Technical support > Feature Requests
Smooth encumbrance system
I realized that high encumbrance should reduce movement much more than aiming, first aid or other actions.
So now I softed the TU formula: -1TU comes after each +4% weight only in the whole range up to 100% weight, but I added a feature which increasing the TU cost of movement over 50% weight. Colors are refined also:
- Green color is appear in 0-46% weight (bonus TU),
- Skyblue at +0TU (46-50% weight),
- Yellow from -1 TU to -4 TU (51-65%), movement need 3 TU for each step,
- Orange from -5 TU to -6 TU (66%-73%), a step need 4 TU,
- Dark Orange from -7 TU to -8 TU (74%-81%), a step is 5 TU,
- Red from -9 TU to -10 TU (82%-89% weight), a step is 6 TU,
- Dark Red at -11 TU (90%-93%), a step is 7 TU,
- Darker Red at -12 TU (94%-97%), a step is 8 TU,
- Darkest Red at -13 TU (98%-100%), moreover every step consume 9 TU.
A "Move" label after the kg in inventory screen show the number of squares what the solider can reach in a turn. This is calculated by dividing the max. TU with the movement cost of a step at the current weight and wounds, then rounded down.
The exact TU cost of a single move is displayed at the end of the tooltip.
This way looks more real, soliders now able to pull the trigger even at 100% weight. :)
A good side effect is a big reduction in the appearance of "Not enough TU" popups in the inventory screen.
Please test this system in the attached zip or in the updated patch.
Changes in Smooth encumbrance system v1.3:
- Encumbrance modifier is more close to the original, reach the top at 69% weight (2.5x at -5TU).
- Size of skill labels is increased in inv_stat.ufo to do not cut long labels (highly proficient).
- If a solider drop some weight then moveTU change instantly.
Now if a solider is penalized due to encumbrance so a step need 3TU and in the middle of a turn there is not enough TU left to reach safety then possible to drop his weapon to fall below 50% weight and his movement will be instantly boosted to 2TU/move. This could be enough to run into a safe place.
Max. TU will increase in the next turn only as always, this is not changed.
In v1.4:
- The highest difficulty level need at least 3TU for each move, 4-10TU when encumbered.
- MaxTU increase/decrease instantly when some weight is raised/dropped.
- Mouse wheel up/down in inventory window change the focus to the previous/next solider during battle.
Skyblue is obviously way off the color ramp chosen. Is it meant to be an eye-catching indicator that your soldier just begins to slow down under the load?
It is the default color for +0TU in ufoai 2.6 during combat. In the base it was white, but white is also the hover color when the mouse is over the label so I unified to the light blue.
It mean the optimal load near 50% where no movement penalty.
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