, and creative collaborative effort could ever produce to create a game so close and rich when compared to X-COM UFO Defence. What an absolute pleasure it is to to play this game.  ... I now have 1 more reason in my life not to focus on work as hard as I used to....


if you need a good alien looking script for whatever you decide to call these guys, I suggest you model it after Korean. In fact if you look at star wars prerelease artwork, you can tell George Lucas only slightly modified korean script, as tanks and soldier uniforms still had phonetically legible korean writing on them.

its not pictoral like chinese as many people think, rather it uses phonetic characters to assemble syllabic pictoral like blocks. in fact its very scientific.

for example 타민 (tamin) is made from ㅌ(t) ㅏ(ah)  ㅁ(m)  ㅣ(i / ee)  ㄴ(n)

it looks alien, and with a litte font modification, we can modify it ala klingon and get somthing really out of this world.

also, did any of you notice that TAMIN (TAMEN) phonetically means "THEM" in Chinese?

FURTHERMORE in Korean "Ta" from the chinese 他 means "strange / foriegn / alien / unrivaled" while "min" comes from chinese "民" which means people / nation / race  (please note, when Koreans pronounce chinese, they masacre it, so' 他民' in chinese is not going to sound as similar as "tamin" rather its going to sound like "them")

Just an interesting sidenote. Anyway, I guess I'm saying I vote for "Tamin".

Oh, and as per what boveele was saying, you could mod the current game using the following maps from here(from the open universe project, its GNU, and is an excellent engine for a space flight simulator):

just replace map_eath_day.jpg and map_earth_night.jpg in the UFOAI-2.0-RC6\base\pics\menu\ directory with one of the pictures I linked to in the previous link (be sure to cut them down to 2048 x 1024 !) and you have effectively moved the game to mars or the moon (that is if you dont mind the time being wrong, and places like germany and mumbai shoing up identically on the red planet) but yeagh, the game could easily be moved to another planet., without any modification to the code, just models and place names...

leaving the only question of "who's got the time to do it"?


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