Technical support > Bugs in stable version (2.5)
Position Error: Solar Power Plant with Herakles
I've encountered a bug playing version 2.5 for Linux. When attempting to recover a crashed UFO or any other mission at a solar-power plant with the Herakles dropship, the mission starts with all my soldiers lined up on top of the dropship and unable to go anywhere. "Auto-complete" works as usual.
I'm sorry, but I'm not reporting this right away, so I don't have a console log to share or a saved game. If you'd like, I can try to grab the log and a screenshot next time this happens.
Saludos, and thanks for creating such a great game!
Open a new ticket perhaps.
I'm not sure. I never experienced this with v2.5 and Heracles with 12 soldiers.
Granted, this is not a valid statistical answer. But as the map is not a RMA one (isn't it?), why doesn't this always happen ?
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