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State of UAI ?


Lord Pavel:
Hi !
6 years ago (already ?!?) i find this game, I help a little with the Fr translation, then I gave up. I think because there was no end-game yet.

I try to find information about how is the game right now. I come here mostly for play it again, but I would like too help a little with the Fr again.

So, few questions :
- There is a end today ? :)
- 2.6 is enough stable/balanced for be fun ? I know there is few bugs and we work on it. And I know there is the 2.5. But I would like help a little.
- Soon you will un-beta 2.6 ?
- Any major other news ?


Welcome back :D

About your questions:
- There is *an* end, but it is not *the* end we have planned for our story line, and as such the currend ending is kind of anti-climatic
- It should be, as always help is welcome :)
- It will be done when it is done, again help is welcome
- Changelog

Lord Pavel:
Thx for informations !

I have the game (from ''Windows UFO:AI installer (≈1.1 GB), complete installer.''). I start the game and start a campaign, but my main complain right now is the resolution.

My windows 10 v1607 run at 1600*900 32bit 60Hz with an intel core i5-3230 @ 260GHz and a intel HD graphic 4000.
So I try to select a 16:9 resolution, and the 1366*768 give me a black top and right area. And the 1920*1080 give an very big screen game, and the picture go outside the screen (very annoyng to change after).

So :
- How can I have a good size picture ? I try ''stretch screen'' but that dont really work well.
- Can we had a ''cancel'' on the option menu ?
- Can we had a ''restart the game'' when the game ask to restart the game ?

SDL (which we use) has some problems when running fullscreen on non-native resolutions (that is: different from your desktop resolution), you can try two things:

1) You can use a custom resolution to match your desktop's: Start the game with the following parameters: +set vid_mode -1 +set vid_width 1600 +set vid_height 900 (you can also find the configuration file and edit the values there)

2) If you want to use a different resolution you can try to use the "true fullscreen" mode: While running the game Hit [ALT]+[ENTER] to go to windowed mode, then hit [CTRL]+[ENTER] to go to "true fullscreen"

Or, of course, you can try to play in windowed mode (you might want to enable mouse grabbing with [CTRL]+[G] if you do)


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