I'm starting at modeling. I found that Im very good at vertex modeling and I can keepthe 3D perspective, so Im doing some models.
We always need 3d models, so if you come up with something that would be cool
Have a look at the 'needed models' thread for a list of models.
I recently bought MilkShpae 3D (about 1 week) and of course all of this is something new for me. I dont know how to animate yet, but that is not the problem.
I don't know MilkShape 3D since i use
Blender 3D, but i heard it's a great game-modeller.
The problem is that I wanted to see some UFO:AI models to help the project but I found that the meshs are sleeping or something :p.
I would like to know why this is in that way and how you animate them to make them stand and so.
Well, I know I could have good results in modeling and I would like to help. I'll appreciate some answers and tips
They are not sleeping, but they are most likely displayed in their first animation phase ... this is mostly 'death'
Example from civilians/female/body02.anm (the animation names for body02.md2)
// civilian animations
// name start end fps
death1 0 29 18
dead1 29 29 18
death2 30 47 18
dead2 47 47 18
death3 48 68 18
dead3 68 68 18
stand0 69 70 1
walk0 72 88 22
run0 91 100 18
panic0 102 103 1
I do not know anything about MilkShape 3D, but i think there is an "animate" button somewhere or another possibility to cycle trough the frames of the model. On the other hand, maybe the different animation frames weren't even imported when you loaded the models :-(
Please sorry my english, it's not my native language, that's why I speak like tarzan some times :p
I'm not a native english speaker myself, so i can understand how it is