Development > Artwork

Herakles-class Heavy Lifter Redesign

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For now total polgon count is 372.Low.I tried to minimize.Old ones herakles without pod was 1668 polygon.
I'm doing the texturing but if there is a pro texturer, i can leave this part to him/her.
texture size is 2048x2048.
That's all for now.
Waiting your comments.

you could easily go to 1000 trits. cargo pod is interesting. seats could be textures only because a bit bigger cargo pod would mean you could do so maneuvering inside cargo pod in case you get injured soliders and to send the right soliders out in front line.

I did send the plan before, according to it, i did the model. Now you are saying it 's small.
Ok! then i'm waiting for the plan to be finalized.

Cargo pod:
Modeled or only textured, there should be 12 seats, but each one may be less wide than a square (as per current Heracles model?). 4 seats could be integrated to the doors, indeed, and not displayed on the Battlescape model).
I guess that the mappers would spwan each inner UGV facing forwards at each front door.
As for the circulation inside the landed pod, it is currently possible with your (thin) model, but only at the rear doors (provided all the UGVs are spawned in the front half of the pod). It's better than with the Firebird anyways, and could be enough? It's true there are plenty of room inside the current in-game Heracles pod, but only one exit severely limits the tactical opportunities.

Last model features a cargo pod beneath the carrier. If possible, I'd have the cargo better embedded under/inside the carrier, perhaps half its height. This would lower the drag during flight (even if alien propulsion provides the required power). What happens if you just shift the pod upwards when it's attached to the carrier? I guess that the carrier's model should then be adjusted to hide those cargo parts that would emerge through it.
Also, the carrier's model could display a kind of VTOL capability, perhaps conventional thrusters? Or should we say that the pod itself hides those thrusters (unlikely)?

By the way:
Additionnal hardpoint for external 2x2 UGV could be featured on the rear of the carrier (or only textured), but the loaded UGV doesn't need to be modeled on the cargo+carrier models (in base, UFOpaedia and Geoscape models), of course.


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