Development > Artwork
Herakles-class Heavy Lifter Redesign
personally i think that when you redesign it you should design it in similar way like old one was. with separated cargo pod with inner size somewhere 4x8 or 4x10 tiles. so it can easily carry 12 troops and some UGVs when those will be added. outside dimensions should than be 6x12. but less or equal to 8x16.
my suggestion is that herahkles should work like thunderbird 2 or like thi MI-10
and so actual aircraft can be bigger. but you will never see it in map.or maybe in some special map. but most of the time you would only see its cargo pod like it is now.
If there is no problem i will edit the post article as Herakles resdesign.
i will try to redesign completly according to old one.(i mean as 2 seperate parts , one for pod one for carirer).
New tries!!
Looks as if the sides are completely open. Usually the first thing to do in a ground battle is provide cover by throwing a smoke grenade; however, doing so requires the thrower to be covered (or otherwise - reaction shot - thrower dead - one unit less and not achieved anything yet). The Firebird does it well. So some cover is useful.
I'm trying to throw in my battlescape experience here, as the current Herakles and Raptor don't seem to have been designed with that in mind.
I personally would have a mix between your two models (cargo pod and aerodynamic vehicle) : a modified container as told in the data sheet. Concern with current model is its aerodynamics, not far from that of a Mi-10 carrying a bus. But how so modified?
- perhaps, the lateral doors could be only one square wide (as currently in some Firebird maps);
- you could add 6 seats to make it for 12 (perhaps smaller seats?). Don't forget the 2x2 room for an UGV, at the rear of the pod.
- the external texture should be modified to make room for the lateral doors of course, and why not adding some anti-plasma active shielding (making it even more blocky and a makeshift like some nowadays battle tanks).
- why not changing the Heracles description a little, add a rear prop and a suction skirt? (your first model made me think about this). Thus, the tactical deployment of the Herakles would consist into bringing the pod as near to the foes as possible for the carrier, and then having its own engine pushing it even deeper into the operation theater, something, the Firebird would barely do (realistically), and the current Herakles carrier shouldn't even try. Then, the maps could be slightly modified by clearing the area behind the rear of the pod to simulate the end of its short trail through the vegetation and why not, small houses (Did you ever witness an Armored Troop Carrier messing in a curve in some tiny village?). This would help a little on some maps when the (as for now) only exit of the pod is a few squares only to a large and unsecured cover.
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