Technical support > Mac
it seams i know the game wont run if opened in dmg mount localy
it seams i know the game wont run if its opened if the game it self is still in dmg when dmg file is mounted the perpouse of the dmg file on mac os x is like a zip or rar package file but on steroilds the main trick here is the main reson you guys cant get it to run is a mounted dmg file is read only meda like a thumb drive or cd or dvd you got to click and drag the game off the mounted dmg folder into anywere that the mac os can read and write data like in the app folder in order for the sistem to able to set up and save ufo ai config setings into the users libary folder thats why the build wont run its in a READ ONLY FOLDER
also another factor here is most of the mac os x versions pre mac os x 10.8 wont run ufo ai is becue of apple sdl libeiry overhule durning mac os x 10.1 thogh mac os x 10.7 was very raply changeng untill mac os x 10.8 is when they finaly decided to store frameworks that games used in the app it self and also have a framework file stored in the users libary folder as a fallback thats the secound only other reason ufo ai wont work is mac os x 10.1 thoure mac os x 10.7 are not open sorce sorce frenndly due to apple makeing contesnt chages to framework data overhalls raply untill they stoped overalling in mac os x 10.8 due to the fact apple between mac os x 10.1 and mac os x 10.7 are tecnaly unstable beta builds
so before writeng that the ufo ai univseral 2.6 dev build wont work. make sure the game app file is not runing in the dmg mounted folder. and make sure you are runing mac os x 10.8 and up before you write the bug report gosh am i the only mac user here that got ufo ai to run on mac os x 10.12 without even haveing to know how to program due to the fact the problem is the mac os x cant find the framework files to run the game to set the game up is ether the os is too old or its in a gosh darn read only folder two every easy probems to fix theres nothing wrong with the build code its self its just the sistem cant run a game thats needs to write data if it can't write the data in the first place that game needs to write the user libairy config foulder if ufo ai is trying to run in in a read only location due to programed sistem fallsafes in every mac theres a reason the mac uses store user data sepitly from the os sitem folders is to make games run in a self contened runtime to make games run without crashing the whole computer
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