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If you fire burst mode, only the first hit is count. You will get the same experience either you make a hit with pistol or you fire a burst with needler and at least one needle is hit the target. It is irrelevant how much bullet is in the burst, if one is hit, you will get the full xp, next bullets do damage only but no more xp.

The best for skills if you use weapons with low damage and low TU, where you can fire many snapshots. With burst-only weapons the best is the lowest mode which need less TU and do the lowest damage, giving more chance to open another fire to the same target (even with another solider) which mean another xp.

I like 7.62mm Pistol and Laser Pistol, these are need 4 TU only. If I have enough time in the turn then I fire at least one pistol snapshot before the main rifle shot to practice skills.

My other tactics is to fire 4 pistol shots right at the start of the mission, then just drop it to the ground. I will get it back at the end when all items will be gathered from the map. My soliders usually hold a pistol in the left hand right at start (save 2TU due to no need to take out), just one hold a Smoke Grenade.

My other tactics is to fire 4 pistol shots right at the start of the mission, then just drop it to the ground. I will get it back at the end when all items will be gathered from the map. My soliders usually hold a pistol in the left hand right at start (save 2TU due to no need to take out), just one hold a Smoke Grenade.

why u fire 4 pistol shots in the start? with a target or just in the space??

i got a smoke in every left hand of my soldiers, to save the time units for taking it out of holster.

Ah ok, each action will gain skill not the number of bullets.

is it good to have 6 2. lieutenants and 2 lieutenantsafter 38 missions in very hard mode?

br kc

Of course I shot with pistol to an easy target. The goal is to improve skills which require to deliver hit. The 4 shots+drop need 17 TU which could fit right into the first turn, completing the possible practice in close skill.

Due to clearing the total hp of all enemies in the map need only 2-4 shots from each solider with the main weapons, the additional pistol usage give at least the half of my experience in accuracy, speed and health. In other words, these are grow at least 2 times faster since I use pistols also.

Good plan. Thx.


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